Saturday 27 January 2018

Don't Dream, It's Over

Well peeps, I've said adieu to my dream.

I'd been wanting these Carvela berry beauties for so long.  They were my dream shoes.  

But though I adored them, after trying on these comfy booted heels a couple of times, I accepted that I wouldn't get much use out of them.  They're not the boots for the life I lead ... now.

They would have been perfect in my former life.  Oh I can just picture them, accompanying smart skirted suits and classic dresses.  They would be the dot over the i, as the Danes say.

These booties are just so simple, yet elegant.  And so comfy.  
Slide foot in ... and off you strut.

I loved the finish at the back, which made slipping on effortless.

But they had to go 😢, I just couldn't justify the expense given that as a pensioner, what there is of disposable income has to be spent wisely.
Of course, I had to have one last blast with them before they were sealed up ready for the return journey.  I tried them with a couple of skirts, just giving them one last chance.  But head ruled and my shoe dream was over and cosseted in tissue and cardboard they disappeared in a puff of Royal Mail smoke.

But no time for tears because Gabor Pollyanna fit my lifestyle and that's what I've kept.
They are a dream to wear.  Just the right amount of heel that my instep needs.  Great grip.  And they are leather, so I TP can keep them nicely polished.

Of course, getting to this purchase was arduous and I had to issue an apology along with the way !  I had to order 3 sizes, eventually ending a half size up from my regular size.  But I got there through dogged determination and with the help of John Lewis's super free delivery and returns.  Love that company.  

So when it comes to these berry booties beauties, my message to self is clear ...

... don't dream, it's over.

Now, dear reader, it's over to you ... 
Do you have any dream shoes in your sights right now?
And when it comes to buying footwear, is it your heart or your head that has the final decision?

A la perchoine.


  1. Love that song Mary, as I do love your boots - both colour and style. I'm not sure if you received my message as I've been away, I've featured you on my blog last week in my style steal - hope you'll pop over for a read - let me know what you think Mary. xx Jacqui

    1. The song's one of my faves too, Jacqui.
      Sadly the boots are no longer mine 😢.
      I loved your steal, I was do flattered, thanks muchly for stealing my berry look. I left you a message but I checked last night and it's not there. Could you check your settings, maybe you've blocked comments whilst on holiday. I'll pop back again soon and will write another if it's still not there. Hope the holiday was fab. Hugs, x.

  2. The minute I read the title I started singing "Hey now, hey now..." Oh the memories from that song! I was in college, oh those were the days! I loved Crowded House!
    Oh, back to your boots. I admire you for making such a smart decision. It's good thing I've connected with you because I need to follow suit! My life has changed too so I figure it will take awhile to adjust.
    I do love the ones you kept though so at least all's not lost! And va va voom my friend, aren't you a hottie in your form fitting sweater and skirt! Are you trying to drive all the neighbors crazy? Wowzers!
    Hugs to you hottie,

    1. Thought you'd get it! It's seminal and yes, BIG memories. LOVE Crowded House. But love YOU more! Think that's what you American ladies say, huh?
      Oh don't expect overnight conversion, Mrs R, I still find myself moving towards businesswear and smart function outfits ... And I've been retired HOW long?!! So another 7-8 years and you'll catch up with your actual lifestyle.
      Oh and on to the funny bit, I'm giggling as I type now ... hottie! Darn it, I didn't walk past the neighbours wearing my hottie outfit yesterday, I had a coat hiding it! Oh you make me laugh, keep the giggles coming. Hugs, my so-witty friend. X.

  3. Those boots would so suit my life but I tend to not use my favs for work. I'm a bit weird like that. I may well start my own hunt for gabors though as i need some practical getting on a train boot and my dependable bendables are 5 years old and started to leak. Sad face...pout.

    1. Yes twin, these would be the boots you leave in a box under your desk to switch into discretely when special people walk in your office, these are not for train hopping. But the Pollyannas are! And they look good with skirts because they have space around the ankle. Goodness, we've had our dependables for five years now, no wonder my Gabor music's were looking tatty, I bought them on the same day.
      I'll follow your new boot quest, twin, I'm excited already!
      Hugs, x.

  4. They were fabulous Mary, and particularly with that first outfit in grey, but you're very wise in sending them back if they don't fit your lifestyle. The silver shoes I am wearing in my latest post look great, but I find them very awkward to walk in so I fear they will languish in the wardrobe and only come out for blog photos. How Mr Mutton would laugh.

    1. These Carvelas would suit YOUR lifestyle though, and they are super comfy to walk in. Size 5s returning to John Lewis, if you're interested, Gail! Shame you've got shoes that you struggle with. Footwear can be so hit and miss. Hugs, x.

  5. Haha! not as re your sorrow over your boots, which are totally fabulous, but re my own personal sorrow over things I have recently been letting go of also. Shoes, boots, people and even some lifestyle let-going. It's the song that's the haha! I remember this song too and the "hey now, hey now..." cheered me up immensely. Thank you for the positive spin on the everchanging landscape of life. The good stuff is all still there and we can always sing, hey? Hugs to you for making the journey a group event, not a solo trip. XO

    1. Oh my Karen, what an amazing message. It's a very special song that's going to be with me to the end and beyond and I'm so pleasantly surprised that it resonates with so many reading this. Thanks for your lovely words, I hope you keep popping back! And I hope your life is on track, despite the letting-going. Hugs, x

  6. I love your skirt and I love the look! Why are you hiding your face and your hair today? They would be the perfect complement to this beautiful outfit! The shoes are beautiful, but the important thing is you!

    1. Oh my, how charming you are! Thank you, but it was all about the shoes here. I wanted some last shots of them so I was positioning the camera down. I'm not very good at mirror selfies, to be honest.
      Have a nice day, x.

  7. Wow! You look amazing in this outfit! I love the belt. The shoes are gorgeous. I'm sorry you had to send them back.

    1. Thanks so much, Amy, you really are too kind! Shame about the shoes but unfortunately I couldn't justify just looking at £70 sitting in the wardrobe. Hugs hun,x.
