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Saturday 26 October 2024

The Pout Gets New Specs!

Hello, lovely readers. 

Well, it is said that the best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry, and that is certainly the case with this mouse’s plans.
 I planned to give you my take on burgundy 2024.  
Join an instagram skirt challenge. 
I did plan loosely to start creating YouTube content in juxtaposition to this recently re-launched blog. 
However, Covid had other ideas it turns out that the ball I attended last week in all my finery was a bit of a super spreader and for the first time ever the photographer and I came down with Covid a day or so later after the event.  That’ll teach us!!

I won’t bore you with all of the boring stuff about how I felt because I would think practically everyone reading this has been there and got the Covid t shirt, so I’m late to the party and could tell you nothing new as an entry-level rookie so let’s move on.

I haven’t been out. I haven’t worn clothes. I haven’t done anything in the last week that could justify a current post. However, I am excited to share something with you. My new specs!

And here they are!

My old specs were many years old, scuffed and scratched, wonky and suffering from plastic fatigue (I think that’s a thing). A lens was close to popping out.  They had recently become such a mess that when I ordered new ones a few days before a gala event my sweet optician declared “no way are you going to the ball in those old glasses” and made sure that Cinderella’s new specs were ready in time, as she felt embarrassed that my bashed-around glasses might be seen anywhere near a ball gown!

The @cartier specs arrived the day before the event so yes, I did go to the ball and in style. 

Thank you Suzanne and the helpful team at @trouteaud_opticians, you saved the day!

#cartierspectacles #cartiereyewear #cartierframes #trouteaudopticians #retirementdressing #stylisheyewear

I believe I’m a person whose face needs specs.  Especially to hide badly applied eye make up - I’m so out of the make up habit these days!

One of these frames will be my reactive glasses !

I kissed quite a few frogs in the optician’s shop before finding The Ones.  
I knew my newbies were The Ones as soon as I slipped them on; they felt comfortable and secure, I felt, err classy,  and I think they flatter my face. 
 I didn’t pay particular attention to the logo on the side, until I got to the till - ouch!  But you get what you pay for eh. I think they are definitely worth the price tag because they do feel solid and they do feel like they will last many years.   My optician tells me they’re made in France and therefore they should be substantially built. 

My oldies lasted seven years it works out, but they were showing huge signs of wear and tear and over time the frame had gone wonky and one side was half way down my face. It’s funny how you don’t notice these things until you’re in opticians shop staring at the wonky glasses and realizing you’ve been wearing them for maybe a few years looking like an all-day drunk, which I can assure you I am not !

I just had to photograph the whole suite of packaging that came with these glasses.   I thought the packaging matches the solid feel of the specs. 


Yes, I had to look up the logo because I’ve never had anything Cartier before!  I’m not a logo person. I’m not a designer person, but I did feel that I was buying something solid, some that will last, just from the feel of the specs and the packing it comes in.

If you are looking for a new pair of glasses, then I really do recommend this make, and this style. 
When I’m Covid-free I intend to go back to the optician to buy a second (cheaper!) pair with reactive lenses to wear comfortably outdoors, on the beach etc.  I’ll let you know how that goes 

Do you have prescription glasses,? 
How do you get on with reactive prescription glasses if you have those? 
Do you have glasses that last years,? 

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

And before I leave you, I’m going to kindly ask that you subscribe to my blog. I’m trying to build up this blog again, resurrecting it after a hiatus of some time.   I believe blogs have a place, a place of peace and escape.  I think increasing subscribers does something to algorithms but I’m not sure what!  I may find out!!
 But increased subscriptions us also good for me to see that people are following me and new people are finding me, and hopefully encourages me to go on providing you with a cosy space where I’m not trying to encourage you to buy.  So if you like my content just the way it is , and if you want to hear more, please subscribe .  
I have plans to add more diverse things on this blog, make shorter quickie posts etc.  
Heck, I may even build up a YouTube channel, once this Covid shifts!
So it wouldn’t hurt to subscribe to my blog.  It doesn’t cost you anything, it’s as easy as a click of a button and heaven knows you may enjoy getting notifications of things to come.

Look forward to seeing you soon!

A la perchoine,
Mary x.