Monday 29 January 2018

2 Years + 2 Acts of Bravery

Hi my dearies, hope you are well.  I thought I was well, until I realised that I'd missed my second anniversary with you. Ooops.  This was MY FIRST TIME HERE..  Yes, I missed it by two days.

So I've been blogging for 2 years.  And 2 days.
It's been an amazing journey, to coin that over-used cliché. Or should I say it's been amazeballs?  Because I've picked up a few Americanisms along the way.  But what can I say, language is my jam - oh, and there's another!
 Many many MANY MANY times in the past two years I have thought to give up, to stop blogging. I'll tell you about that sometime.  But I'm still standin', as my mate Elton would say (yes, my mate, I met him in Stockholm BITD, such a nice guy)


To celebrate my 2 years and 2 days anniversary, I'd thought I'd go a bit out of my comfort zone with my garb of the day

With a white shirt!

White shirts don't suit my shape and my colouring.  But I had a whizzo idea of softening the blow with a jumper.  A leoprint jumper, bien sur. I chose one of the two white shirts I've attempted to make work for me in the past 10 years.  This one's a Next long version which I let show below the hem of my jumper.  It has tucks and seams going on so it frills a little at the bottom - I kinda liked that.
I added pearls and I think they bring a lady-look to what could be viewed as something a little on the edgier side of pensioner. 

What do you think my dearies?  Do you think I could be brave enough to show you me in this shirt without the woolly camo?  Maybe let you decide if I can do white shirts or not?

My 2nd act of bravery to mark this special 2+2 anniversary was my first choice of skirt.  Leather.  This skirt is coming up for 20 years old.  I've never worn it on the blog before because I stopped wearing it; I thought it looked too short on me.  And TP certainly agreed with that.  But today I manned up and wore it.  And y'know, TP said "Maybe it's not too short after all". 

And I think I've worked out why we both softened to this skirt today.   Opaques.  Gabor Pollyanna boots.

My view is a leather skirt needs the right backdrop, the right leggage.  And this was it.
What do you think, dear reader?  Can I get away with wearing this M&S so-soft leather skirt again?

But perhaps leoprint + leather was a step too far for this old bird.  So I then went for safety with a wool skirt, also old, also from M&S.

The extra length and little side kick pleat thing going on make it comfy. And it is an old faithful.

What do you think, sweeties?
Is a leather skirt a little "trying too hard"?  Maybe a little mutton dressed as lamb?
Is leather AND leoprint just laying things on a little too heavily?  A little too Bett-ish?
Is a longer wool skirt where I should be at, given my pensioner status?
Should I not be going for safety in my garb?  Every.  Single.  Time.  ?

And for those of you non-Brits who haven't got a clue what Bett-osh is, here's our Bett.

Bett Lynch was a barmaid in the Rovers Inn, a pub in a soap called Coronation Street.  She was your archetypical warm and friendly barmaid and became a national treasure.
She was also known for her leoprint style of dressing.  It's her legacy.
So I may be Lady Leoprint, but Bett is forever the Queen of Leoprint!

A la perchoine.


  1. You forgot Bet's BIG earrings!

    You look fab in the leather skirt and it's tights that make it look the right length as you bottom half is in the same colour and lengthens it. I do learn things from fashion blogs sometimes...

    I also think the leoprint jumper and white shirt look great on you. It's a sophisticated and cool look and you carry it off perfectly.

    1. Oh yes, Beth's earrings too.
      We're learning, eh. I hadn't analysed as I was still reeling from TP liking the skirt, but you're right, the opaqueness creates a solid and continuous block, thus "lengthening" the skirt. Gosh, all my short skirts are going to come out now! Thanks so much, Vronni, 👍 to looking sophisticated and cool 😎.
      Wishing you a nice week, x.

  2. The leather skirt looks great! Not too short either, and the leo jumper also fab. Definitely not trying too hard - down right stylish! I also don't look good in a lone white shirt. Lise

    1. Aww thanks so much, Lise, that's making me feel better about my risque move with this skirt. And also to hear that I'm not alone in not being able to hack the Classic White Shirt look. Thanks for popping in. Hugs, x.

  3. Well Happy, Happy, TWO YEAR Blogiversary sweet Mary! This week is my 2 year anniversary as well and like you, there have been days I've thought about throwing in the towel, but like a Timex, I take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. (That's and OLD commercial you are likely not familiar with😉) Looky here, I think you can absolutely wear a white shirt without hiding behind a sweater and that skirt is lovely. The tights are just what it needed. You look "amazeballs". Have the best day! XOXO

    1. Thanks so much, sweet Lisa, and congratulations to you too! I've discovered that a few bloggers I read started around the same time - our stars must had been aligned. Interesting that we've shared nadirs too, we must do one of Kellyann's FaceWineTimes and share experiences! Not familiar with the Timex ad (not because of age but bc of being this side of the pond) but I like it!
      Thanks for your so kind comments, maybe you won't be so upbeat when on you see a Sergeant Major staring back at you in her CWS!!
      Hugs, x.

