Tuesday 6 December 2016

Knitted Dress

Hello!  Well, my Swedish, American and Canadian bloggers are well ahead with their Christmas preparations.  Ahead, as in their homes are all decked out with lights, baubles and greenery.  Mine isn't   On the way to dinner last night I checked out decs en route as I thought maybe just those further north are ahead of the game.  But no, there were amazingly lit-up houses to be seen throughout the island.  So it's just Pout Manor and its immediate vicinity that seems to be bah-humbugging at the moment. 

But rest assured, things will change.  This last weekend saw a flurry of energetic activity at home as I re-arranged furniture and décor and gave the house a good clean and tidy-up.   So Pout Manor is now a clean and tidy(ish) blank canvas on which to hang lights and baubles, light candles and wrap pressies.  How satisfying this process has been. I love getting organised.  I love change!

But on to the everyday.  I had a night out with the Sibs,  We met up at the Rockie.  I've posted my Rockie food shots sooo many times that I could not inflict any more pics on you.   Well, for a while at least. I think you know the menu better than I do myself.  So let's just stick with what I wore.

Monsoon cream knit dress, worn with Zara scarf and Gabor knee boots.  It's about 3-4 years old; it's a thick knit so doesn't cling, which some knitted dresses are prone to doing.  So it's "hang" pleases me.
What are you like with knitted dresses?  Do you find them cosily smart in winter?

It was a chilly evening. The dress is cosy. This Next oh so warm animal print shawl came too, but wasn't needed as the Rockie was full and all those hot diner's bodies kept the place very cosy indeed.
Do you tend to pile on the layers too, just in case?
But one has to cover all eventualities with our weather.  The UK has had -7 degrees for some days, then tadaah, tomorrow the temperature changes to +17 degrees.
So my layering ain't so crazy, huh?

I'm loving this Uniqlo feather and down coat.  It is so perfect for winter.  Not many layers required with this baby.

It's getting worn sooo much.  Its CPW is lowering with each blog I post!

My night out with my lovely Sibs was just perfect.  
There was a quiz on in the public bar next door.  We didn't join. These days our addled brains just don't fire up as quickly. E.g. Last week when out with friends a quiz was going on in the background.  One question "What was the name of Gandalf's horse?".  Five minutes after answers sheets had been handed in, The Photographer pipes up with "Shadowfax!".  It's a shame OAP quiz nights aren't offered, where you can hand your answers in 10 minutes after the round has finished.  We might then just stand a chance of answering a few!

A la perchoine.


  1. Luuuuvvvv the knitted dress/printed scarf combo; looks so cosy!! Ideas galore to work with for my winter up in windy Holland. Not many Christmas decorations here yet, seeing as Sinterklaas has only just left the country. Give it a week and we'll be up and running!

    1. Thanks, Duchesse, it really is winter-cosy and a great combo to try up in Holland.
      It's interesting how traditions vary. I expect thanksgiving gives The Americans the edge over the rest of us. I'm sure your Dutch homes will soon look beautifully decorated. Mine's on hold, I'm poorly with a fluey cold :-( but Pout Manor won't be far behind you with its a-dingin and a-dongin!
