Saturday 19 November 2016

Birthdays, New Stuff and Scarf Dilemmas

Another day older and deeper in debt ... I owe my soul to the company store

Well, that's how the old song goes but fortunately when The Photographer became another year older he did not owe his soul to the company store or indeed to the local restaurant, for I paid for his treat!

What a happy boy, eh?!

I'd had a birthday recently.  The day itself involved cousins and M&S Chinese takeaway food.  It was a lovely evening.
Let's see if that's what The Photographer chose to do.

Anyway, first things first - what to wear?

 I don't normally wear new stuff but Tadaah!! 
I want to tell the world that I have something new to wear!

For our BB dinner I wore my new Zara gold metallic top featured recently in A Box With A Past
M&S black wool skirt, Limited Collection black modal vest, Clarks croc print block heels. 

The Zara top here is asymmetric and has wing sleeves.  I was unsure about both as I don't normally do either.  They took a bit of getting used to but by the end of the evening (and half a bottle of Puilly Fume) I was feeling pretty relaxed with the style :-).

Topped with the Zara ecru jacardi first worn here.

Please don't fret, there was no night time chilly beach walking involved with this Jacardi outing, just a couple of warm taxi rides!

Hey look, plaid and pearls, again!

But getting me out the door is no mean feat.  First, the Peacocks tartan scarf as above.

Then, not quite happy with my choice, I tried a Tie Rack silk square in black/grey/ecru.  Naah.  Didn't like that either.

 But as Cinderalla stories always end, the third scarf was "just right".
I (eventually) left the house with the Zara leopard print.  
A Zara hat trick!

Only then, finally, was The Pout ready to get out the door! 
Yes, out the door we went.  No takeaways for The Photographer  - it's fancy restaurants for him!

A la perchoine.

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