Tuesday 23 May 2017

Spring/Summer Sunday Lunch

My Feathered Friend (see previous post) was over with her hubby for the weekend so that she could attend Saturday's hen party.  I first mentioned them here; they now live in London and are so happy together.   They truly are MFEO.

We met up with them and others for lunch on Sunday.

Lunch at a pub down by a pretty fisherman's harbour.
So I went casual.

My fave newish M&S jeans (so loving them!), Magasin linen mix top in ecru/blue stripe.  And brown Jones wedges!  Yes, I'm giving jeans and heels a whirl again.

And it's that time of the year, some days it's spring and some days it's summer; a confusing shoulder season.  I added a spring scarf, which came off as soon as I arrived at the pub.  Turns out it was summer on Sunday.  Hot summer.

I added a navy Alexon jacket too.  Yes, a spring jacket too.  Why did I not stick my nose out the back door to check the temperature before dressing?
No prizes for guessing what happened to that jacket too! 

And here's where I took this chilly spring weather outfit on a hot summer's day.

The Houmet Tavern

In the background, a Martello tower built during the Napoleonic wars.

My friends had done their homework (backdoor work) and were wearing weather-appropriate things, classic summer things like cool loose linen shirts, pretty sleeveless maxi dresses.  I tried to keep cool in my dressed-for-spring outfit.

A view from the tavern.

You can just make out our family church in the distance.

We enjoyed a nice lunch with lots of chat. 
Then my Feathered Friend flew away, back to London.

And then something amazing happened.

As I was leaving, a lady came up to me.  Mary?  she asked.  
Oh, this is finally happening, I quickly thought, a reader has recognised me.  I've made the big time.  I'm actually famous!

But no, it was an old friend I hadn't seen in 40 years and I hadn't recognised her as her signature long black hair was nowhere to be seen (and neither was my long blonde hair, come to think of it!).

Does that ever happen to you?  
Bumping into someone after sooo many years?

So we arranged to meet for a catch up soon.  How exciting is that?!  
Mind you, getting recognised by a reader would have been pretty bloomin' exciting too!!

And then, in parting, she said she remembered I used to "write everything down".  I smiled knowingly, smugly even,  that would have been my embryonic blogging self, The Pout in the making.  "Writing?" I asked, excitedly.  I probably wrote about the fabulous things I was up to, interesting observations, maybe even what I was wearing!
She replied "Yes, you used to write down everything you spent".
So, not so much The Pouting Pensioner in the making, more like Tight Pout in the making!

But it was something I hadn't remembered about me and I did find myself rather liking Younger Pout.   I'd like to be a bit more like her now - it would so help to keep tabs on my pensioner pennies!

Anyway, back to the plot, you will have noticed my restraint today.  A meal post, but no food shots.
Quick.  Go.  Before I change my mind!

A la perchoine


  1. Ah but a husband shot instead. I'm forever dressing inappropriately for the weather. Sunday was gorgeous here too. I was inappropriately in shorts but appropriately stayed home.

    1. Well spotted! I'll have to try doing the husband shots to wean me off food shots.
      I seem to remember from your Canaries holiday last year that you look great in shorts. No need to hide away. All mine are washed and raring to go. But with my legs I'll need to keep them indoors :-(.

  2. I can't say I've ever bumped into someone after a long absence, even though I'm always looking around hopefully when I go back to Plymouth to see my mum. I did meet up with a school friend recently - we hadn't seen each other since we were around 16 or 17 - but that was arranged after I found her on FB.

    1. Well, that was a result, Gail, you must had plenty catching up to do. Have you eaten in Salumi in Plymouth? I ate there September and posted on it, the food was fantastic.

  3. Visiting from Fashion Files Linkup. Enjoyed your post!


    1. Hi Debbie and welcome, glad you enjoyed the post. Hope you pop back and read some more!

  4. Thanks to the staff at this place for making our event so enjoyable and if I ever get married. I know where to go! Great job all of you. Price was not too bad, considering the quality of food and beverages. Everything at these event venues was excellent.
