Saturday 10 March 2018

Introducing The Third Piece

 OK, so it's that time of the season when panic sets in.  That time at the end of a season when I realise that the weather is morphing into the coming season and I haven't worn nearly enough of my favourite pieces from the closing season.

 Today was that day.

After we endured our Siberian winter then enjoyed a few gorgeously sunny days, all in the space of 7 days, it dawned on me that in a few weeks it will be far too warm to wear one of my fave pieces from AW18, the berry coated jeggings from Next. Nor my gorgeous berry boots from M&S.   Nor my grey woolly bardot jumper from Dotty P for that matter.  Cripes!!!

So I remedied that without delay and in one big wollop.  I wore them all together in one outfit with a berry cami underneath, and met up for coffee with TP and our mate.  The mate glanced at my garb and told me I looked like one of The Avengers*.  I told our mate I'd dressed for him.  I hadn't, of course, that was just me in flirty mode.
TP guffawed, perhaps because I don't do flirty so well these days 😕.  Darn it!

When dressing I'd realised that much as I loved the berry jeggings and boots, I could have got a lot more wear out of them if one vital piece was added to the mix. A third piece.  The piece that brings an outfit other.  In this case, a berry cardi.  
With a cardi of similar colour, I could introduce a whole load more pieces to this combo.  That would create a mind-blowing extra number of outfits from those two basics.

I'd been stalking a berry cardi at Peacocks for some time, perfect for my berry bits, but I didn't want to pay full whack.  I'm a pensioner, don't ya know?
My take on dressing these days is that it's worth spending money on core items of clothing in neutral colours that will endure through the years, through fashion and hair colour changes!  But for an injection of colour, it's not worth spending shedloads because chances are, I'll tire of them quicker than neutrals.

And as luck would have it, I'd spotted that "my" cardi had been reduced so after coffee I sneaked off to the shop and with discount and a voucher I bagged my berry beauty for £6!

I tried it on a home and it was love at first wear. I was excited to put it through its paces so  I tugged out a few tops from an overstuffed wardrobe   I judiciously selected a few suitable pieces.

Readers, I give you my third piece, styled in top to toe berriness.  Taadaaahhh!

Here, I teamed it with the longline cami that I'd bought from the same shop some weeks ago.  Remember my top tip, if you're dealing with esoteric colours, buy from the same range for a perfect colour match.  Otherwise, it just gets messy. 

I have to tell you that I am over the moon with this cardi.  It's the perfect colour for all my wardrobe's berriness, it hangs beautifully, it's a perfect length and the sleeves are nicely tight for the elbow roll up thing, which is my preferred way to wear knitwear.

If a pictorial dictionary needs a photo to depict "happy bunny" then use this one above, for that is me, an extremely happy bunny.

And that's where I have to press the pause button on this epic story as I had to break it down into two posts.  Yes peeps, I hear your sobs but it was really THAT big!  So why don't you pop back tomorrow and see for yourself what I achieved with the introduction of this third piece.
 It's worth the wait! 

So, dear readers, I'm wondering whether you're in panic mode too as you rush to wear your winter faves before the weather changes?

*Emma Peel, The Avengers
Yes, our friend has a vivid imagination!

A la perchoine.


  1. You know, I do the same thing with my closet. I was getting ready to go out the other day and I looked in my closet and thought "What haven't I worn yet this season?" It's a sad commentary though that we have so many clothes it's hard to wear things at least once every season. Of course, I only leave my house approximately twice a week and the rest of the time I'm wearing activewear.

    1. Yup, it's sad First World Too-Much-Stuff, that's for sure. And you're right Amy, my wardrobe says going out and my lifestyle says staying in! Sending you happy weekend hugs, x.

  2. I'm with you. So many things unworn. I did pack a few away today as it was warm enough to go out today without a coat! What a difference a week makes. maybe i was rash vacupacking away my woolies but oh well. Funny though its the spring and autumn that my pleather comes out as the winter is too cold for them, generally. Hugs x

    1. Oh Anna, that's the thing, trying to get round to everything. Me being a hoarder for 20+ years doesn't help! Yes, I guess pleather is a perfect transitional, ooops, sorry about that, a perfect change of season fabric!
      Now whilst I'm so impressed that you've packed away some of winter and have enjoyed some glorious days, have you checked the forecast for Saturday/Sunday ? We're due zero temps and snow! Again!!!!!!!
      Hugs, my lovely, enjoy the weekend no matter what the weather and the outerwear! X.

  3. Yes, agree, too many unworn clothes in the wardrobes but that's the downside of having too many clothes!

    I love your top to toe berry outfit. Very stylish.

    1. Thanks so much, darling Vronni, and yes, with what we have packed away it's a real challenge to give every piece a chance, I do love rediscovering things, so that's the upside, eh? But you manage to keep the kettle on the boil with all your clothes, I hardly ever see repeats!!! Hugs, my love, x.

  4. I've got so many new items that I've only worn one, most are dresses to be fair. What I really need is a bigger wardrobe, so I can sort through and split into seasons - oh well I can dream can't I??!! Have a super week.
    I'm starting my very own Linkup on Thursday and hope you'll be able to stop by to add a post or two. xx Jacqui.

    1. Yes, I guess dresses are stand-alone and you either wear them or you don't, no mixing in with other things. Please do keep dreaming about that huge run of wardrobes, it WILL happen! Good luck with your link up, sounds like a really techy thing to do, you clever lady. Hugs, x.

  5. Yes the berry outfit looks good. Just recently I have shopped in 2 shops not tried before and been very pleased. One being Peacocks where I bought pinky/tan jeans and a longline dark olive cardi, and a new Primark near us shopping with my granddaughter I bought a very nice gold coloured hooded top and a navy jacket I am very pleased with the quality.( although brought down to earth when a friend said it was slave labour)

  6. Well that was a nice compliment your mate gave you about looking like an Avenger, right? The picture looks good to me!
    Glad you got your well sought after cardi and on sale - it was truly meant to be. I love the fit and the color on you. Totally agree about not spending all our dough on pieces that won't stand the test of time. If I ever want to actually become a pensioner I need to be a little more frugal or I'll be working until I drop, ugh!!!
    Have a great one sweet friend!
