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If not now, when?

Friday 6 April 2018

Bottle Therapy

 The Surprise

Hey guys ... Look what arrived through the letterbox today ...

... cards and fun stickers from American blogger mates KELLYANN and ANDREA !!  Both on the same day.  How clever is that?!  Needless to say, The Photographer is over the moon happy with his "fan mail".  "Touching and sweet", to quote him. 
Thank you girls, so thoughtful of you, it made his day.

My patient is doing so well.  He spends his days sitting in his comfy armchair, looking out at spring unfolding in the garden, and the birds stuffing themselves on the bird feeders and bird table again - they ran dry whilst TP was in hospital and filling bird feeders was not high in the pecking order, pun oh so intended!

The Cookery Bit

I prepare nourishing meals for my patient.  Like Beef Consomme.  I have discovered there's a good reason why it is sold in tins.  It's a bloomin faff to make.  Have you ever made it?  Do you know a way to make it that doesn't take hours and doesn't involve stiffly beaten egg whites and muslin?  I'd love to hear if you do.

The Bottle

When TP was convalescing three years ago I presented him with a bottle.  A reminder that I Know Best.  So I've brought it out to aid his recovery again.  The message is clear, he really has to accept that I know best when he is unwell, or pretty much all the time really, come to think of it :-).

The Crafty Bit

I painted a bottle with chalk paint, attached a chalk pen on a string which slots neatly into the bottle neck, then painted a heart tag with chalk paint too and dangled it on the side.
Then wrote the message loud and clear and placed it in front of him, wherever he was sitting at the time.  It worked then (he obeyed orders and got well!) and I'm hoping it will work again because it's vitally important that a patient really does listen to his nurse's advice when unwell, eh.

These blackbottles are so handy as well as striking.  Little topical messages can be added to the bottle as and when, like Happy Valentine for breakfast on 14 February.
BTW, these make excellent little bespoke presents.  I use chalk pen to write the recipient's house name on the little tag.

The Nurseys

So, with loving care TP gets better with every day.   Doesn't he look well?
 And I'm not his only nurse.  Another little nurse (GS) decided that TP needed to be given his breakfast in style so pulled a table over to TP's chair and set him up with yoghurt & honey, juice and grapes, then watched over him as he ate.  
How sweet and thoughtful was that?!
(Photo credit - GD).

I tell you, dear reader, it's good to be back with you again.
It's beginning to feel a bit like Normal.

A la perchoine.


  1. How wonderful to hear that your patient is doing well. I'm sure its all the love you put into the nursing. Hope the recovery continues. Love your black bottle idea. I will have to try it but I think I would be tempted to hit someone over the head. My man is a terrible patient when sick. LOL.

    1. Hi Pieta, I do my humble bit of nursing but I'm always so amazed at the care, skill and dedication of the cheerful nurses on the ward. Maximum respect.
      But oh Pieta you did make me laugh, hope you find some peaceful uses for your blackbottle!
      Hugs, x.

  2. So good to see David on the road to recovery and sporting his fab smile again. It is good to know that you are fussing over him. He couldn't wish for better!! Big Hug for the both of you.The Duchess

    1. Thanks so much, Duchesse, he's coping with his fussy nurse and he'll love the fab smile bit! Hugs, my dear, x.

  3. Oh this post just warms my heart! I am so glad to see you back on here again, we miss you! It does feel like things are slowly getting back to normal when you can begin to return to your routine. And TP looks very well, you are doing an awesome job. I'm so impressed with your homemade beef consomme - I never made anything that's too involved like that so I hope your patient is full of gratitude. That little black bottle is super cute too and so true.
    How funny that the cards Andrea and I sent arrived on the same day! Take care of yourself sweet friend, you can't help TP if you don't take good care of yourself first. I hope you are resting and eating well!
    Big hugs for you both my friends!!!

    1. Hi sweetie, yes what were the chances of those cards arriving together?! It's good to be back and it's beginning to feel a bit like Normal, finally. I'm so proud of my patient's progress.
      He got rather hooked on ice cream in hospital so I'm helping him out with that - that IS what you meant by eating well, eh?!
      Hugs backatcha, x.

  4. So glad TP is recovering well.

    1. Thanks Polly, and it's so good to be back chatting to you again. Hugs my dear x.

  5. Good to read that TP is doing so well and looks so well too. Must be your very good nursing skills. You must share your techniques some time as I need all the help I can get in that department. I look forward to seeing his photos again and with his commentary which always makes me smile. In all this don't forget to look after yourself, so easy to forget when caught up with all the nursing.

    1. Thanks, Christy, and I'm so flattered I'm coming across as a good nurse! I'm watching him like a hawk, making sure he takes naps and drinks fluids, and I'm cooking simple but flavoursome food that he fancies, like Quiche Lorraine today. He will love reading your message!
      Hugs my lovely, x.

  6. I love that Kellyann’s card and mind arrived simultaneously, she’s the sweet friend that gave me your address. TP is looking happy, well fed and that smiling face is a “Mary knows BEST” smile for sure! That bottle is the sweetest reminder. And you are the sweetest nurse! So happy for you both. Hugs and then another!

    1. Oh sweet Andrea, it was such a special moment when he picked his mail off the floor on Friday! Thank you both so much, so thoughtful. And just look at that smile!
      Hugs, and then all over again, but BIGGER! X.

  7. Good to see he is on the mend! Anxious times for you both. I have no suggestions on the consomme front except er....Baxter's? Take care dear Pout!

    1. Thanks Gail. And I love the way you think - a tin of Baxters is sitting in the kitchen ready for action, I learned the Consomme lesson the hard way! Hugs, x.
