Thursday 1 March 2018

My Snowday 3, The One With The Bad Outfits

Hello my lovelies.  How's winter doin' where you are?
Cold enough for you?

I've just watched the news and seen the awful weather those in huge swathes of the UK have suffered today.  My heart goes out to them.  We were forecast to get that blizzard today, when Storm Emma and Beast collided.  We didn't.   The wind must have shifted.  We got off lightly with a snowy squib today.

The Fun

Yesterday we got a sunny -10c day.  That was forecast correctly.  
I started the day with my Windsmoor chunky cardi.  It's my go-to when it's really cold (like now!) and is also my "sick" cardi, something I let give me a big hug when I'm not feeling well.  

Despite the addition of the cute leather cap (bought in NZ) , TP declared the cardi "not very photogenic".  Perhaps because it comes with that backstory of cold and illness.

Maybe I was a little peeved that my faithful woolly friend was being rejected.   OK, no "maybe", I was peeved!  He'll regret this, I told myself.

I dashed inside for props.  How about this fur throw?  Is this photogenic?

How about a camel coat, muffler and black cloche?

A green wool coat and black beret?  Is THIS "photogenic"?!

Well, there's TP standing around in the snow whilst I switch outerwear.  You can just imagine how much he was loving this.  And regretting his flippant  "unphotogenic" comment.
(Goodness, I'm sounding quite vindictive but I can assure you it was all of this was done in a light hearted way!)

So, as is apparent, I made no attempt at styling, what you see is a hasty throw-on of random outerwear.  I just had a few minutes of fun winding up sweet TP.  But it's made me truly appreciate the guts of style bloggers in colder climes who brave the weather stylishly throughout winter, wearing sometimes nothing more than a thin layer or two.  Whereas, wimpy me gets put off with a bit of wind or rain, through all four seasons!

The Snow Scenes

I leave you with a few photos taken from local public websites, to give you a flavour of what a mere dusting of snow does to our little island. 

The beaches and headland near my home.


The coastal village nearby.

The roads were clearly used by some motorists.

But not by us oldies.  Fortunately with so much advance warning of this snowy weather, we'd stocked up on all we needed well ahead.

Further away, town was sprinkled prettily.

But, the bad news ...

He's in strutting in somebody else's garden now 😢

The island snow sparkled in yesterday's sun.

And once this gorse shakes off its white dusting ...

Spring will be here.  For it's 1 March, the start of the meteorological spring.  And I 💕💞💟💖 spring!

A la perchoine. 


  1. A great coat walk here Mary! I find it hard to believe that the Winsmoor brand that was so loved is no more. Some beautiful scenic shots here too. I travelled from London down to Essex unscathed yesterday, but today I'm wondering when I will get home! I had to come to make sure mother was ok.
    Laurie xx

    1. Oh gosh, Laurie, you've sent me on a googling Windsmoor journey. Seems after a buy out of the group last year, JV has survived but W has disappeared? Shame, this cardi is my friend.
      So good of you to travel up to Essex to see for yourself that your mum is OK. Hope your camera's been clicking those scenes! Only travel back when you know your journey will be safe, eh. Hugs, wishing you a cosy weekend, wherever you are, x.

  2. Some lovely pics here of snowy beach scenes and that pretty town with its lights sparkling in the dusk. Actually I love that green coat on you. Fabulous colour to lighten up those snowy days. It's slowly warming up here but when you have 2 and half feet of snow it will take a little while to go! I am sick of wearing my heavy winter boots.

    1. Thanks Christy, places do look even prettier in the snow, eh. Oh my, for us it's a novelty but you know what snow is REALLY like. I used to live in Scandinavia but I'm sure ours wasn't THAT deep. Brave you, out in your boots for months on end.
      Playing around with that green coat has inspired me to do a post on it - it's got a story. Looks good in snow. Now ... not so good.
      Keep snuggled up, my dearest, x.

  3. Oh that TP! My theory is that he just loves photographing you so much he suggests outfit edits so you'll have to keep him engaged longer! I actually like your sick cardi best but love the pic with the fur throw - you are a funny one with that sense of humor showing in your photos!
    Stay warm my friend, it's getting cold here in the 70's this weekend and that has me extremely pleased!!!

    1. Oh Mrs R, so funny. TP said your observation was hilarious ... And SO wrong !! Glad you like the cardi, it's draped over my desk chair in winter to slip on as I chat to you guys, I've had SO much use from it that CPW must be in minus figures!
      OMG, 70s? Shall I ship you over my fur throw? Keep very warm, young lady, this isn't a good to be wearing red shoes 😉 . Hugs, x.

  4. How pretty your island looks with a sprinkling of snow. I disagree with TP about the huggy cardi. I love it. But he's probably biased against it, as you say. Mr M has a habit of saying "not your best photo" which drives me mad!

    1. Thanks, Gail, everything looks so much prettier in snow, eh. I guess you had a lot more. So pleased TP was wrong about that cardi, maybe I should start wearing it OUT!
      Oh dear, Mr M's cliffhanger comment must open up a barrage of "why" and "is it because" questions !!! Keep warm and snug, my dearie x

  5. I love your two posts that you have linked up with and your struggle to be chic in all of this and trying to please Mr. TP (I get that!).

    Even thought I so want to go to Guernsey and have afternoon tea and crumpets with you, I must ask is anything you are wearing is 2nd Loved. I want to put you in one of my Photoshop extravagances again(you know, the monthly collage), but I have to be true to my cause. So let me know. Enjoy the snow dear friend, xox Terri

    1. Love that you get it, Terri. And here's the spooky thing, when we were stocking up for the snow, I threw some crumpets in the trolley and we had them on the snow days!
      Gotta be done. I'd love to share crumpets with you sometime, dearest!
      I've checked the photos and nothing 2nd Loved is there. The leather cap is 20+ years old, so I class that as 2nd Loved ... By Me! Old things I rediscover and which feel new again is tantamount to wearing charity shops finds in my mind, it certainly feels that way! e.g. the leather coat I wore last week. So, sorry but nothing qualifies but I like to pop up in your link up even though I don't meet the rules for the photo collage. Hope that's OK.
      Thanks for popping in, always good to have a chat eh?. Hugs, x.

  6. Oh my goodness, this post cracked me up! Welcome to my world of fashion photography when you live in the arctic! Love all your coats, especially the white and green one; and such cute hats too! What a beautiful part of the world you live in.

    1. I have even more admiration for your snow work now, Amy. Thanks so much for saying all those nice things, I'll dress smarter with those hats next time we have snow! Hugs, x.

  7. I thought the throw was leo print at first! Lovely outer wear and I loved your Windsmoor cardigan - it looks so snuggly!

    It's funny how the snow can totally transform familiar landscapes. Yours is looking very pretty - ours has turned to slush and all that entails...


    1. Hi Vronni, so relieved that my fave snuggly cardi is getting liked by others. Snow spreads a layer of prettiness in its path and as you say, changes places unrecognisably. Ours slushed overnight so we woke up Friday to everything being neatly cleared. I always find the slush such a sad and tawdry ending to the beautiful snow. Hope you're out on your walks again now, we are. Have fun working your week's wardrobe magic, hugs my dearie, x.
