I started talking about my approach to eating differently in FINDING MARY #1 (tap on the link). I hope you enjoyed it. I'd like to talk a little more about that new approach today, and in true Pout style I'll slip in a few outfit pics whilst I'm at it!
I can only tell you what works for me, we're all different and I'm not a dietician or a medical professional. Always consult with your doctor before making changes to your eating or exercise regimes.
What Happened
What Happened
Grey cashmere/merino polo neck, v. old suede skirt which fits me again!
At the beginning of the summer I made changes to what I ate and how I treated myself. Why? Because I had an epiphany. Yeah, epiphany is a bit of grand way of describing a life event of a mediocre blogger, but epiphany is what it was.
I saw a rare glimpse of myself 360° and my reaction was that the real me was trapped in an alien body, or a Monica fat suit!
Mary's in there somewhere, I cried, release Mary!
(Or as Pythonites would cry "welease Ma-wy!")
It sounds a bit sci-fi, I'll give you that, but that's what happened!
I saw a rare glimpse of myself 360° and my reaction was that the real me was trapped in an alien body, or a Monica fat suit!
(Or as Pythonites would cry "welease Ma-wy!")
It sounds a bit sci-fi, I'll give you that, but that's what happened!
I realised many things immediately after this epiphany. I think epiphanies have a way of doing that, opening your eyes to the truths then finding you the tools to manage what needs to change.
And things did need to change and for the right reasons and mine was that I was in the wrong body! I set about finding Mary.

Attitude Shift

Grey suede boots from Debenhams. Attitude, model's own!
Attitude Shift
I realised I needed to be kind to myself.
I'd tried the bootcamp style deprivation in the past and I was walking talking evidence that it doesn't work.
I realised I needed to eat less than I was eating and less of what I was eating.
Btw, I didn't overeat - I ate less than most, I ate slower than most, but my body must need less than most.
I'd tried the bootcamp style deprivation in the past and I was walking talking evidence that it doesn't work.
I realised I needed to eat less than I was eating and less of what I was eating.
Btw, I didn't overeat - I ate less than most, I ate slower than most, but my body must need less than most.
I realised I needed to keep things Light Touch to have a chance of long-term success.
And it needed to happen NOW, not next month, after my holiday, whenever. NOW. Every single day of change would make a small difference; a whole bundle of days would make a bigger difference.
Put simply, my attitude shifted.
Put simply, my attitude shifted.
And that shift allowed all the jigsaw pieces to fall into place.
New Approach
New Approach
- I formed a loose undraconian plan to fit in with my epiphanal thinking. (I may just have made up a new word - epiphanal !).
- I talked my plan through with my doctor and he was cool.
- My plan quickly evolved into something that totally worked for ME. There can never be a one-size that works long-term for all. We are all different.
- Simple. Light Touch. Flexible. Balanced. Elegant.
Those are the words that fit what I'm now doing. Present tense because I still have a way to go.
Attitude is the key to a successful weight loss regime.
Without the magic of attitude I was destined for mediocre, short term success on repeat.
I now realise that attitude drives whether I'm successful or not at losing weight. It's pivotal. The reason why I want to lose weight and my approach to achieving this are essential to success. Without the magic of attitude I will have limited success and status quo will return. That's why I've covered attitude today, for what I eat is almost secondary.
I'm writing in the first person, btw, because I can't prescribe for others. I'm in the driving seat for my personal journey. But are you finding my ramblings in any way useful?
Now I'll stop at this point. I could carry on wittering, giving you the nitty-gritty, the food plan, the whats and whens of my weight loss journey to-date, but perhaps you're not really interested? Maybe I'm talking to myself!
But as usual, whether you want to comment about today's subject or about something else entirely, I'd love to from you.
A la perchoine,
Attitude is the key to a successful weight loss regime.
Without the magic of attitude I was destined for mediocre, short term success on repeat.
I now realise that attitude drives whether I'm successful or not at losing weight. It's pivotal. The reason why I want to lose weight and my approach to achieving this are essential to success. Without the magic of attitude I will have limited success and status quo will return. That's why I've covered attitude today, for what I eat is almost secondary.
I'm writing in the first person, btw, because I can't prescribe for others. I'm in the driving seat for my personal journey. But are you finding my ramblings in any way useful?
I was out and about early, so I needed a snuggly car shawl (Next).
Now I'll stop at this point. I could carry on wittering, giving you the nitty-gritty, the food plan, the whats and whens of my weight loss journey to-date, but perhaps you're not really interested? Maybe I'm talking to myself!
But as usual, whether you want to comment about today's subject or about something else entirely, I'd love to from you.
A la perchoine,
Well done Mary! You're looking fab.
Thanks, Vronni, so sweet of you! Hugs, x.
DeleteMary-Please remember that continued good health is a rare gift! Taking care of yourself in whatever way fits you is all that matters. I know that we might never meet in person but from reading your blog, I believe that your true beauty lies inside you no matter what you see in your mirror! Best of luck with this self-care and thanks for sharing your attitude shift with us!
ReplyDeleteAhh, mange tak Jules, du er saa soed!
DeleteI'm so moved by your words, and I am so grateful to be the age I am and in reasonably good health. I hope you are in good health too, I feel from your comments that you are.
The person inside is what counts and I don't think dieting works, especially if doing it at a superficial level just to "look good". So I'm not dieting and my different approach to eating is to find the me I know is hiding inside ! Right reason, right outcome.
Have a superb day, knus, Mary x.
You look glowing. Your new attitude is obviously working and you are wise to do this with a light hand. It's important for all of us to look after ourselves because we cannot look after others if we are not in a good place. Thank you for sharing this journey you are undertaking.
