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If not now, when?

Wednesday 18 September 2019

What I Wore in August

So what did I wear in August?

The answer seems to be “not a lot”.  I was mostly on the beach larking about in my bathers for it was a glorious month and, in fact, a glorious summer.

But I do want to keep up my recent habit of posting my everyday outfits and despite being late to post what there is of my month’s everyday outfits due to holidays, here’s what I discovered I wore. 

I hit a black and white phase, my Jackie O period. 

There was white. 

There was black.

There was MUCH white 


And then finally there was a riot of colour!!!

New pink stripe shorts from Next hit the spot, which quickly became my go-to for the month.

I loved this light Next T, so after extensive test driving bought it in white too. 

Charitied necklace.

And that was August!
I really don’t like returning from hot climes and finding myself in Insta Autumn Land,  so I’ll be fighting it tooth and nail with a little bit more of summer dressing, weather permitting of course.
Because - I LOVE summer!!!

A la perchoine, 
Mary x.


  1. Some lovely looks here Mary. I'm constantly in scruffs sorting out the new house at the moment. I'm off to London tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to wearing something smart xx

    1. Scruffs - needs must eh Laurie. I'm excited to see pics of your new home!
      It was nice to dress for dinner on my cruise, but it's back to reality now. Enjoy your day in London.
      Hugs, x.

  2. I think you're in luck with the weather Mary, set fair for the weekend! Your summer outfits are so fresh and lovely - I love that zingy green patterned blouse! Thanks for linking up at #WowOnWednesday.

    1. Hi Gail, yes let's milk our few days of September sun eh. That green blouse is so fresh and weighs zilch, perfect for a travel case.
      Hugs, x.

  3. White suits you. I love those outfits. My August wardrobe seemed to consist mainly of waterproofs!

    1. I love white, especially in winter. Oh I'm so sorry about your wet August - my IoM cousins have kept schtuum about that!
      Hugs, x.

  4. You have great style! I love the bright colors and fun prints!

  5. I love all the black and white and then the colors. A day for each! I did a little of both this past month!

    1. So pleased you've been ringing the colour changes too, Mireille.
      Hugs, x.

  6. Hold onto summer as long as you can my friend! Cooler temps are coming - everywhere except where I live. It's endless summer here much to my chagrin!

    1. No worries, sista, there's plenty wet and cool weather where you're headed!
      Hugs, x.

  7. You've worn an array of beauties, and not forgetting your super white dress that I love. Alas didn't find anything similar in Rome, will have to try finding it next time I go away. Hope you settled back at home okay Mary. Do stop by the #linkup on Thursday my lovely. xx Jacqui Mummabstylish

    1. Don't know about you but for me Rome was a rush and I barely had time to sit and enjoy an icecream cone, let alone go dress shopping! Shame we didn't bump into each other though.
      Hugs, x.

  8. Lovely outfits, Mary!

    You look very summery and stylish and I loved your riot of colour ones!

    1. Thank you Vronni, consider the colour as my gift to you!
      Hugs, x.

  9. Get those shorts out. It'll be hot at the weekend. Is the Next Tee the yellow one ?

    1. Yes, shorts will be, probably getting their last airing of 2019 this weekend.
      Yes, it's the yellow broiderie anglaise. So light and nice to wear, perfect for the case. Good in white too.
      Hugs, x.

  10. Aww thanks Julie, that green one is very old but comes out EVERY summer!
    Hugs, x.

  11. Such beautiful summer outfits, love them all.

  12. So many beautiful summer outfits, I love all the colour and the white, perfect for warmer weather! I hope the summer temps stick around a little longer for you!

    Hope that you had a lovely weekend!

    Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thanjs, Mica. Rain today here, but it should be hotting up where you are!
      hugs, x.

  13. Ha! I can relate to the "not a lot" styled for August. Here in Florida it's just too hot! I'm loving your white dress and your color riot! Have a wonderful week and thank you for sharing with us at the Style Six link up. ;)

    1. I do so envy your long hot Floridian summers, which seem to last about 360 days!
      Hugs, Mary x.
