Monday 9 October 2017

#5: Where I Was!

And, for the finale of my mystery destination series here is your mainly pictorial tour of ...?

Late flowering roadside flora.

The island was invaded by birdwatchers.    European Bee Eaters had been spotted.  Watchers of those bird swarmed everywhere, communicating by walkie talkie and sporting massive zoom lenses cameras.  At first I thought the paparazzi had heard I was on the island!

Here are some pics I found on the internet

European Bee Eaters.  Aren't they beautiful?

I didn't hear if any of the avian paparazzi were lucky that day.

The Photographer ambushed by cows.
The island is a working farm as well as a tourist destination.

One of the three restaurants.

And it's view.

I couldn't get enough of the sunset.  I couldn't choose my fave so I posted them all.  Time for you to vote - which is your favourite?

That was the sun setting on The Isles of Scilly!

Well done 
- to US reader Terri for doing her homework and guessing the destination correctly.
-and to her compatriot Kellyann for owning up to peeking over Terri's shoulder in exam time!!

It's been fun doing this mystery destination series.  But it's time to
 get back to my day job now, outfits!

Don't forget to vote for your favourite Scilly Sunset eh, using the comments box below.

A la perchoine.


  1. Homework? We were supposed to do homework? I threw a dart and was very lucky it did not land on Madagascar.

    1. Oh Anne, you made me laugh! I seem to be on a reader interaction kick but I haven't had any sunset votes so far, which requires no homework. Best you don't throw your dart at your iPad screen though! Hugs, x.

  2. Oh no! Another place that I never heard of, that now I really want to visit! Thanks for the pictures. And you looked great. Good packing.

    1. Oops, sorry to add to your holiday list. Best save this trip for a time you're visiting the south west of England.
      Thanks for your nice words. Hugs, x

    2. Hmmm. We are leaving from Portsmouth for a cruise to Scandinavia next summer, but have already decided to add on a couple of days to go to Wales. Too bad we can't do both!

    3. Oh you're not going from Southampton now. Never mind. Enjoy Scandinavia, which I love - I should have gone to Copenhagen this weekend but can't as we are dealing with family matters right now. Anyway, enjoy your few days in Wales next year. X.

  3. I guessed! Did you meet Anna?

    I can't choose my favourite sunset - they're all gorgeous and they made me think of Anna straight away...

    I loved your capsule wardrobe for your holiday and I love even more the fact your luggag weighed only 6 point something kilos...


    1. I just might have done, Vronni!
      So pleased you got the desitination from the beautiful sunsets. I'm struggling to choose of evening
      Glad you liked what I packed, daytime casual with a little tweak for dinner. I had to keep within our local airline's 10kg restriction but I was amazed how well-within I was!
      Hugs, x.

  4. The last sunset picture is my favorite, I like all the light poking through and the pink of course! What a beautiful island and so quaint! Only 3 restaurants and being ambushed by cows? What an experience. I can't believe the nerve of the paparazzi, following you around while you're on holiday! Don't they realize that sometimes a celebrity such as yourself needs a break every now and then? Oh. My. Word.
    Good thing I'm honest about being a cheat! Wait, can cheaters be honest? Hmmmmm...

    1. Yes, sunsets with all their pink glory are so you, Mrs R. I like that you enjoyed this adventure in my suitcase but yes, the cheek of those paparazzi when it was clearly my Greta Garbo time and I just vanted to be alone.
      Well, Rachel's mum said of Ross "Once a cheater, always a cheater", so go prove her wrong, sista!
      Hugs, x.

  5. Oh lucky you. Spent a vacation on Tresco many years ago and just paradise, beautiful deserted beaches, hearing the waves crash on the rocks out to sea, just heavenly. Those sunsets are gorgeous and impossible to pick just one.

    1. What lovely memories you have, Christy, and yes, every aspect of a sunset is in its own way beautiful. Hugs, x.

  6. The very last sunset picture has my vote!!

    1. Thanks for your vote, LD, looks like the last shot is sweeping the board! Hope your holiday goes well, hugs, x.

  7. Wow! What a stunning place! And those birds, gorgeous! I wish we had such beautiful birds like that in the US.

    1. Yes, aren't they beautiful, Amy? I can understand why so many bird paparazzi had come over to the island and from chatting to them, only a few of them had actually caught sight of the birds. Dedicated, huh?
      Hugs, x.
