Thursday 3 November 2016

Tadaah ... The Jac-ardi !

Hello, lovely readers.  Do you fancy joining me in a try-on session?  A bit of Girl's World. 

I've been rushing around a lot today what with shopping x 2 (went without list first time round, forgot stuff), grooming x 2 (self and cat), and a beautiful walk. 
(Yes, that sort of day is called "rushing" in Pout World!)

 But I did squeeze in a few moments to try on  Zara purchases.  Just a try-on, you understand.  These shots cannot in any shape or form be called "styling", though one section is my OOTD.

Is it a jacket?  Is it a cardi? No, it's jac-ardi! I just made up that word but I think it describes it well.  It's a hybrid.  A 3/4 jacket style made in a soft cardi-style knit.

I tried it open, as I envisage it is something that is slung on in winter's shoulder months. 
It's something to be used as a thick layer, a drape, as well as a buttoned-up jac-ardi. 

It feels like the open thing would work. There's a hood; no pics of that.  #lookeddaft!

It's is a lovely stone no-colour, so totally neutral.  It's my view that most things stone coloured look classy, so it's a bit of a winner for this pouty person because I quite fancy looking a bit classy!
I'm thinking that this is going to look really nice with black, so will give that a shot over the weekend.

Under the jac-ardi (sounds like I should mix it with some ice and a splash of coke, eh?  Or plant it.), as I was saying, under the jac-ardi I wore M&S jeggings, grey Woolovers cashmere/merino V, Clarks ankle boots (v. comfy shoes worn in anticipation of all my "rushing").

The scarf was in yesterday's Zara delivery.

I think the scarf is a keeper.  It's soft and pliable and hangs well.

This, on the other hand, is mostly none of those things.  It's huger (new word for you, spellcheck) than I expected, as you can see from my shell-shocked face 

It's a thick weave, so not really pliable.

I wanted a scarf.  It was in the scarf section on the website so I thought I was getting one.
But this is more like a blanket (it's folded in half here!).

Don't get me wrong.  I love the colours.  I love that it is reversible.  It's a lovely piece of kit.
But I'm not very styling-savvy.   I don't really know what I could do with it. The Photographer did suggest I drape it over the bottom of the bed, throw-like.  Helpful, but he was drifting quickly away from the raison of its etre.  It is supposed to be a scarf.  At a push, I could live with it being a shawl.  But a blanket?  I'm going to need to think this through. 

Yes, I ordered it.  Yes, the measurements were on the website.  No, I didn't totally take-in how those measurements would look.  No, I didn't plan on the fabric being so thick.

And as I look at these pics, dear Sarah Beeney's words are ringing in my ears. 
"The Pout hasn't really thought this through".  And she would be right, because the Pout doesn't really know what to do with her blanket-scarf-shawl thingey. 

Dearest, sweetest reader - can you come up with some guidance on how I should  be wearing this?  (The throw idea has already been mooted (and ignored) so please don't go there!) 
Do you have something similar. in which case, how do you wear it?
Is there any way that you help me out here?

A la perchoine.


  1. Dear PP. The 'throw' (sorry) in the last couple of pictures can only be worn coat-like/cape-like to get the most stylish wear out of it (I have one myself). Drape the item as you have done in the last photo but slightly off-centre. Then use the largest part to drape over other shoulder and secure with a fashion-pin (when all is draped to your liking), preferably a large one in this case. If secured properly, it will hang like a poncho and will look grand!! If that doesn't satisfy then, yes, photographer's suggestion is not a bad one...

    1. Hi Duchesse, it's great that you popped in. Thanks so much for your suggestion. The "throw" is already on its box with a past, queued up for return but I'll maybe hook it out and give your idea a try. Thanks so much for your styling idea.
      It probably does also make a nice throw!

  2. Totally agree... I was going to mention the cape analogy too! And if that doesn't work for you I'm sure you could rehome it to me!! ;)

    1. Hi Pouffie, welcome to my blog. Thanks for mooting the idea too, sounds like we have a consensus! And also two repurpose suggestions, a throw and a rehoming.
      I am spoilt for choice and consider myself a lucky Pout to have such savvy readers!
      Hoping to hear from you again soon, I wish you and all readers a happy weekend.

  3. Well funnily enough I have just written a blog on this very phenomenon and also last year. My solution was to keep mine on the back of my office chair. No solution for you I know. You could belt it after caping it. The belt goes under the back but around the front. You'll see when you try.

  4. Oh goodie, Anna, I'll read yours tomorrow (bit late now). Great minds think alike, eh!
    Oh, the beled solution probably looks super on your lovely figure. I'm sure you've had lots of compliments from Mr Him. However, I know from recent experience that my figure belted will bring on "sack tied in middle" comments from The Photographer. I know that this is the worst comment he can bestow on a lady, so belts are to be avoided in Poutland :-(.
