Sunday 15 October 2017

#6, Who I met !!

Some bloggers never get to meet a fellow blogger.  Even fewer bloggers get to meet two bloggers.  And both called Anna?  What are the chances? I'm sure Oscar Wilde would have something clever to say on the matter.  
I see myself as so lucky to meet two bloggers in my 21 month blogger life, and that both are called Anna is even luckier!  Have I just done something amazing?

During my recent holiday in the Scilly Isles I met ...

... taadaaahh!

The delightful and oh so colourful Anna of Anna's Island Style.
Doesn't she look amazing in her pattern mix?  And look at the backdrop, isn't that idyllic?

Anna is a stylish and colourful blogger.  Anna's ethos is to inject colour and pattern into her every day dress style, and preferably through 2nd Loved clothes.  In fact, so much is she a lover of and expert in colour and pattern mixes and black not usually having a place in her wardrobe that she set herself a challenge.  Wear a pair of new black trousers once a week, each time differently and for about 12 weeks from recollection (sure beats my 3-ways approach anyway!).
Of course, these were no ordinary black trousers, they had salsa-style frills down the outer leg.  I was fascinated to see what she did with black trousers and I found great inspiration from her series as I tend not to be very adventurous ... even with black!

But colour she does and she does it so well, see some of her splendid work here!  And I can also vouch for the fact that she wears colour and pattern in her every day life.  I sometimes think that bloggers dress for the camera then switch into sweat pants and an old t shirt.  Oh no, not Anna.  For I made an unannounced visit to her island gallery and she was there,  Monday morning, dressed in a glory of oranges and purples and pattern.

We both live on small islands so neither of us get to do that many blogger meets.  So we chatted.  We chatted for our islands.  We chatted non-stop for hours.  Despite lubrication in the form of a cappuccino and elderflower water, I arrived back at my hotel sounding croaky husky, and I likened my new voice to that of Judi Dench.
I realised that in retirement I don't talk as much as I used to.  And as much as I loved sounding like our National Treasure for a day or two (yes, the husk lasted!), I realised my vocal chords haven't been getting a good work out lately so promptly resolved to change that by upping my talking.  The Photographer's reaction to this new resolution was decidedly underwhelmed.

With our voice boxes well exercised and mine Judi-husking, we dashed off in search of another photo shoot location.
Anna found us this rocky outcrop with a beautiful sea and island background.

What a lovely shot, eh?  She's got an eye for locations.
And this looks like such an easy thing to do, eh?  Taking a shot at the water's edge.
But let me just show you what goes on behind the scenes.

10 Steps To The Perfect Blogger Selfie

1. Find suitable backdrop with level platform to rest camera.  If not level, create level platform with stones, twigs, phones and/or anything else lurking in handbag/backpack.

2. Position fellow blogger on edge of rocky outcrop as marker to line up camera screen.

3.   Check view of fellow blogger as seen through miniscule camera screen in blinding sunlight.  Set timer.

4.  Commence run and conduct in-run risk assessment - terrain (spongy and decidedly pot holed), timeframe, distance, pace required (note wind speed and adjust strides accordingly).

5.  Be mindful of camera ticking the 10 second countdown. 

6.   Start adjusting those strides.

7.  Watch out for those pot holes!

8.  Try flying.

9.  Leap like a gazelle on to the rocky outcrop, taking care that momentum of run does not run you off the edge, next stop: the sea.

10.   Hold on for dear life to fellow blogger who has been unsympathetically giggling whilst taking frame shots of your hairy 10 second journey from camera to rocky outcrop.

That, dear readers, is how bloggers get their shots!

And that's Anna, folks.  She has a zest for life.  She's fun, dynamic, a veritable powerhouse.   Kind, multi-talented and so enthusiastic that it's contagious!
I thank Anna so much for taking time out from her busy day to spend time with little ole me. I also got to meet her charming photographer who takes Anna's amazing pics and also her lovely daughter.
Oh what fun we had!  Do please check out Anna's post on our meet here.  Must dash, I'm off to check it out myself.  
But before I do, as thanks Anna, this is for you!

