Thursday 22 December 2016

Drinks With The Neighbours

To Do Lists.  Why do we do it to ourselves?  Christmas preps.  Getting together for just a few days, with food a little more fancy than normal, with the house tarted up a tad, oh and some presents too.  Not a huge deal, really, eh?  But each year I live by lists from some time in November through to the end of the year.  Terrified of forgetting something.   Why do I beat myself up over this?

Oh, maybe its because about 20 years ago I forgot to buy my brother in law's present (garden spade, permanently etched in Pout Memory).  It only dawned on me as we were sharing presents on the day itself.  I looked around for his awkward-shaped parcel.  No where.  Then it dawned on me. 
I didn't buy !!  It was a sort of Home Alone "Kevin!!!!!!!!" moment.
Since then, my Christmas preps are planned, documented and with a 4-eyes control process to ensure that The Bad Thing I did back in the day will never ever be repeated.

As I sit here typing, I spy to my left a spiral-bound battle-worn notepad in which currently I have at least half a dozen lists going on simultaneously.  Presents.  Christmas meal (and I am only preparing one dish!).  Drinks with Neighbours.  Family get together.  House preps.  Catering menus. Oh, it goes on and on.  And somewhere on one of the many lists is an entry "write blog post". 
See the system works.  For that is what I am doing right now!!

But I do love Christmas and I love the lovely times spent with family.  So, wind your neck in, Pout, and stop your ramblings!!!

What's not to love about this time of year.  Lots of nice things happening.  Like our annual Christmas drinks with the neighbours.  I have to admit I was still feeling washed out by this fluey cold on Tuesday, the day of our drinks party.  This fluey cold thing comes and goes. 
But needs must and I snapped myself into action and managed to organise nibbles and (delegate) drinks.  And despite The Photographer telling me I looked as white as a sheet an hour before they arrived, somehow 10 minutes in the bathroom and a change of outfit did wonders.  I think. 

And then I was ready.  Quick check around the house.

 Candles lit.

Plethora of festive lighting in the front lounge.
I say plethora as I do not like the juxtaposition of those two light displays.  I want to remove one.  The Photographer can't understand why I would want to do this.  Big debates at Chez Pout!

Gilded reindeers casually draped with glass beading.

The Photographer nonchalantly crosswording next to my (small) Christmas tree.

I tried to get a pic of the loads of flashing lights out in the garden. (Another plethora, but in a nice way).   I failed.

But, importantly, the Nibbles were ready.  I was ready.

And so I enjoyed a quiet glass of wine before the neighbours arrived, pleased with my work.
I just love this time before a party.  A sense of achievement pervades my every nerve ending.

But in my dash to make house and me presentable, I forgot to take an OOTD pic.  So I tried a selfie.  

I failed again.

So (and you'll have to trust me on this one), under that snug scarf I wore something remarkably similar to the outfit I wore for my last home-entertaining here, the only subtle difference being a change of necklace.  I wanted something a little more colourful, festive.  I chose the necklace worn for my-first-time with you. 11 months ago.  Where has that time gone?

I had a nice evening.  I hope you are enjoying a nice evening right now, whether it be cosying up or out having fun out and about.  Whatever you are doing, just relax and forget about those To Do Lists. Even just for a few hours!

A la perchoine.


  1. Oh my goodness. Why do we do it. I've been entertaining, people and a fluey thing. My blog has taken a back seat. Well done you blogging.

  2. So sorry you've had the fluey thing too, it's knocked me for six. Not a good look for OOTD pics! Hope you're feeling better soon and back on your v.entertaining blog!
