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Tuesday 4 April 2017

The Shacket - I'm Feeling The Love

Hi peeps, how are you?  Enjoying some good weather?  It's been nice here but today's a bit gloomy so here I am, cosied up with you in my garret, tapping madly on this old (erratic) keyboard.
I'll probably be rambling all over the place today.  Again, I hear you groan.

So let's kick off today with scarves.
I read that the smaller square is trending.  Maybe it's a summer thing as I do find the long trailing scarf gets me a bit hot under the collar round about late springtime.
I only have those long trailing things right now and I need something lighter,  so what does a pensioner do?  Yes,  I hit the charity shops.

I picked up this little silk batik affair a few days ago.  I tied it to one side for my parisienne look, then more loosely tied in the centre.  I preferred the cheeky-French look so I reverted to the side knot and left the house.  Looking at these photos I am relieved that I did. There is a reason why ladies of a certain age tie scarves closely to the neck.  To hide the less than youthful necks that plague some of us who are getting dangerously close to 70!

 My black jeans, stripey grey/black top and the cute batik scarf chose the faithful utility jacket as their companion on this day.

Just like the long trailing scarves are cast aside as summer nears, so can I see that my new bestie utility jacket may also start to feel a little too warm in the weeks ahead. 

I discovered a few years ago that in early summer, what works best is a thick but more fluid shirt draped around my upper body.  It provides a warmish layer and hides the lumps, bumps and plain old flab that lurks around my torso and its appendages.

My discovery was an H&M denim shirt that had hung in my wardrobe for about 15 years, still with its plastic size tape down the front.  I didn't like it as a buttoned shirt because being busty I looked matronly, but I couldn't bear to chuck it out.
Then I had a light bulb moment!  I repurposed it as a jacket and the rest is history.  I have worn it loads in recent years.  My discovery was a big hit in the Pout Wardrobe.

Here are examples of the various ways I wore it last year on this blog.
I am feeling big-time for this Shacket. 

My big mistake was not giving it a name, like I did with my jacket/cardi mix last autumn which became the "jacardi".   If I'd done likewise with my denim shirt-used-as-a-jacket and called it the "shacket" I would have officially started a trend.  Started something big!

But just remember you saw it first on my blog last year.. 
Who would have thought?  The Pout, a trend-setter!!!
Yes, I've seen in recent weeks this portmanteau of shirt and jacket, the shacket,
is this summer's Big Thing.

So I started hunting round for something that could seamlessly take over my khaki utility jacket in a few weeks time, when the temps hot up.

I found this on Tesco direct for £29 but it really looks like my utility jacket, so it's probably too warm for summer.

This one from Boohoo at £20 comes in half a dozen nice colours, looks soft and fit for purpose.

This £35 Next grey cord affair that calls itself a shacket but again seems too thick for my needs.

And this Dorothy Perkins number at £32 is again pure utility jacket.

What am I going to do?  Well, nothing actually,, which is typical Pout style. 
I'm going to stick with my old H&M newly re-named shacket for the moment.  But the Boohoo affair in grey or nude seems a serious contender for sucking up some of my pensioner pennies, so watch this space.

And also watch this space for another Pout steal.  For when researching for this shacket post this morning I stumbled upon another Pout idea that's been adopted by a certain high street store this year.  Why oh why don't I market myself better?!

So, that's the shacket.  I'm liking it rather a lot.  In fact,
Shacket Khan, Shacket Khan, Shacket-shacket ... Shacket Khan. 
I feel for you, I think I love you.
(Just punning an old 80s hit, in case you wonder if I've gone a bit do-lally!  Understand, I'm here in my garret on a gloomy day, what's a Pout supposed to do for fun?!)

And to round off, seeing as no one wanted to take up my last post's Haiku challenge (insert very glum and disappointed face), perhaps you might care to comment below on whether you've found a perfect shacket that ticks all the boxes for light summer coverage ...
If you do, I will be (insert ecstatically bright eyed and big teeth-grinning smiley face!).

A la perchoine.


  1. Love your looks here and enjoyed your experimentation with the bandana type of scarf. Like you I have a denim jacket that I find very useful to use as a jacket in the warmer weather although by the time summer hits it is often even too warm for that.

    1. Thanks, Christy. Denim certainly earns its keep in wardrobes eh?!

  2. I have now. My denim shirt having read this and seen your pics. I do like the denim shirt with maxi look very much. Oh and the Parisien scarf look is tres jolle.

    1. Longing to see what you do with your denim shirt, Anna, and thanks for your kind words. I enjoyed putting this compilation together, seeing how I put my shirt to good use!

  3. I wish I were creative enough to come up with a Shaket or even the Coatigan as another blogger coined last year!

    Sometimes these oldies are the best, and not just the songs, but the jackets that seem to go on and on without showing the passing of time (unlike we mortals) haha! Some pieces are too versatile to be laid to rest, so keep rolling with it. Looks great to me x


    1. Hi Anna and welcome to my blog. You're so right. I think we have to find the classics that work for us individually, and they may be plain oldies but goodies. I no longer try to include standard classics that just don't work for me, like the crisp white shirt - e.g. a denim shirt done jackety suits my body and a CWS just plain doesn't.

  4. Dear PP, You say that 'no one wants to take up my Haiku challenge'??? Did you read my comments on this yesterday? You'll see that this here Duchesse lady does... Set the challenge and I'll be in! By the way, the DP utility jacket is my favourite!

    1. Oh Duchesse, a timing issue, I wrote this post before you told me of your passion for haiku. The challenge was to write a comment about the post but in haiku! That DP is rather nice but v. similar to my £14 Primani affair, great for you though.

  5. The first spring items
    Carefully peek from wardrobes
    Want to play?

  6. OK, Mary, that was my contribution to the challenge... Now, let's see yours?

    1. Well mine was a fish finger haiku. I'm still feeling exhausted after that effort :-).

  7. Fab idea Mary, I'd like to try this out so will be searing for my own Shacket - popping over to see your previous blog. Hope you're feeling better Mary. x Jacqui

    1. Thanks so much, Jacqui. Hoping you find a super shacket somewhere in your wardrobe!

  8. You've described my love for neckerchiefs perfectly! I absolutely love them for not just hiding physical flaws, but they add the perfect finishing touch to any outfit. Love the one you found at the thrift store. Fabulous look.

    1. Thanks so much, Amy, think we're we're on the same wavelength!

  9. We are both in Denim this week Mary! I like how you have styled the neckerchief. A valuable accessory in my book!
    Thank you for linking up to Celebrating Style. I see you are finding new blogger buddies through linking up too so that's great xx

    1. Thanks, Laurie. Yes, I've found a few new blogs to visit, such fun!

  10. So many great ways to style a denim shirt! I really love how versatile they are and the fact they are lighter than a denim jacket.

    Come join my Fabulous Friday Link-Up each week!
    A Pocketful of Polka Dots

    1. Welcome to my blog, Jennie. You've hit it on the nail, versatility, lightness, so much more useful than the denim jacket in summer. Though my jacket is in the wash ready for an airing as I'm kind of feeling sorry for it getting no love from me right now!