  4. Well, you are just ever bit as cute as Bett! I love the va va va voom leopard, your jumper is much classier! I must say the seams and tucks on the white shirt completely caught my eye peaking underneath! I am here to wish you a very happy 2+2 Bloggy Anniversary and I must say how much you’ve blessed me with your wit, sass, style, warmth and genuine heart! I want to thank you always for your uplifting and loving words. You made my day extra special today and it’s friends like you that make this Bloggy world go round! Honored and Blessed to “know” you pretty lady! xx

    1. Some people are put on this planet to spread love and joy, and heavens know there aren't enough of those people around, so you are right up there, top of the pile. Everything you said on your post today was so true and I think we've all been there, there are some people we're better for turning our backs on.
      Thanks so much for bucking up my spirits every single time you pop in here. In some subliminal way, you make me want to be ME!!
      And thanks for saying such nice things today, as always, you are one special lady!
      Hugs are not enough, x.

  5. Not too short at all and I always wore my leather skirt when I had one with opaques. I like your shirt with the jumper. Happy blogaversary and here's to many more.

    1. Phew, that's a relief to hear! Thanks for everything, twin, it's been wonderful to meet special people like you through this little old blog !
      This skirt has always been around just hangin' but my declutter has reunited me with a beautiful leather pencil skirt, and FIVE suede skirts, and one of them I think I could convince people is this year's ultraviolet! Have you unearthed any surprises?
      Happy week to you, sweet heart, x.

  6. Oh Lady Leoprint how I love thee in this outfit! Both skirts are amazeballs on you my friend - this is just such a stunning look on you! Happy 2nd Blogiversary! My blog will be 2 in April, boy time flies.
    I'll tell ya, I'm so inspired by your look today that if I was actually going to work I'd wear the same thing. I love leopard of course but add a blouse underneath and pearls and yes, yes, yes!!! I am not fancy like you so I don't own a black leather skirt but I could wear black pants. You look incredible my friend!!!

    1. Well, I hate to sound OTC fancy but during my declutter I've discovered I have TWO real leather skirts and FIVE real suede ones. This is because I'm a hoarder and the other leather skirt goes back to the 80s!
      Thanks for loving today's outfit, weirdly leoprint leather and pearls actually works. Wear it with your Nordstrom leggings (that's me trying out bossy). Thanks so much for your loveliness, xxx.

  7. You look great! I love the leather skirt. The other one actually seems a bit long. PLEASE don't stop blogging. You know that I am a bit inconsistent, so I do understand that it is hard to keep it up, but so many of us would miss you! You always brighten my day.Have you ever tried a Skinny Shirt? It is a tight -fitting shirt made to wear under things. It has a nice collar, and looks like a shirt, but without the bulk. I could not do without mine.

    1. Thanks, Susan. It's surprising me that I like the shorter skirt too! Yes blogging can take up time but I do enjoy it and hope readers allow me some inconsistency! It's the lack of control/public aspect that sometimes concerns me. Hugs, x.

  8. You really rock this look, PP, and I can only say: "Patsy Stone, eat your heart out"!

    1. Oh yes, Duchesse, hadn't spotted my inner Patsy coming out. I need to accessorise with Bolly and a fag! Is this a look for you? Your long Patsy legs would really do justice to a short leather skirt! Hugs, gorgeous, xxx.

    2. You're funny (in a haha-way ofcourse).x

  9. Hey, I've always wanted a black leather skirt-still do so I say go for it. It looks like we started fashion blogging about the same time and congratulations lady.

    1. Oh, so this is embarrassing, I've found that I have two black leather skirts, this one and a longer pencil skirt from the 80s! Shane I can't send it to you! It might be 30 years old but it still won't qualify for your 2nd Loved ... maybe I could pretend I gave it to my sis and she's just given it back?!!!
      Funny but you and a few others I read started at the same time too, how nice is that?!
      Hugs, x

  10. I agree, Gurrl, you are ROCKING IT! Take it from this 61 year old...I'd wear your entire a heartbeat!!

    Happy Anniversary! I so enjoy your blog!!

    Renee in Northern California

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet message, I'm so pleased you're enjoying my blog. I like how we ladies in our 60s and beyond can tweak a look to make it work for our age. Keep on rockin', Renee! Hugs, x

  11. To Susan and Terri and any other lovelies who've commented but have not had a reply to their sweet messages, apologies. Don't know what's going on but randomly I'm receiving comments on this post by email that aren't followed through on this page. Thank you so much for your messages and your kind words and thoughts. I hope this doesn't happen on other posts. Hugs, x.

  12. I LOVE it! Happy Blogaversary! And don't give up on blogging, do it for you! No other reason!

    1. Thanks so much, Amy. Yes, my blog is for me and it's an amazing diary, yet sometimes I do struggle with public aspect of it. But hey ho. Hugs and keep warm, x.
