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Tuesday, 11 February 2025

What I Did In January

Hello my lovely people!

I really am going to try to make this month’s post considerably shorter than previous monthly round ups. Let’s see how I do.

I created a cosy reading nook and surrounded myself with greenery, bringing the outside in to my warm space. 

A yucca cut to the ground last year is regrowing crazily, surviving the cold temperatures and winter’s storms; toppled pots strewn on the ground evidence recent stormy weather. 

Pretty china cups were brought out to play. 

A pretty cup turns a coffee and sandwich lunch into an elegant afternoon tea. 

January got me thinking of a growing plants from seed and lusting after a greenhouse.   
Do you  have a greenhouse? 
Any tips on greenhouse styles, uses etc?


I tidied up a storage area in the kitchen. 


I sourced a couple of baskets from the office and rearranged things a little.  I think it looks tidier and I can spot the equipment I use regularly. 

The Christmas cake was still hanging around.

TP cleared the last piece mid-month!

I hunkered down and baked bread. 

I occasionally smartened up my warm winter jeggings act. 

But only by switching to faux leather jeggings!

And of course seeing myself in shiny jeggings hastened an order of the Nordic 5:2 diet book!


There were some cold crisp and sunny days, but mostly rain prevailed through the month.  The wet leaves strewn along the hedgerows led to …

… Sudafed.  I suffer sinusitis this time of year due to the prolonged rain spawning dead leaf mold and fungi spores, all prevalent in January.  Inevitably I have to pull the big guns out of the bathroom cabinet - only Sudafed has clears sinusitis in my world.

Are you a sinusitis sufferer? Do you have a go-to remedy?

January is a month of comfort food, so I made a meat loaf. 

I was greeted by frosty mornings when I peeked out of my bathroom window. 

So I upped the hot chocolate intake!

Winter is a time for warm woollies.
My green cashmere is a great choice to keep the frost at bay (La Redoute sale). 

We didn’t plan matchy matchy green jumpers but it often happens that we accidentally twin.  
You too with your partner?

Worn here with my retirement uniform coated jeggings (Next) and cosy tractor tread boots (M&S). 
Coated jeggings are my going out version of my cosy day-to-day winter jeggings (I really must write a post on those winter stalwarts).

The twins went out on a date lunch. 

I love the Christie’s Cocktail, a mix of crab and prawn which a local restaurant puts together so tastily.  I steal fat chips from TP and make this my meal. 

Walking back to the bus terminus after lunch I was drawn to this fine display of green scarves hats and bags. 

And I was drawn too to this outfit on the left which I plan to copy.  
Do you find outfit inspiration in shop windows?

Another day and I wandered around a garden centre and was drawn to these blue and white ginger jars - and the 75% off sign!

But only a pair of green candle holders came home with me instead (green must have been on my mind in January).

My 5:2 book arrived and I had days of cottage cheese

and vegetable soup.

Both were very tasty, but then I found myself craving

a curry 

and an egg and cress sarnie.  So I had both.  Separately of course!

The good thing is that through January I stuck reverently to my twice weekly 500 cal days and I lost a few kilos; the bad thing was that a little bounced back on.  The net result was a loss of just 1 1/3 lbs!  But it’s a loss, not quite as much as I would have liked (or needed!) but I’m sticking with it as I find it quite easy to restrict myself to two days of 500 cal eating per week. 

Have you tried 5:2 or intermittent fasting?  
How have you fared?  
I’d love to hear from you as I need all of the support I can get right now! 

Let’s move on from dieting disappointments.  Let’s get back to nature!  We spotted a flock of egrets on one of our beach walks. 

I’ve been favouring beach and headland walks since the dreaded sinusitis attack to avoid getting near leaf mold and fungi. 

I accepted a cousins’ challenge to finish a lingering project.  I chose this patchwork quilt as my lingering project.  It’s made up of pretty Laura Ashley fabric.  It’s lingered since the late 80s, and when I unpacked it I realized I’d abandoned it back then … with just TWO triangles of patchwork left to do!
Oh the embarrassment - WHY didn’t I finish it?!!!

With it was an abundant supply of fabric so I have absolutely no excuse not to finish it … watch this space!

In the same stash I found this Laura Ashley fabric in duck egg blue.  Pretty huh?  
Back in the 80s I made two pairs of curtains, six table mats and a toilet bag in this fabric … and I still have several metres left over!
I’ll make a table cloth for the extended table and gawd knows what I’ll do with the rest.  An apron or six maybe?!

The abundance of rain during the month left large puddles.  I named this Guernsey’s Lake District. 

View from Bordeaux headland as I continued on my mission to avoid leaf mold. 

It may have been dry and sunny on some days in the month but we had to bundle up!

However, a cold bracing day is good for the soul. 

Provided you dress for the weather.
Me bundled up to the max and TP with no hat or scarf!

And on that note, I think I’ve taken up enough of your time!

Now, did I fail on the failed on the Norse Saga sized post?

Well, it’s long on pics but shorter on wordage and the latter was my aim, so hopefully you can scroll through this one in record time.  

Please let me know how it was for you!

A la perchoine,

Mary x.