Remember ...

If not now, when?

Saturday 9 June 2018

Saturday Six #4

Hello, my dear reader.  Happy Saturday to you!
Yes, it's Saturday and, rather weirdly for inconsistent old me, this means you get my fourth Six.
Oh my, have I truly made it all the way to #4?!!!  Four was my aspiration and I've achieved it.  Can I get to six Sixes ... ?  That would be neat.

#1.  The benefits of Saturday Six

I think I've got to #4 because this happens to be a good vehicle for bits and bobs.  I often used to write little bitty blogs which never got to see the light of day.  And hey, I can now bundle them up into a snappy package called a Saturday Six!
Does this format work for you, dearest reader?

#2.  The written word.

Receiving kind words touches deep into our souls and when it's received out of the blue and in writing, then it really hits that spot.

This week, out of the blue, we received a pretty card of our little Sussex town from a UK cousin and her husband.  Inside were pictures of their garden where we have spent happy times dining (and perhaps drinking too?!), chatting through the day and into the dark of the evening.

(I strewed a few dying peony petals, hopefully incentivising TP to buy me a replacement bunch!)

 My cousin and her hubby wrote that they missed us and how they were looking forward to welcoming us into their home again.

Also this week, when I was getting het up in our Sibs messaging group about struggling to find a parking space in town because of cruise liner passenger transporation clogging things up, I received this:
"Let it go, you'll only get bitter and rage on your blog - embrace the liners and you will find inner peace and constant zen."
It was written humorously but it brought my rant totally into perspective and I lol-ingly laughed at myself!  Thanks Bro.  And it's done the trick - no rage here today!

Written words touch us deeply, so why not write a note, an email, a card, a letter, when you randomly think  nice thoughts about someone, when you suddenly feel inspired to reach out to a loved one?  #spreadtheloveinwords.

#3. Poldark

In my previous Six I told you that we were "getting a man in" to do the garden.

I posted a pic of Poldark.

Well "be careful what you wish for" because it turns out Poldarks are like buses,  you wait for ages for one and then two turn up at the same time!

Of course, I had to tell them about my Poldark post when asking their permission to post this pic and one of them told me that he actually gets told he looks like Poldark!

Photo Bonus #1.  I was reminded of the crack in the camera lens when it appeared covering Poldark No 1's face.  I decided to address the cracked lens the following day.  Wearing the pineapple outfit below, we went into town ("it's gonna be expensive" said the camera shop guy).  It was a 2 cruise ship day and we struggled to park, which caused Bro to give me his words of wisdom above.
From cracked lens to zen.

Anyway, back to Poldark (oh how I digress!) - the guys have worked so hard and without pause, amazing stuff  has been done in a couple of days and the garden has been totally blitzed.  I'll share their work with you sometime soon.

#4.  The Yellow Cardi Saga.

Last year I made occasional references to a missing cardi.  It was a useful piece in my summer wardrobe and I mourned its absence.
It didn't turn up for duty again during this year's seasonal switch (SEE HERE), so I bit the bullet and bought another, which was similar but not quite the lemony shade that I'd loved. 

When I bought it I told TP that of course the MIA cardi will now turn up.  And it did.  When hunting for specific old bright blue jacket this week, I found the AWOL item in the same bag.

Turns out that yellow cardis are like buses too. 

To paraphrase Oscar "to have one yellow cardi is fortunate; to have two is careless".

#5.  Deferred.

Well, this one was going to be about the film I saw last weekend, but that bit got a bit too long for this bits n bobs vehicle and it clearly was a post on its own, so you'll get that tomorrow as a "bonus feature".  Hope you do pop back tomorrow to #readallaboutit!

#6.  What I wore.

Well, seems it's a variation on a chinos and cardi theme this week, though white jeans and shorts have burst in on sunnier days.

Pineapple top, chinos and summer weight cardi (£5 rail some years ago), all M&S. Clarks metallic toe flatties.

Berry top (Next),  chinos and snakeprint flatties from M&S,  cardi from The White Company.

 Photo bonus #2:  In editing the first outfit's pics, I spotted that the mirror I limed some years ago now clashes with the aged oak of the Lebus roll-top desk.  That's yet another project now added to my never-ending 2018 To Do List.  (Hmmnn, perhaps extra work's not really a bonus ...?)