Stephen Bishop, singing On and On

A la perchoine.


  1. That's where she lives! I had no idea. I have read her blog and just thought she lived on some exotic island, being the Mid-Western that I am. Anyway, Scilly Isles does sound pretty exotic!

    1. Well, Terri you did so well guessing that I was in the Scilly Isles, so be very proud. Have you worked out where my island is, I wonder?!
      Hugs, x.

  2. Oh I am so glad you got to meet the lovely Anna too! She's such a sweetie and so easy to talk to also!! You look like you had a marvellous time! It is always a privilege to meet up with a fellow blogger, even more so if you live somewhere remote so how fab you both are islanders!! Nice to meet you and read your post!

    1. Hi Kezzie, so pleased you found me through Anna's introduction. Yes, Anna is so easy to talk to.
      Cruise ships visit Guernsey frequently yet I haven't had a single blogger pop in to see me yet :-(. Hugs, x.

  3. What fun, I hope one day to meet other bloggers in real life! I love Anna's colorful style, she does it so well! I absolutely love the pictures of the behind the scenes steps to the perfect selfie. Funny how they look so effortless yet the truth is they are anything BUT!
    I think it's great that you are going to talk more - your vocal chords need a work out just like the rest of the body I guess, huh?
    Happy Monday!

    1. Oh Mrs R, you should have seen Anna and I tippy-toeing through the spongy growth trying to find a safe pathway for Anna to do her gazelle-ing. I think that would have made a fun picture in itself.
      The weird thing is that although I was croaky for a day or two, when that cleared my voice sounded lighter, younger, so I do think possibly our voices become "old" sounding through underuse. Bad news for TP, though.
      Hugs for a fab week ahead, x.

  4. What a great day! And I literally laughed out loud at the photography process. How did you both end up looking so good after all that? Hope TP has adjusted to hearing your voice more. LOL

    1. Glad you enjoyed the shots, Susan. Poor Anna did all the dangerous stuff and I just stood, clicked ... and giggled!
      The fact is that TP isn't great to chat girlie stuff with, so I need to get out and meet other bloggers for the sake of my vocal chords. Any offers?!
      Hugs, x.

  5. At last Mary! Here I am surfacing from my hectic weekend of baking and partying.
    We did have a grand time, you and I, didn't we? I'm so glad you had me gadding about, getting your phone so that you could record the shenanigans. It was lovely to chat about all of the ups and downs of blogging without having to explain or apologise for being a blogging bore!
    I'm off to London next week and hope to get another couple of blogging meet ups if I'm lucky.
    Hope that life is settling down again for you both.
    Anna x

    1. Just read about your busy weekend. What a perfect time you all had.
      Yes, having free-fall blogger chat is hugely beneficial, so I hope you have some more great meet ups next week. Wish I had the logistics and the time for more.
      Life remains all-consuming right now, this is definitely not how I thought retirement would look!
      Have a great trip, hugs, x.

  6. How lovely to meet Anna. I'm hoping to meet her next week too. Photos are lovely and well worth that effort. Anna always produces the most picturesque shots.xx

    1. It was sheer pleasure meeting Anna and I know you two will have a fab time when you meet this week. Anna, like you, goes the extra mile in searching out great backdrops. Well done, you two lovely ladies.
      Hugs Laurie, x.

  7. Oh my goodness those pics to get the selfies brought a smile to my face. I bet you're glad you have your Paparazzi!

    1. So right, Anna. having seen one has to bust a gut (and potentially break a leg) to get a good blogger selfie, I am appreciating Il Paparazzo so much more!
      Hugs, x.

  8. It sounds like you gals had so much fun! I'm so happy you got together.

    1. Thanks, Amy, we did have fun. I remember first "meeting" you when you had a blogger meet with the delightful Karen and that and your collabs after were so lovely to read.
      Hugs, x.
