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Tuesday 15 October 2019

Dressing By Numbers - The Longer Cardigan

Cuppa rating๐Ÿธ

Well, it's autumn innit? (Does saying innit instantly wipe 60 years off my clock?)

Last week I did the season swap.  Have you done yours yet? 
After it's done, it feels like a line has been drawn under one season, and I'm fresh and ready for the coming season, in this case autumn/winter.  Or as the fashionistas call it, AW19.  It took me a whole AW to work out the acronym when I entered blogland and it was only when SS came skipping along that I worked it out, duh.

So, season switch done.  Feeling pretty smug with myself.  Wardrobe contents sectionalised by colour.  Shoes grouped by occasion.  Oversized jeans put in the charity basket. 

Then I look at the attire around me and it's like looking at someone else's wardrobe.  It's all new to me.  But its mine, I know this for I have yanked every piece from my she-cave under the bed.  Yet my mind is a blank and the prospect of wearing this lot for the next six months is slightly daunting.  How DID I wear all this stuff just a few months ago? 
Now tell me, does that happen to you?  Or is it just me, AGAIN?

Well, this AW I hit on a cunning plan.  We're talking tails and weazels in its cunningocity.  And if you're not a fan of Black Adder then at this point you will perhaps think I'm away with the fairies.   But trust me, I'm not because I applied logic to my dilemma and came up with my cunning plan.  Pinterest!

Yes, I spent a cosy few minutes, hours, days there, for that is what happens on entering that site eh, time gets sucked into a vortexy black holey thing (or is that just me again?)
I saved everyday pensioner-style outfits that caught my eye.  
I bunged them into a spanking new folder.  
I worked out which pieces could be used from my new-to-me wardrobe to create the looks I liked.  
I then copied the looks on to blog drafts, split into types of outfits, e.g. like today's, the longer cardi.  

And in so doing I made dressing easy.   Just like painting by numbers, but in outfit form.  Holy fashionista, it's like being dressed by my personal stylist each day!
I wake up.  I find an outfit I fancy that's in keeping with the day's weather and events (oh I should be so lucky, at most it'll be a visit to Waitrose. IF I'm lucky!).)  I go about my day to day, calm and relaxed.

Honestly, I'm finding this cunning plan makes life soooo much  easier, stress-free and fun.
But what always apalls surprises me is that I need guidance to put together a fresh and stylish everyday outfit.  But I do, so I simply accept it and let my double-worry gene  move on to bigger global issues than which top to wear with which jeans.  
Holy melting glaciers, Poutgirl, there's a planet  to save!

Oh gawd, I'm rambling tooo much (again) so let's call this verbage done with for today and move on eh.
Here are the everyday outfits I've saved in this longer cardi section, together with some of my work to date.


Done, with a little fasionista's license.




My approach has been "in the spirit of",  rather than rigid steals, obvs.  The accent is on slow fashion, using what resources my wardrobe offers.  I'm sure this approach stops unnecessary spending and saves world resources, in some small way.
Holy eco-friend, Poutgirl, you've just made a stridette towards saving our planet!

And talking of planets, I really am apalled surprised that after nearly 70 years on this planet I still need help with this stuff.  
But I do. And it is what it is.  Life's too short to beat myself up about it eh?  

The salient point here is that I've accepted I need help.  I've cried out to Pinterest.  Pinterest has answered and made day to day dressing easy.  Dressing by numbers.  I've made it easy on myself.

Go on, make it easy on yourself too.

Do you need help with everyday style ideas?
Do you seek help?  From Pinterest?  Instagram?  Blogs?  
Maybe all of the aforementioned?

A la perchoine,

Mary x.


  1. This is a very cunning idea indeed Mary. I like your style. Except that I don't want to be encouraged to spend even more time on Pinterest - argh. I did my seasonal swap about 2 weeks ago and was surprised at how much there was. Five bags came down and only two went up. That's why I never know what to wear in the summer!

    1. Well done, Gail. I know Pinterest sucks up time but it's worth the investment if it makes dressing a doddle eh? Good luck.

      Oh and unfortunately, my summer stash is huge too!

      Hugs, x.

  2. I do love Pinterest but for all sorts of things not just clothes! I initially got into Pinterest for free crochet patterns...

    I tend to get most inspiration for what to wear by seeing what other women (around the town/at the supermarket/in the shops/library/anywhere really) are wearing and trying to recreate looks or parts of looks, I like. Also applies to what women wear on TV and online etc.

    I do like a longline cardigan and you look fab in your three recreations; especially the final outfit.

    Have a great week, Mary.

