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Sunday 17 May 2020

Silver Birkies

Hello my lovelies!

Tell me, is there a help group for ladies addicted to their silver birkies?

I may be “dressing” up and showing up in lockdown but my standards are getting getting more blasé in isolation.  No make up and an inability to think further than Birkenstocks.

Birkenstock’s are the ultimate in summer comfort.
And these silver beauts add a bit of glam to that comfort so can be worn with just about anything in these bare-legged months, including pretty skirts and dresses as well as the ubiquitous white jeans.
And my stay-home outfits are all of the above 
They just have to be the ultimate in at-home footwear, right ladies?
What’s your footwear addiction right now?

A la perchoine,
Mary x.
#stayhome #stayhomestaysafe #stayhome2020 #showingup2020 
#retirementdressing #agelessstyle #over70style #over70fashion #over60style #whatiwore #whattowear #cashmere #cashmerecardigan #jonesofnewyork #birkenstocks #birkenstocksandals #silverbirkenstocks #silverbirkies #birkies


  1. They are very glam. I love the look of these sandals but have never been able to wear anything with a toe-post as they always rub my skin.
    At the moment I seem to be in ballet flats all the time!

    1. Oh that's a shame, and I struggle with ballet flats - lack of arch support. There's a shoe out there for every foot foible, fortunately!double
      Hugs, x.

  2. I love my Birkenstocks, particularly this style. I have them in the Metallic Anthracite colour - the colour is surprising versatile and I find I can wear them with almost anything. Confession - I have them in the silver as well!

    1. Sounds like you're definitely with the Birkie programme, Connie! It's great how these metallics go with anything.
      Hugs, x.

  3. I can see why they are so versatile, I would also wear them with everything. I had a cute pair of silver flat slip-ons that were very similar and I wore them until they broke. They look great on you as they also book-end your gorgeous hair. Lise

    1. So sweet with the book end observation, Lise, maybe that's why they go with everything I wear! Your silver fatties sound versatile too, hope you can replace them as metallics go with most outfits.
      Hugs, x.
