Remember ...

If not now, when?

Wednesday 20 April 2016

The Sleeper (a.k.a. The Post That Got Away)

Dear Friends, here follows the Disappearing Post.  The Post That Got Away.
Keypads are just too bloomin' sensitive these days!  One press and pooofff!  The whole post disappeared!
Here it is, re-worked.  For your delectation and delight!

Do you have Sleepers in your wardrobe?  Things you buy but then find you don't like?  Things that don't get consigned to the charity shop bag?  Even though year after year, you still don't like them, they still haven't been worn and they still have the tags on?
I call these Sleepers.  And I've had a few! 
I keep them because I think, well, maybe one day ...

Then one day you try on The Sleeper, maybe with different clothes, with some nice accessories, you try using it a different way, or maybe one day you just try it on with a different attitude! 
And magically, you like it!

My H+M denim shirt is my longest-sleeping beauty. 

I must have had it for about 15 years.  Still with its size sellotape intact.  I tried countless times to give it another try.  Each time it was returned to the black plastic bag, shoved in the archive cupboard.  Because I felt like a sergeant major in it.  I'm too busty for fitted shirts.  They look good on a man's torso.  Or a well-proportioned lady's.  Just not on mine.  
For the same reason I've given up trying to work the Crisp White Shirt.

Then a year or so ago I tried it on.  Again.  This time... unbuttoned, as ... a jacket.  Duh ! And I loved it.
Ok, it's not rocket science, not ground-breaking.
But to those of you who know me, this saga will come as NO surprise.

Our first summer together was fun and it didn't take long for us to become best buddies.  NBFs.
But this spring, we are inseparable.  We can't keep apart.  Its kinda embarrassing ...

I've also found that it works as an under-layer too, as the army-like torso isn't visible, but it provides some warmth.  Another Duh!  OK, OK, I may possibly be the last person to get the memo about layering items.  Under and Over.  But I got there.  Finally!!!!!!!
So my advice to you today is to think twice, thrice, maybe 20 times before consigning mistake-purchases to the charity shop - IF you have the archive space, of course, otherwise it just gets messy.  Because you never know if you have a Sleeper lurking ...

STOP PRESS: I flew over to the UK for the first leg of my holiday.  Guess what I wore as my over-layer.  Yup, my NBF!

A la perchoine.


  1. Bonjour beautiful PP. Your story about sleepers is also my story, in particular the denim shirt story... I have owned a few over the last 10 years and mine have disappeared into the black 'archive' bags as well (and some have bitten the dust...) but, the ones that are still in hiding have not made it onto my person. Your account brings hope, however, and I will have another go! Watch this space, ma cherie. A la prochaine. La Duchesse

  2. Thank you for popping in, Duchesse. What is it with we women, denim shirts and black bin bags?! I do hope you have some luck with your shirts, this time round. My strongest tip is to try using your shirts as loose jackets. Please keep us posted!
