Friday 23 June 2017

Dad's Day - Dirty Linen, Fried Salad

Today I washing my "dirty" linen in public.  I've mentioned previously that I'm not a huge fan of outdoor OOTD shots.  And here's why.

1.  Pasty face.  My face is not pale and interesting.  It is ruddy.
2.   "Marks" which do not exist in reality appear on dark clothing. E.g. Pic on left, two pale splodges on left of dress.  Pic on left, same two pale splodges, now shifted to the right.
3.  Points 1 & 2 indicate that we are not camera-savvy. 

Perhaps it's time to sit down together with a cup of coffee and read our camera manual ...

This little outfit looked nice IRL.  Trust me.  Yet here's Pale Pout again and with even bigger splodges! 
The dress is old, from Next, black linen, easy shape, worn with black Ecco sandals and turquoise jewellery.

And I wore my "dirty" linen to take The Photographer out for a Father's Day dinner down at the golf club along the coast. 

We shared a starter of four prawns (seen here already split) served with the most delicious little pot of fine slivers of ginger, done pink.  Oh how my taste buds exploded.
And that half-starter should have been where we put our forks down and headed for home.  Because ...

Simple fish and chips, left, as I started tucking in and right, when I was "finished".  Same on TP's plate.  And all we'd eaten during the day was our beach brunch cheese sarnie, so we hadn't exactly been pigging!  I think it was because the starter was so good, that we really wanted for little else after such exquisiteness.  So two huge pieces of fish came home with us in a doggie bag ... or sac du chien   as The Photographer eloquently put it!


Fried Salad

This time of year we are eating a lot of new potatoes, home-grown by a neighbour, super flavour.  We are also eating a lot of salad, especially during our heatwave.  We always end up with left overs of both.  The potatoes can be put to many uses but what do you do with left over salad, especially if it's got a bit soggy from vinaigrette?  
Well I just heat a little olive oil in a pan, cut the potatoes into chunks, fry till browned, then chuck in the salad leftovers.  It makes a tasty vegetable dish as the potatoes absorb the vinaigrette.  You're welcome!

Sac du Chien (left over battered fish)
Serves 2

Two left over battered fish fillets
Olive oil to cook
2 slices of bread for toasting
Handful of cooked prawns
Mayonnaise and lemon
Garnish, e.g. mixed salad, pickled beetroot and pickled cucumber

  1. Gently warm the fish through in a pan with a little olive oil.
  2. Place two slices of bread in toaster.
  3. After flipping over (the fish, not yourself!), start plating up whilst the fish warms through.
  4. Place toast on plates.   Spread the toast with mayonnaise.  Place fish on top, add a dollop of mayo, decorate with prawns, top with a lemon twist.  Serve the salad mix on the side of the fish toast.  Add garnish, if desired.


So, The Photographer enjoyed a beach brunch and a swim in the cooling sea (previous post) and here dinner at the golf club.  Plus his Sac du Chien on his Boxing Father's Day.  He was a Happy Daddy. 
I also put together a little pressie for him ... but I'm going to save that for another post!

A la perchoine.


  1. Fish on toast! That sounds yummy. Re splodges try wiping lense with a glasses cloth. Might help. I want that dress btw :)

    1. Yes, for those who just may have tried if the fish finger sarnie. Not me!
      Thanks for the tip.
      Oh the dress is a few years old. Her without the splodges You'll see I have it's yellow floral sister too. It's a nice easy shape.

  2. I'm no good with the camera either and inside photos don't turn out too well here because our house is dark. I love fish and chips and after reading your post I think I'm going to suggest we go get some for dinner tonight - yum!

    1. I much admire your sunny outdoor shots, Kellyann.
      Hey, lovely lady, it's Friday and that means Date Night, right? Don't forget your sac du chien! Happy weekend.

  3. Your Dad's Day looks remarkable darling!!

    1. Oh thanks so much Tamara. Shame about our lack of camera-savviness. You could teach us a thing or two about cameras - your photography shows such brilliance.
