Wednesday 11 January 2017

Red and Black and Rum Balls - Day 3

"You've got a 2 minute photo window before I leave for golf", warns The Photographer.
Oh dear, what a dilemma.  I need one of those minutes for the photos.  But I am in my dressing gown and my hair isn't dried and pouffed up.  I can't do both in my remaining one minute allocation. 
What do I do?  Hair?  OOTD? 

Well, I went for the OOTD of course, dear reader!

The hair will have to wait. 
In the space of 1 minute I donned the laid out clothes which today were black Peacock jeans and polo neck (tres Left Bank).  The necklace is from East.

On top of my existentialist outfit, I put on a red jacket; it is the other half of my skirt suit, the skirt having featured the previous two days.
The suit is from Principles.  I've had it 16-17 years.  Its age is important because this is the first time I have worn it without the skirt.  I'm rather embarressed about that but I think it's a perfect example of why I need this blog and other bloggers challenges to get me to think outside the box when it comes to outfits.  I have been a paradigm of dull dressing.  In 16-17 years I didn't have the imagination once to think "I wonder how this jacket would look with a nice pencil skirt.  Maybe some black trousers.  Or jeans".  And that kind of thing is not rocket science.

But that was then, this is now.  For today I wore the jacket with jeans!  And here are my accessories. 
Yes, me, The New Dresser, is now accessorising too!  

And here are my accessories. 
I give you the aforementioned necklace, Black fedora from Peacocks, Tie Rack silk scarf.

I think the necklace is so pretty.  It's quite heavy so it hangs well.  It goes with casual jumpers and posher outfits alike, so a pretty good buy (ca. 2002-2003) as it's been worn a fair bit.

Here's a close up of my scarf, which I promised you yesterday.  It has drawings of girlie stuff like perfume, handbags and sunglasses.  So lady-like, so Parisienne, so Audrey Hepburn.  So not me!

One minute photo-shoot, done!

Today I had lunch with Son.  I took him a new batch of Leslie's mummy's yummy rummies that I made for him this morning.  That's because he never got a whiff of the batch I made last week.  I was Guardian of the Yummy Rummies but, errr, The Photographer and I started having a couple (OK, perhaps more than 2) with coffee and the rest is history.  Anyway, Son was very happy with his new batch. 

And following my rum ball debauchery, I am on a diet!  My diet is mainly based on not eating any more rum balls.  Until Christmas. Well, that is all my diet is based on. 
It is said that you have more chance of success with diets if they are kept simple. 
My diet is simple. I will not be eating rum balls.  Until Christmas.
I think this diet is going to work!!!

A la perchoine.


  1. You look very elegant. I know what you mean about not being creative. We get into the habit of sets don't we.

    1. Thanks, Anna, elegant what I was going for, knee jerk reaction this week after weeks of lounging gear!
