Sunday 8 January 2017

When Meryl Met Nora

Thought I'd just pop up on your screen today with a quickie.
When I've been holed up these past few weeks, I've been mostly listening to audiobooks.  And sleeping!  The sleeping was mainly by courtesy of audiobooks which seemed to relax me soooo much that I drifted in and out of much-needed sleep on several days, missing whole chunks of the story. 

Heartburn | Nora Ephron

My absolute favourite was Heartburn, written by Nora Ephron (When Harry met Sally) and read by the amazing Meryl Streep.  Perfection!  I knew Meryl was good but only when focusing purely on her voice did I discover just how good.  She brought the story alive.  It was like having Meryl in the room, telling me about her failed marriage.

I imagined that we'd probably be sharing a bottle of wine.  I pictured myself in the scene from It's Complicated (how I love that film *) when she is confiding to her girlfriends that's she's having an affair with her ex.   Well, her ex was Alec Baldwin ...

Yes, for 5hrs 30mins I was Meryl's confidante, her mate, and I loved it!

But back to reality, Pout - I'm sure I must have seen the film version of Heartburn after its release in 1986.  But it doesn't really matter as despite Meryl and Jack undoubtedly putting up a good show back then, I'm sure this book was still better than the film.
It was ever thus.

I am so thankful that Meryl did meet Nora and brought her story alive.

A la perchoine.

* I have no idea how to put video on to this blog (maybe some kind soul can guide me), so here's the entry level link
I'm going to attempt to put a better link on my google+, but please do not hold your breath!


  1. It's complicated is one of my favourite films too. It's so funny, in places. I haven't tried audio books. I keep meaning to.

    1. That's it, I'm watching it tonight! It's the ultimate feel-good. Love Meryl's character and her happy dancing!
      I got audiobooks during TP's year of unwellness so I associated audiobooks with poorliness that's where I headed. Worth a try, Anna, but you don't need to be ill to enjoy them!