I'm off for a lovely meal on the cliffs this evening.  The forecast is looking a bit iffy.  Friday's weather would have been perfect for this setting, rather than the thunderstorms predicted slap bang (quite literally!) around teatime.  Oh, what to wear in a thunderstorm?  Not an umbrella, perhaps?!

A la perchoine.

I've got a # button and I'm not afraid to use it!

If you're enjoying my posts, please do subscribe and follow me using the buttons on the right hand bar.
You won't find the Pouting Pensioner active on Instagram or Twitter on principle but I still like Pinterest.


A Book Club
A Vintage Collab
A Style Steal
An espadrille.


  1. I enjoy these Saturday 6s that contain the bits and bobs of your life. Very wise to amalgamate these into one post. Love that pineapple top on you. Having been advised by you to break out from my blues I am enjoying wearing coral and yellow for a change. And, we could all do with 2 Poldarks in the garden, however, they may have a challenge in mine which consists of lots of rock and little soil!!!

    1. Thanks for your feedback, Christy, it's good to hear views when trying something new, and especially from a long-time reader like yourself.
      Glad you like the pineapples, it's straying a bit from what I normally wear. But oh my lovely lady, I'm thrilled that you are enjoying straying into some new summer colours. You need just 2 or 3 top pieces to make a huge impact on your day to day outfits.
      Your garden sounds like the ones I saw in Arizona, it's all about landscaping in those conditions, eh. So very different from gardens here. I'm sure my Poldarks could do a great job for you!
      Wishing you a happy week ahead, x.

  2. Ok, How could I resist a post that has a photo of Aiden Turner!!!!!! Love the snake printed flats. Take care...talked way to much on your post today, so keeping this one short!

    1. Now I know how to lure you in here, Terri!
      The snakes are getting so old that now I'm wondering if they'll make it to the end of summer 🙏.
      Oh how I have enjoyed your long comment, though I'll reply when I make it up to the laptop (this kindle has a way of making emails and comments disappear, annoyingly).
      Hugs my pretty, x.

  3. Oh what fun to read my friend! Lovely and inspiring but I was hoping for the movie review too!!! Ha!
    But how sweet you are to remind us of the impact words have, they are so powerful and it's nice to receive a note from someone (as I well know). Good thing your MIA yellow cardi showed up!!

    1. Thank you for your sweetness, just turn the page for the review. Yes, getting something unexpectedly and in the post (yes, I know!) really touches the spot, how moved I was. Hugs my lovely, x.

  4. I love love love the coral on you Mary and the berry from Next is a close second. Poldark is back on TV but I see you don't need that! I'm on my way out there. Ssssh, Mr Him, go back to sleep.

    1. Ta, ta, ta, AM!
      Oh yes, Sundays are going to be good from hereonin - what about that opening scene? That put The Durrells in their place ! Hugs, x.

  5. Oh my gosh, you look amazing in yellow! You need to wear yellow more often. It's definitely your color. Love that dress!

    1. Thanks so much, sweet Amy. I really do feel yellow screams out to me "I'm summer and I'm comin' to getcha!"
      Happy hugs from me to you, x.

  6. Enjoyed reading about your week Mary. I love the #spreadtheloveinwords I think we should all use this on twitter! The yellow dress looks gorgeous on you and I hope TP isn't getting jelous of the Poldark boys! xx

    1. Oops, just spotted some unanswered mail!
      Thanks so much sweet Laurie. I've closed my Twitter account but hope you use the hash tag and help make this world a nicer place! Just checked with TP and he's cool with my admiration for Poldark and totally gets it (though doesn't like his long coat!). The Gardening Poldarks were lovely boys and took the reference to the telly character with a pinch of salt, fortunately. Hugs, x.

  7. Very wise words from your Bro, enjoying reading the blog, keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Tarquin, yes Bro has a wise head on his shoulders and I'm grateful that he made me see how silly and ugly my rant could get! Have a lovely day, x.

  8. Mary, you had me laughing about being zen after certain circumstances. I love the poldark reference..#1 is handsome ;-) Glad they came to work on your garden, we have been doing the same here... It is very nice to get a card in the mail, i feel the written word is a lost art.
    Glad you found your lost cardi, these shades are lovely on you! the soft yellow and coral
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

    1. Hi Jess, glad I got you laughing! Poldark's on telly at the moment, swoon swoon ...
      Hope your garden is looking gorgeous.
      Thanks for your nice words, have a super day, x.
