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If not now, when?

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Hats and Scarves - Day 1

Hi my dearies, how’s things with you?
Enjoying some near-Spring weather?  Are you knee-deep in snow?  Or maybe basking in a Southern Hemisphere heatwave?

Here?  Our weather in Guernsey?  Gorgeous chilly sunny days since the beginning of the weekend (and mine starts on Thursday!).  I’ve been loving them and am feeling uplifted.  That is, until yesterday when I got a double-whammy of reoccurring sinusitis and toe pain.  Seems these things are like buses ...

So let’s look back on what I got up to last week, as this week I am definitely not in a photographable state with my red eyes, streaming nose and wincing face.  You don’t want to see me like that, do you?

Right, back to the plot.  Last week.  Well, I enjoyed a 5 day  Insta challenge with a group of lovely ladies from South Africa, the UK and the US of A.  It was fun!  And easy!  Not so much a challenge as a theme for me as, through January, I’m mostly in hats and scarves and lo and behold, that was the theme  challenge. 

Day 1

Each day’s outfit was an everyday outfit, chosen for the weather and what I was doing (not a lot!).
My contributions were things I actually wore, so don’t expect any Four Weddings wide-brimmed pastel hats here this week.
Nope.  Not from this uber-casual retiree.  I was all about keeping warm!

So on this cold and windy day I sported black jeans, boots and bag. 

And a winter white cashmere roll neck jumper.  My “challenge” items were the thick knit pompom  hat and tasseled scarf. 

One thing I’ve learned during AW19/20 is that a woolly hat must have a generously loose circumference, like this fave white one.  As such, it gently balances and frames the face, allowing strands of hair to tumble softly down, if that is their wont.  A tighter knit doesn’t complement the face, IMHO, as there’s no space for knitty diversion tactics and the face is left to fend for itself - and on a cold wintry day (often sans makeup and with a month of mince pie noshing stretching my epidermis), well, ain’t gonna lie I need to divert the eye from my face!

I expect you worked that one out yonks ago?  
In my defense, when I worked I only wore this type of  headwear at weekends, preferring a more hat-type hat for workwear, like a cloche or beret .  So I’m pretty new to the casual hat party.   Perhaps you can tell? 

 I took my woolly whiteness for a beach walk.

We met a few bundled up walkers along the way, including a girlfriend who shouted out to me from the headland.  How she spotted me in my bundledupness quite dumbfounded me, as wearing half a small sheep around my face, I was pretty much travelling incognito.  Must have been my pout that gave me away 😊!!!

Hope you enjoyed Day 1 of my hats and scarves challenge.

Please pop back for Day 2 tomorrow when I take it up a notch with a fur trimmed leather beanie and fur muffler.

A la perchoine, 
Mary x. 

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