Wednesday 17 February 2021

The Games I Played In January

 Hello ladies!
Belated welcome to 2021. 

I have to say that 2021 has started in a sad and sombering way here so I hope you are faring better where you are. 

I first found blogging when my life was in sad place and blogs were a respite from a harsh cruel world.  Blogs and blogging took me to a light-hearted, cosy and “normal” place.  I felt cocooned in Blogland.  
I need some of that cocooning normality right now, 
so let’s take a look at what I’ve been wearing in January 2021!

And I give you the pics and the text in no particular order or consistency because of the formatting difficulties the new blogger app presents me with.

It wasn’t broke Blogger, so why the heck did you fix it?!!

This delightful Zara cardi is a recent addition to my wardrobe and although green, it has slotted itself sooo well into my wardrobe that I’m ready to declare khaki green a neutral!

Cheerful aqua.  Colour therapy?

I played clothes tag through the month, if nothing but to cheer up these pretty awful weeks, and the distraction helped me through January.  

My clothes tag game is to create a 7-8 piece capsule then carry forward at least one item
from the previous day’s outfit into a new outfit.  
I’m probably not explaining this too well, but try to spot the c/f items in some of these pics so that this hopefully makes sense! 

Cosy at home outfit. 

A posher casual day. 

This was an outfit hubs put together for me, during a week of him dressing me in lockdown.  #hubslockdownlooks was another game I shoved in my war chest to get me through the month. 
I needed games to get me out of slobby clothes!

A long line cosy knit with same coloured coated jeans. 

A 20 year old H&M khaki knit. 

A 20 year old beige suede skirt.  
Yes, this was yet another game I played in the month -  a blogger friend and I challenged each other to wear our old suede skirts. 
When the girl needs a game, the game shall come to the girl. 

An otherwise all-berry outfit with just a dash
of white hearts. 

I love the colours in this cashmere scarf, and I was pleased to discover it links in the colours of jumper and jeans, those being aqua and berry (my capsule colours). 

Faux leather trousers from Dotty P. 

A khaki collage. 

More all-berry. 

A hi and very low black silk shirt that I haven’t worn in 15 years - ouch!

If you’re looking for distraction in this bleak month too, perhaps you might like to guess which outfits my hubs put together for me, and which were part of my little clothes tag game.

And if you you need some help with the games I’ll point you in the direction of one - the above is a collage of some of my clothes tag outfits!

And there you have it, dear reader.  
What I mostly wore in January, a bleak to start to the year which needed a game or three to see me through the month. 

And hey, here’s another game to cheer up the day, which is your favourite outfit amongst this lot?  
I have a clear fave and without a doubt it’s one I felt really good in, but let’s hear which is your fave in the comments box below. 

I sincerely hope that you are having a good year so far. 
February for me here in Guernsey is a month where I start to see signs of spring and for me spring is (normally) a thrilling and positive season.  
Spring tells me better things lie ahead, and I’m breathing in all that positivity in the air because, quite frankly, I need any positivity I can get right now. 

How is 2021 treating YOU so far?

Mary x. 


  1. Your photos are looking very bright and cheerful with those plants in the background. The green long cardi is a must-have, and love the aqua. Such a fun colour.It's good to see the challenges you're setting yourself with capsule / hubster styling / suede skirt. I need some of those, my idea of dressing up every day for the home office soon fell awry.

    1. Thanks Gail, and oh how I feel your pain! It’s only games that kept me going through January. When I come out of this bleak time and put on make up again, maybe we can do something together and spur each other on?!
      Hugs, Mary xxx.

    2. Thank you Gail and how how I feel your pain! If sink into an abyss without my games. Maybe when you and I can slap-up again we can do something together?
      Hugs, Mary xxx.

  2. Hello nice to see you again have'nt seen your blog for about 2 yrs,I like the outfit with the berry jumper and suede skirt.I wondered if it was just me who could'nt get your blog or if you had stopped writing. I still don'nt appear to see other people's comments

    1. Hello! Oh I’m so sorry you’ve been frustrated with my erratic blogging. I posted from April to August last year and I’m trying again now, maybe weekly, blogging takes up a huge amount of time and I receive no financial reward. I post on Instagram, that’s a quicker process.

      I have no idea why you can’t see comments and that’s out of my control unfortunately, I wish I could help. Hope you can see my reply.

      Anyway, you’ve hit on my fave outfit of the bunch, that berry and suede combo. Great minds eh.

      Hugs, Mary x.

  3. Hello Mary, I've missed your blog posts. I think you should have more khaki green in your wardrobe it really suits you. I loved your new Zara cardigan. Some fabulous and cozy outfits and how brilliant you're rewearing a 20 year old skirt and 15 year old top. I think my oldest item is about 15 years old and it's a long wool shirt from M&S; a present from my ex-mum in law. I wear every year even though it has a moth hole in it.

    Yes, Mary Spring is on its way and won't we be glad?

    It's good you're back again!

    Take care

    1. Oh so great to hear from you Vronni, I must pop over to your blog.

      I’ve said it before, my wardrobe is my charity shop! I have stuff going back to the 80s!!

      Hope you and OH are keeping well.

      Hugs, Mary x.

