Thursday 20 April 2017

Who's Copyin' Who?!

How soon are boots and opaques put away as spring leaps and bounds into our lives.
Winter was so brief, hardly worth buying clothes for. Spring is always such an inspiring time to refresh our wardrobes.  Which of course is what I did last year when I bought some jersey dress classics.

Here's my fave from 2016.

Dotty P; Pout.
See how I copied the look with nude heels and an ivory tassel pendant.  Most thorough.

Yes, Dotty P did a lovely line in bardot dresses, so I got moving on that little number here.

You will see it was not designed for the busty matron type who needs a robust (pun intended) under and over mechanism to make her look half decent.  So the bardot look didn't deter me.
I saw its potential and immediately had plans to make it bra friendly herehere
A bit of crafty petersham work and Robert est ton oncle.
I recently checked out Dotty P dresses again (with intention).

And see who's copying who now!

Just look what they've done to the navy bardot this year.  Yes, they've made it bra-friendly.
Dotty P, I am convinced your R&D team is reading my blog ... I hope my cheque is in the post.

 On to Next which I've noted sticks with a template for dresses and blouses.  If it works, keep making it in other fabrics, seems to be their sensible motto. 
Last year I bought a cute beachdress here and I wore it loads.
This year they have used that same beachdress template to cut this cute dress in (Pantone) green and purple.  I love the fabric, it sings out to me.  So it is on its way to me as I chat with you, dear reader.
I'm hoping its as much a keeper as last year's navy stripey affair.

But there were a few (!) Dotty P dresses that caught my eye but nothing screamed out "press button immediately lest this one gets sold out".   But Dotty P does some pretty good slashings of prices early on in summer, so here's the selection I'm stalking. 

Some cute day dresses.  Then below, a more fancy style.

Yes, there is an abundance of sleek flowery numbers - The Pout is invited to a June wedding and she's doing her research.  A little toning cardi would make a cute outfit out of any of these.
Though I will probably end up buying something gorgeous from Monsoon, my destination point for something a little more special.

Alternatively, I will wear the pink and purple silk affair that I have worn for summer weddings these past years!  I just think of what I paid for it 15 years ago for a summer ball (yes, another ball!) ... and stretch it to yet another wedding wearing.

And to round off the dresses, back to day to day and Dotty P's version of the green and purple.

So, yes, there is much research and planning behind the PP scenes at the moment.  And BTW, I checked out the Dotty P skirts that I featured a few posts previous - they were in the main either of study fabric and totally unsuitable for hot summer's days, or the fabric was limp.  There was nothing in between.  So, I'm on a different route skirt-wise.  Watch this space.  Please.

And finally, finishing off on what I thought was going to be a short post :-), I captured a snippet of spring with Birdsong in the ruettes.   I'm trying a couple of ways to post it.  I am hoping one of these works!

A la perchoine.


  1. Thanks for the beach dress link. I remember being disappointed last year that it had sold out.

    1. Yes you were, I didn't want to mention it in the post in case it opened old wounds! They are currently in stock in various patterns but this one I love. Do i hear a "How I wear my ...", Anna ?!

    2. P.s. technical glitch, it was me, The Pout, replying!

  2. This looks very cool on you - is cool or hot the right word! As the young one's say?? Either way this dress looks good on you Mary. Love your addition, what a fab idea. Jacqui

    1. Don't ask me, I'm an unhip pensioner!
      Thanks, Jacqui, with this innovation I'm no longer fased by bardots or any off the shoulder number. Worth bearing in mind when out shopping.

  3. Wow! You look so amazing in that LBD!

    1. Aw thanks so much Amy,I wore it loads last summer and am revving up for more fun with it in 2017! It's a great dress.

  4. This dress is fabulous on you Mary. I think any of the floral one's listed above that are of similar design would look great for the wedding. Even the one that your wearing could be worn with something light and floral. A light floral croped jacket would look great.
    Thank you so much for linking up to Celebrating Style x

    1. You are so sweet, Laurie. Thanks for your helpful advice, I'm going to have to start making decisions fairly soon, time flies!