    1. Thanks for sharing how you get your inspo, Vronni, and yes the inspo is all around us. Yours is an interesting insight into how you get to the amazing outfits you wear each day.
      I wore a charity belt yesterday inspired by my bestie's recent lunch outfit, inspired is everywhere. In fact, she was a key inspo for this blog's creation!
      Happy autumn dressing to you!
      Hugs, x.

  3. Pinterest really is a fun place to find inspiration and seeing how to wear pieces you already own! I love a long duster/cardi for fall!

    1. Yes Ruthy, Pinterest really gets us digging deep in our wardrobes!
      Hugs, x.

  4. I love your Pinterest-inspired dressing! I have 1 long cardigan, so I should try out some of those looks. In fact, I have a big scarf like the one on Pinterest, and never know how to wear it so thanks for the inspiration!

    1. See thanks Linda! I think those big scarves are a huge challenge to we ladies, especially that blinkin' blanket scarf!!!
      Hugs, x.

  5. Me Too Mary! I recognise some of your Pinterest pics that I too have saved! I'm always chasing the luxe, chic, relaxed sort of boho style, trouble is I know how to do smart office but this retired relaxed vibe isnt the easiest! I totally agree with all your thoughts and strive daily to be chic, relaxed and understated smart to avoid the dreaded 'pensioner at Tesco' look.

    1. Oh how funny is that, Lin , we're drawn to the same inspo! And how you and I are on the same hymn sheet - struggling with a 365 smart casual retirement life was where this blog was conceived! So I love how you put it, that you strive for daily "chic, relaxed and understated smart" too and you cracked me up with the Tesco pensioner thing - shortly after retiring TP was out shopping on a weekday and said "this place is full of old people" then realised that must make him " old" too!
      Have fun on Pinterest!

      Hugs, x.

  6. You have done a terrific job with this style inspiration! Finding these great cardigans has really amped up your style, hasn't it? You wear them so well! You know I'm all about taking a little style inspo and tweaking it to make it work for me! Well done my stylish sista!

    1. Yes you and I love a good style pilfer eh?!
      The cardis are old, ranging from 3 years ago to about 17, but I think that's what the steals do, they make you dig into your own wardrobe and that's gotta please our men eh?
      Hugs, x.

  7. Just did my season swap and now know what kind of cardigan and sweaters I would like to add to my closet next month!

    1. It's great that the season swap gets us to look at our wardrobes as a whole eh, then it makes it so much easier to spot the gaps, like the lovely sweaters you intend to search for.
      Great work, Mireille!
      Hugs, x.

  8. A nice selection Mary, I love the long line cardigan. I have a lovely pale green one, but it's not really a good colour for me in the Autumn. Thanks for sharing. Jacqui x

    1. You're a clever lady to know which colours work for you in which seasons, a sign of a true fashionista - well done Jacqui!

  9. Im loving the pale pink sweater duster with denim on you.. great color! This sounds like a great plan! I do love a long cardigan and find them very useful when the weather isnt ready for a winter coat.
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

    1. Yes Jess, this really is a time in the season when all forms of knitwear come into their own, but especially the cardi worn as an outer layer, as you point out.
      Keep snuggly, hugs x.

  10. I've been really digging longer cardis. I have a burgundy one I need to wear yet, I feel like this has been the first week I've been able to wear anything cozy as the temps have dipped (finally!). I love that look from Jacket Society!


    1. Thanks Carrie, it must be lovely, being in Texas and it still feeling like summer.
      Hugs, x.

  11. Really like your writing style. You are clever, not only in the arrangement of your seasonal closet, but in your flair for writing.
    Like Carrie, above, I like the look from Jacket Society, too. She is always so chic. And you have recreated with your own personality and preferences shining through. I prefer longer cardigans to shorter ones because I am not a fan of my shirt tail hanging below my sweater.
    My closet is arranged by color and item...short sleeves, long sleeves, sweaters/jumpers?, etc. But I have everything in the closet all year round because in El Paso we don't have seasons much...just variations on cool, warm and warmer.

    1. Aww thanks, so sweet of you thank you.
      I agree with you both, Nora at JS is always on point with her layers.
      And you sound super organised in the wardrobe department, what with your wardrobe and your weather I'm green with envy!
      Hugs, x.

  12. It's nice you can swap over your wardorbe and gget a lot of new peices! Apart from my winter knits I keep most of my wardrobe out year-round as I can usually layer or remove layers as needed, haha! Brisbane is a very different temperature from you!

    I like the idea of looking in pinterest for inspiration! When I'm not sure what to wear I like to browse my blog archives, I can often find something then!

    Hope that you had a great weekend :) Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Aah Mica, summer all year round, how easy is that on the clothes budget! But yes, swapping seasons does get us the feeling we've got new stuff in our wardrobes up here, but it's free.
      Hugs, have a great week, x.
