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Thursday 29 December 2016

Faking the Faux

Hi to everyone out there.  I hope you've had a lovely Christmas break.
Having spent what seems like an eternity on paracetamol spiced up occasionally with Lemsip or the odd glass of wine :-) in my battle against this fluey cold and all its variances, I finally succumbed yesterday to antibiotics when sinuses and related eye issues became just too much for this old Pout to deal with.  And already today I am feeling so much better.

So just when it seems I'm saying goodbye to December's nasty lurgy and it seems safe to go back in the water, what happens today? 
I appear to be growing a bunion.  Or I have gout. Even just a walk around Town this morning aggrevated the toe area.  It prevented me going for an afternoon walk. 
And the day is absolutely gorgeous.  Bummer. 

So let's do some sedentary stuff.  OOTDs.  And Challenges.

The ever-lovely, ever-funny Anna from Mutton Years came up with her faux fur gillet substitution here, the idea being that rather than wasting money on a short-lived fur gillet fashion item, one can give it a nod by "shopping one's wardrobe" for furry scarves.  Wishing to save my Pensioner Pounds, I jumped at the idea.  I raided my cloakroom scarf basket.

Together with a Monsoon fawn cable dress, brown opaques and Gabor knee boots, I tried a brown faux fur windey scarf. 
I liked this look - it balanced the outfit nicely and it felt very cosy.  It gave me the required hint of furry gillet.

Then I tried a leopard print faux fur. 
Didn't like this.  Too small.  It looks inconsequential and I look bottom-heavy.  And it didn't quite cover all of the flesh around the neckline.  So definitely not a keeper look.

And then I got side-tracked.  I usually do.
A cosy faux fur hat.  I've worn this a few times when out walking recently in my fluey cold haze.

Then I switched to my dependable Zara leo-print.  Well, it's faux, but without the fur bit.
I donned an aubergine velvet hat.  Another hat I've had good use of over the years.

Then leaping out of the basket came a leather cap.  "Pleez geev me a go" it pleaded, for it is a French-style cap.  I must have bought this about 20 years ago and haven't worn it.  Never.  Ever. 

It looks so wrong on my head.  But I gave it a try-out.  Which I probably do every winter.  Just the once.  Could I grow to like it?  I don't think so.  Will I throw it out?  Non!

You can just imagine how much The Photographer enjoyed my dalliance.  My fun excursion with hats.  Oh how I digress!  But getting back to the matter in hand, let's talk faux fur some more.  Anna has certainly got me on a mission with this faux fur gillet substitution.  The idea being that it gives a nod to the FFG, without spending good money on a fleeting fashion.

So when dressing for my family party the previous day, I had also tried this black fur (faux) collar with my Rohan jersey maxi vest dress.  I think this look is quite Downton Abbey.  High Fashion, circa 1910-1920.  I think it would look quite nice with a fitted hip-length jacket. And that can be arranged, but we can have fun with that another day.

So where did I end up?  What did I wear when I left Chez Pout? The scarf in the top pic, of course.  And none of the hats. 
Thank you, Anna.

Doing these challenges gets me to try putting things together that I haven't thought of before.  Sometimes it works (picture 1) and sometimes it doesn't (most of the other pics). 
What do you think?  And, what does Anna think?

A la perchoine.


  1. Lovely post dear! Wishing you and yours a wonderful New Year!!

    1. Welcome, Tamara! Thanks for your kind words and wishes. I'm thinking of trying your take on fur stoles in the new year, excited!

  2. The top look is gorgeous. The bottom one very elegant. I agree re the small scarf. You know I'm having fun with this look from IG of course. All for saving those pensioner pennies.
    Poor you. I hope the Photographer is keeping you dosed up on the Vallium now ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Hi Anna, you and I are definitely on the same hymn sheet 're ways to work furry scarves. Love what you're doing with yours on IG.
      I've taken to upping the antis with paracetamol and yes, TP is pampering me today though he's not offered me anything stronger yet!
      Your visits have been much-appreciated during the year. Wishing you and the Mutton Style pen a very happy and healthy 2017. X.

  3. I'm sure you must be on the mend by now Mary! I hope things are better in the health department. I love the long dress and fur collar look fabulous. I hope you enjoyed Christmas and got extra tlc xx

    1. Thanks Laurie, bit of a blip overnight but that seems to be what this lurgy is all about. Others are dealing with so much more, bless them. Both Photographer and cat have upped the tlc!
      Yes, that sophisticated black furry look quite surprised me ! I'll have to find somewhere appropriate to wear it.
      Wishing you a lovely time tonight x.
