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Sunday 24 May 2020

Trapeze Cardi Living

Hello my lovelies!

I didn’t want to walk around the house in a jean jacket after a recent  #herstyleourway challenge and neither did I want to spend a chilly early summer day in a sleeveless blouse.  Way too brrr.

So I played around with variations by doing that tried and tested trick of “bunging a cardi on it”. .
This is what I wore for the rest of the day, a swingy taupe affair from The White Company.  Oh and I soon ditched the wedgy courts for a pair of flatties too. 

Such easy switches.
Bunging a cardi on it makes for wearable living.  And trapeze cardis seem to go with everything.
Do you find that?

A la perchoine,
Mary x. 
#retirementdressing #agelessstyle #over70style #over70fashion #over60style #whatiwore #taupecardigan #thewhitecompanylondon #thewhitecompany #trapezecardigan


  1. I'm definitely a 'bung a cardi on it' type of person. I have loads! I'm not sure what a trapeze cardigan is? Scuse my ignorance. I do have a similar one to you so I probably do have a trapeze cardi - even if I don't know it!

    Take care

    1. Haha Vronni, I'm sure you have more than one! It's a word I've picked up off bloggers and seems to describe a cardi that graduates to a larger bottom and allows it to swing. Hope that makes sense.
      Hugs, x.

  2. I have been alternating between an M&S fleecy sweatshirt and a pale grey trapeze cardi, depending on how cold it is. The cardi is my favourite though. Goes with everything! xx

    1. It's amazing to find one of those neutral goes with anything cardis. Hold on to it and don't lose it (like I did in the past with a fave neutral 😐).
      Hugs, x.

  3. Hi Mary, i do love my grey cardis, as you know. I love the combination you have going there.

    1. Thanks Annemarie, yes you love your grey cardis eh!
      Hugs, x.

  4. This outfit looks for more comfortable than a jean jacket and court shoes, wise decision!

    1. So true Kim, comfort wins every time eh?
      Hugs, x.

  5. Hi, Mary
    Grey, black and white are always one of my favorite combos being the neutral lover I am. What does "bunging" mean. I tried to look it up but the definition didn't make since for me in the context that you used it in. Take Care, Terri

    1. Yes neutrals neutrals neutrals eh Terri.
      I'm adding a dictionary link because I know you like your research! In this context I'm carelessly throwing on the cardi without much thought it effort = bunging. Bunging clearly isn't used in the States in this way.
      Hugs, x.
