Tuesday 31 October 2017

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, folks!
And Happy Boxing Halloween if you're reading this tomorrow!

I was working on my next post when I heard a strange knocking at my door.
Spooky spectres?  Or maybe Trick or Treaters? I'm off to investigate.

Whilst I do, I leave you with an array of colourful pumpkins.

Pumpkins really are works of art.

They deserve wonderful things being done with them.  I just wish I liked the taste of the blighters.

But must dash, I'm off to see who's a knockin' at my door.

Could it be a scary Pumpkin? 

Or ...

I'll be back ... hopefully!

A la perchoine.


  1. Happy Halloween! Our big family party was this weekend but I still have all my decorations up and will slowly take them down. Honestly, I have a couple of things that I keep up all year. And I see the big round bale pumpkins faces are there too!

    1. Hi Terri, wow you really push the boat out on Halloween. And thanks for pointing out the hay bales, I had no idea they were made of that. You can tell I'm a Halloween rookie!
      Hugs, x

  2. I love the colors of pumpkins. There are so many shades and it's just perfect for fall!


    1. Hi Ruth, maybe we should dress to our seasonal vegetables?!! Thanks for popping in, hugs, x.

  3. Aren't you the talented one, leaving us with a spooky mystery on Halloween? Will she back or won't she? Hmmmm...cliffhanger. I do hope you come back as I enjoy you so much Lady Leoprint!
    All of those lovely pumpkins, just taunting and teasing me they are! This was the first year ever that we didn't get a pumpkin of any kind nor did we decorate. We did buy candy and handed some out but that's another story.
    Speaking of stories, how does this all end? Please send us a sign that you are in fact alright. Don't make me come over there!!! Ha!
    Hugs to you sweet friend!

    1. Well who needs pumpkins when she's getting a whole house reno?
      Yes, I'm pleased to report back for duty, not that I wouldn't love to have you come over here!
      I treated a scary snow white and skeleton who I was expecting, pushing as many lollies and chocs into their Halloween bags. I mentioned I hadn't had any other T or Ts and DIL explained it was because I hadn't put out a lit pumpkin. Apparently children heed thus welcome sign these days.
      Oh, that would explain why I've had to stuff my face with my own treats these past few years then!!
      Hugs. Sweetie, x.

  4. It amazes me how American us brits have become regarding Halloween.I'm wondering what treats your offering Mary? Thank god I wasn't in Essex. It would have cost me a fortune! xx

    1. Well, maybe no fortune at all if you kept pumpkins away from your front door (see my reply above)!
      My treats were predictable, a tub of Quality Street padded out with Halloween lilies and scary frog jellies. TP is going to be eating QS for some time to come ...
      Both t yes

    2. Oops! Lollies, not lilies. And a premature "send" moment!

      But yes, so true Laurie, until we started seeing Halloween stuff on American films, we didn't know Halloween existed. Hugs, x.

  5. They are beautiful aren't they. The callers set our dogs off all night so we've had to be antisocial this year and go to the pub instead. Any old excuse

    1. AM, that is THE best excuse yet for going to the pub! Ever!! Hugs, x.

  6. Looks like a wonderful Halloween!

    1. Hi Jamie, nice to hear from you. Halloween has been a slow-burner for us over here but we're getting there! My photographer likes the evening because I always buy in chocs and sweets as though we live in America but the reality is, we had TWO callers only ... and the photographer loves chocolate so he gets to deal with the stash on his own!
      Hugs, x.
