Saturday 3 February 2018

All Things Bright And Berryful

Well, no surprise that it was another day for British Bloggers to stay indoors. 
Yup, it rained.

It was definitely a day for jeans and a cosy jumper.

I was pleased to have my berry bardot jumper and boots to perk up a very dull day.

The bardot jumper is long enough to wear as a dress, yet by hoiking it up in some way, it becomes a snuggly jumper.  I found this berry belt a few weeks ago at Peacocks and it's a perfect match for the boots, the jumper and all things berry that happen to have found a way into my wardrobe these past few months.

The belt was a better hoiking tool than the pinning I had previously tried when wearing this in jumper mode.  I thought the belt would move around during the day but it didn't.  It stayed in place.  Result!

Do you use belts at hip level to create a soft blouson effect to baggy jumpers?
If you don't, please give it a try.  It works, it adds interest and I think it does improve the proportions of the line.  To be honest, I expected the belt to create a sack-tied-in[the-middle effect but I don't think it did as The Photographer With Fashion Views remained silent.  And, stop press. I've just checked with him now and TPWFV says that "it doesn't look bad".  He still doesn't like the look but it doesn't look like ASTITM.  Phew.  Another result!

I took this outfit to the pictures.  We saw The Post, about the unmasking of surpressed truth about the war in Vietnam.   Well worth the trip and chillingly pertinent to current day yet this goes back nearly five decades.

So peeps, it's rainy February and rainy January is three days gone.
January was essentially "dry" for me, despite all that rain!
I cannot tell you how easy it was and how good I'm feeling.  More on this soon.

But right now, all I have to say is that I hope you pop back for my next post, and, oh yes

A la perchoine


  1. BERRY BEAUTIFUL is what you are!! I do love the blouson affect and often fail to remember to pull out the belt drawer. We are rather boorish tonight and now you make me want to go see The Post and wear a belt!! Very pretty!

    1. Awww thanks, sweetness. Me too about forgetting how useful belts can be, I wear a tan plaited belt CONSTANTLY in jeans- and that's usually it.
      The Post certainly awakened my conscience, definitely something to watch, though your cosy night in Chateau Nine sounds heavenly. If I had a gorgeous new home I'd have to be dragged out, kicking and screaming! Hugs hun, x.

  2. I’m wondering if it’s the wettest January we just had? Your looking super snug and cosy though Mary! Love the Wine colour on you. All my months are “dry” unfortunately I can’t have alcohol. Well that’s a lie, I could have Vodka neat or with water I guess. I’m just thinking how embarrassing I would be after just one shot!
    Laurie xx

    1. We'll, the stats will soon be out and I'm sure that'll be confirmed. It's been constant.
      Thanks, lovely Laurie, I liked the outfit a I think it's going to on repeat-wear through February!
      Oh the voddie frustrations you must have; is fresh orange juice a no-no? A luxury screwball sounds delish. But then I look at your gorgeous body and see that allergies ain't all bad - take a look at my blog pics if you ever cheering up !! Hugs, x.

  3. Beautiful jersey, I love the look with these boots! The last picture is fantastic, you look beautiful!

  4. Oh, I want to see The Post!!! We saw 12 Strong over the weekend and it was so very good, but The Post has been on my list too. Berry suits you my friend, such a pretty color on you. I don't wear belts too often but I do love the result you got.
    Good for you, having a "dry" January!

    1. Go see it (me bossing!), it's chilling in its relevance.
      I know you didn't want to join me in my dryness, but you would have had fun, honest.
      Thanks for your loveliness, hugs and, err ... xxx?

  5. Such a fabulous casual outfit!! I need to pull out my belts...I always forget about them!!

    1. So funny, Jessy, that's what I'm hearing and that's what I do, forget to belt up! Thanks for popping in.
      Hugs, x.

    2. Jodie, I apologise on behalf of my spellchecker for the name faux pas above! X.

  6. Hi Mary
    This rich shade really suits you! It looks wonderful with the boots and belt. I honestly don't own many belts, i don't know why! it has just been cold and rainy here lately too. i'm ready for some sunshine!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

    1. Hi Jess, sounds like we're sharing the same weather 😖. Thanks so much re the outfit, it's so comfy. Let's wear what belts we do have, girl, and rock the world! Hugs my lovely, x.

  7. I would have never guessed that was really a dress...genius adding the belt!

    1. Well, thank you young Lisa, it was sold as a sweater but it's so long that it can be whatever you want it to be, pretty much! Hugs hun, x.

  8. That sweater does look so cozy and warm! I love it with the boots and belt!

    1. Thanks so much, Amy, I was quite pleased the way this one turned out. Hugs, x.