  4. I love these. The khaki outfits make you look like a size 8 by the way xxx

    1. Ahhh you are such a sweetie , Jacqui, and so funny too knowing that you’ve seen me in the flesh!!!
      Hugs Mary x.

  5. I have two favorites. The posher casual day and the suede skirt first photo , minus bag and cardigan.
    What a nice idea to do this!

    1. Hi Jan, Oooh the suede skirt was my fave too and it’s nice to hear that you liked it without the cardi. Hubs will be pleased you liked his posher outfit!!!

      Hugs Mary x.

  6. Hello, lovely to see you back again. The aqua is certainly a great colour on you and I too like a good suede skirt, they never really go out of fashion. The khaki long cardigan too is very elegant on you. Hope February is kinder to us all. Roll on the spring and better things.

    1. Hi Alysia,
      You are so right , suede skirts just don’t go out of fashion. I had some suede flared trousers in the very early 70s, wish I’d kept those ... well just to look at, I’d never get in them now!
      Keep warm, keep safe,
      Hugs Mary x.

  7. It's so lovely to see you again Mary! I actually like you very much in the aqua blue. All outfits are lovely though. Here's to things getting better for 2021 Mary. I hope you find comfort here in blogosphere xx

    1. Well thanks for encouraging me to get back here again Laurie!!!
      The aqua colour was love at first sight, it oozes good times and hope and brings a smile to my face.
      Keep safe m, keep warm,
      Hugs Mary x.

  8. I like the aqua top with the cashmere scarf. Sometimes games can help us get through a hard situation, I aim to do something fun each day of my mainly being in the house. Reading for me counts as fun.

    1. Oh Terra, it’s lovely to hear from you. The aqua does indeed come alive with that scarf, such a happy combo.
      We have to do whatever it takes to get through this eh, games, reading, and sometimes just spending a few minutes to sit in the garden and listen to the birdies.
      Hugs Mary x.

  9. Hi Mary, how nice to see you again! Well I have more than one favourite of your outfits. I love you in aqua and berry. Khaki and rust look good too! Inspired by your gorgeous hair colour, which I have mentioned before, I have not dyed my hair since mid-November and I an so thrilled to say it looks like it is coming out a very similar colour to you yours! So I am happy to see that olive actually really suits you, because I treat it as a neutral and was a tad worried that with the new hair colour it was not going to look so good. However we seem to have very similar colouring all round so it looks like it can be flattering. Hugs to you and looking forward to more of your updates. Winter is such a drag. It has been absolutely freezing here in Nesebar and this morning we woke up to a white world. It had been snowing all over the country but not here. It may be that because we are a peninsula we often get the freezing temps but not the snow. It is a pity as we were having an early Spring before that, temperatures were in the late teens and the plum tree outside my bedroom window actually had blossoms! Ack - back to freezing! Regards Lise

    1. Aww Lise, it’s so good to be chatting with you again. And reading your comments, I’m beginning to have no fave outfit!
      So exciting to hear how your own-colour hair is progressing , good decision eh, and I guess we must be similar colouring as I love khaki, it brings out my complexion - you too? I only wish I could see a pic of you! You’re going to have to set yourself up with a blog, or maybe on insta, that’s much easier.
      Well Bulgaria has been hit by that snow snap too then, I knew Greece and Turkey were hit. Keep warm. I expect the sea air keeps the snow mostly away from where you live by the coast, as it does on our island.
      But oh how nice that plum blossom sounds, hope the sub zero temps are kind to your plum tree.
      Much hugs, Mary x.

  10. Well, hello Mary. I was happy when your post came up in my Wordpress Reader. Nice to see you. Sorry about Blogger messing with you. My two favorites: the aqua therapy (love the concept) and the high low black top. Well, January wasn't the greatest all around, I think. Have you gotten your first vaccine yet? If you mentioned it on IG, I missed it. Michael and I finally got ours last week. We are just coming out of the artic deep freeze (one morning it was -26C. You really don't want to get out of bed with that one! Glad to see all your style in one place. I been back blogging for about a year now. Hope you post a bit more.
    Take care, XOXO

    1. Hi Terri,
      So glad you were pleased to see me!! I’m hoping that blogger has sorted out some of its issues whilst I’ve been away.
      Thanks for sharing your outfit likes, that aqua certainly sends my spirit soaring!
      Oh goodness, you’ve had it cold in Missouri; I’m impressed you did actually get out of bed!
      Yes I’ve had my jab and TP has had both, my second is in April. So good to hear you’ve both had yours now and it’s good to read some of the research that’s now trickling through about the efficacy of the vaccines.

      I’ll check out your blog, and I’ll try to post a few times during the month.

      Love to you and Michael.
      Hugs Mary x.

  11. It seems like we all agree that aqua colour is our favourtie. I also like you wearing a long green cardigan, Mary

    1. Hi Anna,
      It’s nice to hear from you. Try yourself some aqua, it’s just the spirit-lifter a gal needs in February! Wishing you a fabulous looking weekend!
      Hugs Mary x.

  12. Lovely to see you again! Think we are all feeling the same boredom at the moment - will we ever get out again! Having had the jab does help but its been a long slog this last month! I love you in the aqua with cashmere scarf Mary.

    1. And it’s lovely to hear from YOU again Linda! Well the UK has a plan to get out of this so fingers crossed, spring is looking rosier now. Great that you’ve had your jab, me too!
      Hugs, Mary x.