ReplyDeleteOh thank you for your sweet words, Christy, and you are so right in what you say. Hubs was thanking me only this morning for seeing him through so much illness, surgery, hospitalisation and convalescense this year, and we can only care for others if we take care of ourselves, you are so right on that.
DeletePlease take care of yourself too, my sweet friend, have a great day, x.
Attitude is everything and pure magic in our hearts and you look incredible!! BIG HUGS and Cheers too!
ReplyDeleteOh you sweet cutie pie, thank you!
DeleteHappy weekend, x.
Hi Mary! I love your outfit, in particular, the car shawl. And I envy you your attitude! Well done! You look great. I, for one, would be interested in the nitty gritty, and would love to read what you've been eating. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteOh thank you, Susan. Although I write this blog primarily for myself, it gives me the enthusiasm to carry on with each comment. I sometimes need to call out to the ether void and it's reassuring to get feedback as you've done today, so big thanks! Have a lovely weekend, x.
DeleteI love your approach. We're often so hard on ourselves when we decide to lose weight, as if we're trying to punish our bodies. You're looking fab Mary and there's no way you're a mediocre blogger. Let me tell you, it's your blog that drives the most traffic to mine!
ReplyDeleteOh Gail, so great to hear you're getting traffic from here - I'm doing something right! Thank you for your sweet words, I wish I'd learned this lesson of self-kindness earlier. Wishing you the best of weekends, x.
DeleteI think Ma-wy has been found indeed; the new you and new attitude shines through in all of the photos you have been posting of late. So proud of you!! Big hug from me and the Percster!xx
ReplyDeleteOh thanks sweet Dutchie and Percster! I'm so pleased you can see a change. Now, you go off and have one amazing weekend my dear, xx.
DeleteYou look so happy and amazing! It's so clear that you've made positive changes in your life! Good for you!
ReplyDeleteSo very sweet of you, Laura, positive thought is a powerful tool eh? Wishing you a joyous weekend, x.
DeleteWell done Mary, you're doing an amazing job! I've just been to visit Jacqui's blog and can see that you and she are firing on all cylinders now. Congratulations and keep doing what you're doing cos it clearly works xxx
As tganks, Anna and yes, isn't Jacqui looking fabulous! Hope things are blissfully relaxed in Tresco now that high season has passed, happy weekend, x.
DeleteThank you for discussing your insight about attitude. It's true that everything starts with a thought or a revelation. An epiphany. I love your description of your eating plan as simple, lightly held, balanced, flexible and elegant. I'm enormously interested to hear what you are eating if you feel inclined to share. Your blog is always entertaining and inspiring. I'm always looking forward to seeing what's next. xo
ReplyDeleteThanks for your sweet words, Karen, I really appreciate your feedback. We seem to be on the same wavelength in believing that good things start with powerful thought. Writing up my little journey takes time but it's worth when I get feedback like yours! Hope you're having a great weekend, x.
DeleteMy beautiful Mary, you look amazing and I can tell you feel good too! That is key because it keeps you invested in the new lifestyle of eating better and moving more. Diets and bootcamps don't work neither does deprivation. We're older and wiser so we choose to do the right things for ourselves and when we start seeing results it feels so good! Keep it up my friend, you look "amazeballs"!!!
Aww thanks, sweet sista! You're right, feeling good does keep a person invested in the programme. Your early morning exercise routine is a perfect example of that and the dividends are clearly visible, you are one fabulous lady! Hope your weekend is going as well as it can, my beautiful friend, x.
DeleteWell done. And I love your approach.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Pat, how we approach things is key eh. Glad you popped in, happy weekend hugs, x.
DeleteOh come on Mary don't leave us in suspenders,spill the beans on some of your tips for losing some weight, I have just come back from a few days away and feel really unfit,we had a lot of steps, stairs and hills to do and I was really struggling so time I did something.
ReplyDeleteSo funny, Polly! I'm drafting things each week but it does take time, I'm not intentionally keeping you in suspenders!! Meantime, I hope you find this post useful in some small way, have a good weekend and be kind to yourself, x.
DeleteMary, weight management is one of the hardest challenges of retired life. You look SO GOOD and you are inspiring me, but I have decided I just cannot go on another "diet." My husband has gotten his weight down by walking religiously every day, and by cutting back on portions and carbs. We really would like to know some of your secrets. We understand you are not a doctor, and promise not to sue you if your tricks don't work for us!
ReplyDeleteSweet words from a sweet lady, thank you Susan.
DeleteYes, that's just it, forget "diet", been there, done that many times - how about "different eating plan"? Mine is just a simple approach that works for me, no secrets, but I need to find time to write these posts because as you know, retirement is heckishly busy! You're husband is one smart cookie, well done him. And so funny about the sue thing, but it's the frightening world we live in, eh?!!
Have a fab weekend, x.
ReplyDeleteYour happiness shines through. Its all about feeling good and being healthy and you look great too! That scarf is a winner, love the look with your grey cashmere sweater and skirt.
thanks for linking
jess xx
Thanks Jess, I'm well on the way to releasing my inner me! I like a little skirt and jumper in winter and I'm loving my old suede skirt again. Thanks for elegantly hosting! Happy Sunday, x.
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you, Missy, and importantly thing I've got a grip on who I am again, and that's making me happy. Have a super week; hope it's not too cold where you are, the temperature has plummeted here today but at least it's sunny. X.
DeleteI'm sure I can see more confidence coming from you Mary. You look amazing xx
ReplyDeleteAw thanks for your kindness, Laurie, I needed to gain confidence so I'm thankful to you.
DeleteKeep warm and cosy in this cold snap, x.