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If not now, when?

Thursday 8 March 2018

Last Chance Salon Success

Hellooo.  Hope all goes well with you, my ether friends.

I've been out enjoying our sunny start to Spring.  Just a couple of days after our Siberian freeze, I was out on the beach enjoying temps that had moved from -5c to 7c.   Who would have thought? But it was still chilly at 7c.

So I wrapped up warmly and headed for the beach.

Look who's got old lady eyes!

This was a good opportunity to show you a success from my Last Chance Salon (See HERE)

I was considering dumping this jumper, then gave it the Last Chance Salon treatment (See HERE).

Well, the good news is that I've worn this jumper at least once every week throughout the whole winter.  Turns out it's a go-to for jumper and jeans days (and there are many!), so it's not a dumper jumper after all.  Success!

It was a bit blowy on the headland but this infinity scarf kept snuggly in place.

The scarf was thoughtfully knitted for me by a dear friend.

The grey jeans are from the M&S sale, £8.  I didn't like them because they felt thick and clumpy on the back of my thighs.  Claustrophic.  I think they are what Anna of Mutton Style describes as Farmers' Jeans.  You know, thick work-wear rigid denim that you struggle to move in.   
I washed them but that didn't affect the thickness and that feeling of being hemmed in.  
Too thick for our winters thought I (not knowing what was lurking in the east ...).

But hey, only £8 and too much faff to return to M&S so I kept them even though I suspected they'd end up as dumpers.  
Then last week, when it was really cold and warmth around the legs was suddenly a pleasing thought, I gave them their LCS opportunity.

Well, I've worn them 3 times in the last week and I don't know if it's the wear the fabric is getting or it's me not bothering about them so much, but you know, I'm starting to like them.

So I really do recommend taking a LCS approach to items of clothing you are feeling iffy about.  Give them that last chance.

So tell me, has your snow disappeared?  From the Northern Hemisphere's readers' comments I think this transitional period is all over the place, with temperatures swinging 10-15 degrees within a few days.  It's still snowing heavily in parts of northern Britain, yet here we're about to hit 12c. 

Oh, enough of this weather talk, Pout!  
I'll let you lovely readers go about your busy days/evenings.

I'm working on some outfit posts
 so please pop back and check out what I'm wearing now that Spring is popping in on Chez Pout, and hear about some of my plans for this exciting season.

A la perchoine.


  1. Our snow has gone. It only lasted a few days. I have ss18 at the ready for photographs and just waiting for better weather! Jeans look good by the way! I bet you're glad you kept them. Have a great weekend Mary xx

    1. 😢 re snow, and thanks re jeans. I'm so impressed you've got two seasons queued up. You truly are the consummate blogger and deserve some blindingly good weather this weekend, my darling. Hugs and hope the sun shines for you, x.

  2. Glad you had a beach day! Ha! The good old Last Chance Salon strikes again I see saving endangered clothing. Glad this one made it out alive because it certainly looks warm and cozy!
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

    1. "... and finally, I'd like to thank Kellyann for recognising my humble services to the environment, to mankind and to cosy jumpers. Without her, I would not be standing here today, accepting this Endangered Clothing Saver award." And to rousing applause, The Pout left the stage waving her trophy and wearing 2nd Loved Versace and Laboutins, shouting out "This one's for YOU, sista, have a great weekend"! X.

  3. I'm glad you gave these items a second chance they look good on you!

    I have a dress/tunic that I tried the LCS thing on and it remains a keeper but usually I know straight away if something is a dumper...and so it gets recycled. I have so many clothes thanks to second hand shopping that I could get rid of half my wardrobe and still have plenty to wear!

    Have a great weekend

    1. Oh Vronni, you're going to just HAVE to tell me which dress got the LCS treatment! I'll look out for it. I admire your decisiveness, sometimes we just have to go with our intuition eh. Happy weekend, my lovely, x.

  4. I’m so excited to hear about your Springtime plans! Looking fab in those jeans, bring the warm up girl and send it across the pond! Enjoy a sweet weekend lovely!

    1. Excuse me? You're asking ME to send the warm? Haven't I just seen bare legs on Annie Nine today?!!! Please tell me you're not running out in the snow in bare legs, I'll have to tell your mum! Have a great weekend dearie ... unless your mum grounds you!!! Hugs, x.

  5. Unfortunately we still have a lot of snow here. I'm always awestruck by the beauty of where you live. You're so lucky! Love your beanie!

    1. Thanks, Amy. Well we just had three days of it, but I expect after a whole winter of snow you start to long for anything but the white stuff.

  6. Yes, i found mine were perfect for the cold weather and am liking them too now. I think we will as we see more wearing them in the real world too. Mine were in the sale as well so I like you feel well not much to lose. Sale is perfect for experimenting, said I, when they popped in my basket.

    1. Well, I like your approach, sales are the perfect platform for experimentation. And as I mentioned in another reply, have you checked out this weekend's weather? Hope you haven't put your cosy accessories into that vacuum bag yet! Hugs, my love, x.

  7. Hi Mary, you look snuggly and warm in your jumper, and pom pom hat. Glad the weather is a little better for us all, can't wait for proper Spring to arrive. x Jacqui

    1. Thanks so much, Jacqui. I hate to be the party pooper here but as I seem to keep telling Annemarie, the weekend forecast is definitely not looking springlike :-(. Hugs, my darling, x.
