Remember ...

If not now, when?

Monday 14 October 2024

Incorporating trends in your 70s

Hi there,
I’m Mary, I’m 74, and I’m struggling.

I’m struggling to wear anything that isn’t totally comfortable, relaxed, easy wear. 

And it’s that time of the year when I have no clue what I should be wearing for the weather and for my new rather laid-back (or shall we say lazy?) lifestyle.

So I’m taking the tried and tested route by looking back on what I’ve worn these last few years.

And this is what I wore in October, just not THIS October. 

I can’t believe I was so “posh”!
Yes a couple of years ago I was wearing this. And what is surprising me, apart from me looking posh is that it seems to incorporate a few of the current trends, burgundy (jumper and boots) and suede (skirt). Although I’m not particularly interested in trends these days tbh.

What also surprises me looking back at is my attitude to getting dressed. I did it!  And I seemed to love what I was wearing, and some of what I’m wearing doesn’t look that comfortable to Mary v. 2024!

Let’s break down this uncomfortableness.
I see I’m putting on a skirt, heeled boots and make up.   These days I rarely wear make, a skirt is even rarer, and as for high heeled boots … Hmmnn, think you know the answer!  But I expect it’s all a matter of habit, and it’s pretty easy to create new habits, or resurrect old habits, surely, even like getting dressed and showing up!
But me today feels I only want to go with habits that fit me Now Me.  I doubt if heeled boots will sit comfortably with Now Me, even though I do love these boots, so that may be one habit too far.

Here’s another outfit of yore.

This is still following the burgundy trend (like I’m interested in trends!), but yet again the outfit seems to require a certain smarter attitude from the wearer than when where I am currently.

TBH, where would I be going wearing this outfit these days?!

An easy way to introduce a new trend and colour into my wardrobe would be to follow the route in the above pic.  Add a scarf or a handbag in the burgundy trending color and instantly I’m  “on trend “.

So here I am at crossroads.  What do I bring into my autumn wardrobe from my archive?  
Well I think I will dig out the burgundy jumper. 
The burgundy Crossbody.
The scarf. 
That’s easy enough.
And how is this for totes iconoclastic? 
I’m digging out the waterfall cardigan.

Yes, you heard me, a waterfall!  I know this may be breaking trending rules by contemplating wearing this retro style. Waterfall, for heavens sake, how very early century! 
But this cardigan is very easy to wear, and it’s a slip on and feel good sort of cardi, and a wonderful gift age gives you is that we don’t bother if something is soooo 2015? 
Because when you get to this age, you don’t really care about trends, you don’t really care about what’s going on in the outside world clothes-wise or most things-wise; what you do care about when dressing is EASE, perhaps a tad about coordination of colors and textures and pieces, maybe balance too,  but overall in your 70s what you are  dressing for is the life you lead NOW. 

My life these days is mostly at home. 
I spend time with family. 
I do little home improvements, jobs at home which I really enjoy.  Invariably wearing scruffies.
I do a fair amount of hobbying, quizzing, activities, all uber-casual. 
I work in the garden, I do housework and cooking, 
definitely  in scruffies.
And that’s my now-life.
Occasionally, I go out for coffee with friends, I go out for a bite to eat with hubs, family or friends.
None of these things inspires me to wear a posh skirt, and high heeled boots.  I like easy dressing. 

What I AM going to attempt is to incorporate these few pieces that I’ve identified above to put together some wearable easy outfits and see how they go with the life I lead now.
I’ll pop back in a few days and let you know by way of some up-to-date photos.

Thanks for taking the time to pop in and read my ramblings. I hope you pop back again soon.

Meantime, if you too are of a certain age and are finding your lifestyle has changed and your wardrobe is struggling to catch up, then please let me know in the comments section below. 

A la perchoine,