Friday 3 November 2017

Lady Leoprint Goes To Bordeaux

Yes, my dears I had a few bits and bobs to do, getting in some groceries, popping into the bank, that sort of humdrum.  Then on a whim I decided to go to Bordeaux.

But first, the important stuff.  The OOTD for Bordeaux 

A leoprint jumper from Next a couple of years ago, some black Per Una jeans and the old dependable bendable boots from Clarks.  The boots are brown, linking into the brown in the print, and to my hair - more on that later!

In colder months I find myself drawn to leoprints.  A touch of Bett on an otherwise simple piece of clothing like a jumper or scarf seems to perk up a plain outfit.  20 years ago I carpeted my downstairs loo in leoprint, not realising I'd be decorating myself in the stuff in my dotage !

I've discovered that the embroidered black scarf I bought earlier in Primark can double as a plain black scarf by facing the embroidery end on to the chest.  How clever is that?  Not me clever, but designer clever. 

I was pleased with this glam-casual outfit for the last day of October, with all browns and the blacks linking together.
Yes, I felt like Lady Leoprint when I left home.  Thanks for my new alter ego, Kellyann!!

And after my bits and bobs were done I took this outfit to Bordeaux.
Ha ha!  No, not Bordeaux, France, but Bordeaux, Guernsey.  My little bit of Halloween trickery!
Yes, dear reader, we have an area called Bordeaux whose coastline includes a old fishing harbour which looks out to the eastern islands of Herm (paradise!), Jethou, Breqhou and Sark.

Here, the island of Jethou can be seen in the background.

But why oh why did I wear the gilet (vest)?!  I wear it rarely so each time I see photos of me in it, well I shudder, as I forget how thick and bulky it looks on my already thick and bulky frame.
I went out thinking I looked liked Lady Leoprint but in reality I looked like Lady Michelin!

Note to self: This gilet, though warm, is most unflattering and should be charityerised to spare you and me the angst of having to look at Lady Michelin even just one more time.

So whilst I recover from the trauma of seeing Lady M on my screen, I'll let these pics do the talking.

Apart from pointing this out - this pic perfectly shows my skunk hair.  You see on my left a strip of grey blonde hair with the rest of the head being dark brown!  That's what I call my skunk look.
Yes, my style steal is courtesy of odorable (sic) Pepe le Pew!
But I think my hair tones perfectly with the skunkiness of my jumper!

So I am so curious to know a little bit about you and your hair.  
If you are going grey, are you greying uniformly, like the lovely ladies I see pictured on Pinterest?
Or are you like me (also a lovely lady!), and coming out a bit two tone?  
I'd love to hear how it's working out for you, lovely ladies.

This greying malarkey is clearly doing my head in!!

Herm island peeping at us over the rocks.

Close up of Jethou.  One house, one family.

TP tried to catch a pic of the sweet oyster catchers along the shore line.  Little dark blobs on the left - do you see them?

Herm in the background, to the left.

And there you have it peeps.  Lady Michelin Leoprint goes to Bordeaux.
The Guernsey Bordeaux.  But it did make me feel a bit jet-settey, a bit rock n roll, taking off for Bordeaux on a mere whim!

A la perchoine.


  1. Dear Lady Leoprint,
    You look amazing!!! The puffer vest is puffy but not Michelin-esque whatsoever, not on such royalty as yourself. In all of our redecorating we haven't incorporated any leopard print, isn't that a shame? I'm sure I'll find a few things here or there because I just love it. Next time you wear that outift I suggest you wear a bright scarf with it - perhaps coral- since we know you ROCK that color my friend!

    1. You are charm personified, Mrs R!
      But there's still time to leoprint the powder room ...
      Oh I do like the coral gift idea, thanks hun.
      Hugs, x.

  2. I'm nearly all grey now Mary. But the very bottom layer of my hair is still it's natural colour. I only tint the top, so it is slightly two tone, just the other way round to yours! I really like the colouring in your hair. xx

    1. Your hair always looks a beautiful natural colour and in such great condition. It sounds like you've found yourself a winning formula, my friend.
      Hugs and happy Guy Fawkes to you, sweetie, x.

  3. I let my hair go grey a few years ago and fortunately it is almost the same shade all over except for the lower back. I keep it short and it blends. Your island looks lovely and so does the outfit including the vest.

    1. Oh you are so lucky, Pieta. Letting our hair go grey is a real Russian roulette. I expect short hair is a good idea, wish it worked for me.
      Glad you like my lovely island ... and the vest!
      Hugs, x.

