Remember ...

If not now, when?

Friday 26 October 2018

It's Abstemiously-small O'clock!

Happy Friday to you!!

I thought I'd just update you on a few housekeeping points.
My techy challenges are still out there, and I have struggled to work out how to remedy the problems some subscribers are facing regarding email notifications of new posts.  
I'm not much further ahead despite my troubleshooting googling on that one but it would help me immensely if you could subscribe and let me know if you get my post notifications by email or not, and if you're a long-time subscriber I'd like to hear of your experiences with regard  to new post alerts.    Some notifications are going through so the platform problem isn't across the board and I thank the two sweet readers who've notified me of the issue.

Meantime, to help you know when's a good time to pop in, I'm still posting on Tuesdays and Thursdays with uncharacteristic consistency.  And here again, today, on a Friday - so much for consistency! 
However, my rhythmic consistency is presenting a fresh challenge and a small mountain of blog drafts are building up ... and so FYI, I'm going to need to post at the weekends sometimes too.  So please pop back tomorrow for some snippets on gadgets, breakfasts and losing weight.

And as it's Friday, I wish you a lovely-jubbly weekend ...
A la perchoine, x


  1. HAHA! I've always read your posts with a Canadian accent. Now that I've heard your voice, I'll be able to read them to myself more appropriately! Lovely! XO

    1. So funny, Karen, but I guess we do work with what we know and don't give it a second thought. I'd love to hear you doing a voice over of me in a Canadian accent!!!
      Incidentally, are you a subscriber and are you picking up new post alerts?
      Wishing you the best of weekends, x.

  2. No problems on my end - I get email notifications for new posts! I think the Universe knows better than to mess with me getting notifications from you my soul sista!Ha!!!

    1. Hilarious! I really did laugh out loud, and scared my cat snuggled next to me!! But thanks for letting me know, it seems a really random issue.
      Hope you liked my little vlog, in it TP accused me of having had 4 glasses of wine ... By 5 o'clock!!!
      Hugs, my not to be messed with soul sista, x.

  3. Yes receiving your posts as normal so far.

    1. Oh thanks, Polly, this is sounding better than I thought.
      Hope you had a good grape crop with your new car port roof. Hugs and thanks for letting me kniw, x.

  4. You went away for awhile, but you have returned to my inbox. :-)

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Susan, I'm flummoxed, but I'm glad I'm back in your inbox where I belong 😄!! Have a happy Sunday, x.
