Tuesday 4 October 2016

Sad, Then Happy - Deux

Good day to you, sweet reader.  Hope you are well.

We are enjoying some beautifully sunny autumn days. That makes me happy.
So the other day I got togged up for a bit of an outdoors mooch.
I wore Black M&S jeans, black Woolovers cashmere/merino v-tunic, Next animal print blouse and the old trusty Primark scarf.  M&S snake print flatties.
The outfit made me happy.

 And, off I went a-mooching - without a jacket!  I went for a walk into town to check out its offerings. This area of the south east coast enjoys microclimate-type weather.  No surprise then that this seaside town is a popular retirement spot.
My walk revealed that the town is rich in Italian restaurants, cafes and icecream parlours.  The lion's share of its non-eatery business is made up of charity shops and funeral parlours ...
and a shop selling a Harley-style wheel chair.
My thoughts drifted; could this be where my Pout will lead me in a later stage of Pensionerhood?
And that made me a tad edgy.
So the following day, I leapt youthfully (crawled geriatrically) out of bed and did a thorough inventory of the contents of the freezer and food cupboards.  Must focus on something good.  I detailed the contents, BB dates and where they're stored.  
I created an organised starting point for meal planning.
And that made me happy again.
That's life, eh?  One can only strive and hope for more happys in life than the more sad stuff. 
A la perchoine.


  1. I thought you popped out of bed to check you had working body bits😊

    Organising and dusting and just making progress makes me happy too. Love the pompoms.
    I can send email but not receive. Are you getting mine?

    1. I dread the time when I need to make a morning inventory of my body bits, Anna!
      Most of us seem to enjoy at least some elements of housework. Mine's organising too, as you can see above.

  2. Replies
    1. My list is silent on the matter of chandeliers, Janet!