  4. Fabulous leopard top! I love how you styled it. Beautiful scenery too!

    1. Thanks so much, sweet Amy. You do scenery (and vests!) so well, so I'm proud my efforts are appreciated!!
      Hugs for a great week, x

  5. Dear Pout, Firstly you look great with the leoprint and black/grey/brown combo ALSO you do not look Michelin-esque in your gilet, you look wonderful. Re: hair. All my life I have been a natural blonde and of late (the last 8 years or so) I have gone darker underneath my hair at the back but not at the front. For the last 5 years or so my trusty hairdresser has helped me maintain my "look" with subtle highlighting but two of my closest friends (same age as me-ish give or take a couple of years either way, which is 67) have bitten the bullet and stopped colouring/assisting their hair colour. Both are fabulous silver foxes now, one is a wonderful all over colour no variance in colour whatsoever, the other is very silver in the front and on top with a dark iron grey underneath at the back. They are both urging me to stop having any assistance with hair colour and just let it all grow out but I think I will just be a boring mouse as not much grey is visible. My hairdresser who is wonderful said to just let highlighting grow out and see how things progress and if I hate it she will re-assist, main thing not to fret. Such a dilemma and at this moment in time I am not sure where I am going with it all. Your hair looks fab and very stylish in what you call an homage to Pepe La Pew (in my view I can see no skunk like tendencies at all). Thank you once again for showing us round your lovely Island home. Sue H

    1. Oops, Susan, my reply has morphed into a separate comment. Sorry.

  6. Pepe le Pew! That's a blast from the past. I foolishly mentioned Foghorn Leghorn and Deputy Dawg in the office the other day and got blank looks. Yoy look fab in your leoprint. We all have an unflattering gilet or North Face jacket (in my case) but in winter, needs must! Beautiful scenery. I didn't realise you live in Guernsey until Anna Mutton told me.

    1. Oh I can just imagine the scene in your office, Gail! Thanks for your sweetness and yes, needs must in winter and sometimes it gets ugly!
      Yes I'm happily living on my little island but not being in the UK has its disadvantages ... like missing out on blogger meets on the London Eye :-(.
      Wishing you a happy week ahead, hugs, x.

  7. Dear Susan, you are sweetness itself, thank you.
    I am so interested to hear yours and others' experiences on going grey. The common misconception is that we go from natural to full grey or silver almost overnight. You ladies are telling me that is definitely not how it works. There are so many possibilities, a real lucky dip (which is an aspect I found so exciting!). I love your turn of phrase, getting assistance with your hair. It sounds like you are in very capable hands and not fretting is sound advice as things can always be changed back, should you choose the greying route. We are so fortunate to have the choice, eh.
    Hope my home turf pics don't get tedious!
    Happy week ahead, hugs, x.

  8. I love the colour of the gillet. Warmth and fashion never the twain shall meet it seems. I choose warmth. I highlight my hair. Lucky enough not to have enough grey yet so I'd just look scruffy natural.

    1. Thanks so much, Anna, and yes, guess we're going into trade-off season and warmth is going to triumph each time. Gone are the days when I would shiver for fashion!
      Oh you're far too young for grey, lovely Anna!
      Keep cosy, hugs, x.

  9. I totally love your two tone hair and think it's a great way to go (grey). The leopard print top is gorgeous and yes, I know what you mean about the gilet, but honestly we all need an extra layer when it's chilly out don't we? Thank you so much for posting all the lovely island shots. It was like a little guided tour and gives me a better feel for your islands - they are similar to here aren't they?

    Have a good week!
    Anna x

    1. Thanks for your most kind words. This brown gilet is more puffa than padded but we island ladies need to keep ourselves warm, eh. I'm glad you like the photos as I took them with you in mind! I stood on that beach by the restaurant where we met up and experienced this weird and confusing feeling - in my head I was standing on our Bordeaux beach. For a few seconds I really didn't know where I was!
      We both live on islands made up of the same coloured granite which are surrounded by smaller clumps of granite islands, but it's spooky how the outlook from Bordeaux and your beach are so similar.
      Hugs for a good rest of week, x.

  10. Yes your hair looks very trendy. I love a little bit of bet with an outfit. How lucky to have all these islands near you. Maybe I'll find myself visiting one day.
    I do have my hair coloured, my 'natural' colour is very dark black, and I've had it matched for quite a few years now. Not ready to embrace the grey and not sure if I ever will be! Have a super week and weekend Mary. x Jacqui

    1. Waa-haay, I like trendy! I love all these Hair World words I'm picking up in this post, like assisted and matched. Whole new world for grey old me! Your hair is beautiful and matches your colouring so well, it would be a shame to stop the matching eh? You're far too young to even think about letting the grey come through!
      You know where I am, Jacqui, but save your visit for sunnier weather!!
      Enjoy your weekend, hugs, x.
