Monday 5 December 2016

Rust top

Hello, my lovelies.
Hope you're keeping warm and healthy, wherever you are.

I recently met up with a lovely friend for a catch up lunch at the golf club.

She always wears lovely colours and I thought I should compliment her.

I chose this rust coloured jersey top from Phase eight, teamed with my light and dainty paisley skirt from H&M.  The skirt has bits of deep red in it and seemed to be following my winter.  Aflorals theme too, I hope you noticed those subtle notes.  I thought I looked Christmassy, but in also in a subtle way.  Looks like I'm all about subtle today.

For the short drive to the club I whacked on my Peacocks pleather waterfall "biker" jacket amd Gabor knee high boots.

The drive along the west coast was just perfect.  The sea was still and jade/aqua.  Set into the sea along the coast line were huge clumps of red granite, sparkling in the midday winter sun.  What a contrast of colours!  I did so want to stop the car, leap out and dash across the road to take pics for you.  However, that may have been considered dangerous.  And illegal.  So I didn't.

A la perchoine.


  1. I love rust at Xmas. I used to wear it a lot. Unfortunately most if not all my rust has been donated.

    1. Yes, I think rust says festive without being garish. I'm glad this one has survived many culls. If clothing isn't high-street-cheap it has a chance of survival in my wardrobe, me being a tight Pout!
