Sunday 30 October 2016

My Reunion with La Reunion

Hi dear reader.  Yesterday I kept my post brief as I knew that today I would be bombarding you with big visuals!
Today I give you my last dinner of Pout Tennerfest Fortnight.

I wore a black Alexon jersey dress.  It is cleverly cut and hangs well.  Discrete little curved shoulder pads.  A sash at the front.  That detail is important, as I read recently that front sashes are big for AW16.  This dress hasn't had an airing for years (it should have been covered in cobwebs!) but I spotted the sash during my recent season switch and thought, wow, so this season! 

And I double wow-ed when I realised that is 20+ years old!  It used to be my go-to for winter business dinners.  It should have been covered in cobwebs!
I bunged it in the washing machine, hung it out to dry and it didn't need even a whiff of the iron.  How good is that?!

I just had to include this selfie!  Because look behind me.  Do you see a pile of cast-aside clothes.  No, you do not.  Because I looked no further when I slipped this baby on. 

Another golden oldie, my recently rediscovered velvet jacket.

And I returned to La Reunion, wearing a 20+ year old dress!
I didn't take many pics the other day here so I snapped all that I wanted to share with you this time round, dear reader.

The restaurant had stylishly fested up for Halloween.

Our Table With A View.

Dusk was falling so we didn't take our aperos out on the terrace.  And no one else did.

And look - again, they knew that I was coming!

For photos done, I began testing out their Pout Wine Cellar.

My date, The Photographer, found the single malt selection to be pretty spiffo too!

Our server for the evening was a charming young gentleman who was knowledgeable, professional and such a pleasure to chat to. And I wish I'd thought to ask his name because he does really deserve a very special mention.  Naughty Pout.

Our nice sea view, even in late October - just imagine this on a beautiful sunny summer's evening ... the sun setting ...

But night quickly began to fall.

And peeps, I have exercised restraint with my food shots this fortnight, so please allow me one grand finale food photo fest on this, my final night of two weeks of gluttony.

Flavoursome chicken and ham terrine.

My handsome dining companion's gin-cured salmon.  I love pickled cucumber and I tasted one of the delicate little curls that garnished his dish.  Devine.

Open Guernsey Chancre (crab) lasagne.

Soft lasagne strips served with a fragrant crab mix and a light tomato concasse.  I was I Pout Heaven.

The selection of cheese was beautifully acidic.  The biscuits were wisps of thin wheaty-nuttiness.  The sweet grapes and soft juicy ribbons of celery were the perfect foil for all this tangy cheese.

Superb food.  Superb service.  Superb décor.  Superb location.  
Off the Richter Scale superb.
A fitting finale to Pout Tennerfest Fortnight!

And now a message to my Guernsey readers or anyone visiting our lovely island.  If you want a very special meal, tennerfest or not, please go there.

My feasting over, it's back to simple food for me now!
A la perchoine.


  1. Mary-great dress and beautiful restaurant. I love finding something in my closet that I had forgotten about. It's like going shopping-but free! Thanks for the comment on my post. You are a knitter too, eh? Your area has such a knitting history, with Guernsey, Jersey and Aran sweaters. I stopped sewing for about 20 years and devoted myself to knitting and spinning yarn and still have a small flock of Shetland sheep. My hands are giving a lot of trouble now (probably because I hold my needles to tightly and the pressure that I put on my thumbs when I spun). I still knit some because I have tons of yarn and fiber.

    I only have two grandsons, so sewing is a no go. But my oldest daughter has started sewing a lot during these last two years. See, I ramble too! Bye, for now. Terri

    1. Ahhh, a fellow rambler!
      Hi Terri, I'm so pleased to hear that you know about Guernseys. They are so warm and practical and if made properly are knitted with oiled wool, so fairly waterproof as they were made for the island's fishermen. I have knitted just two in my lifetime to date, they take forever (minute stitches!).
      Sorry your hands are playing up. I have in the past given surplus wool mountains to old peoples' homes, but I think it will be me who will soon be knitting the blanket squares!
      Hope to hear from you again soon.

  2. Alexon is investment dressing and you've proved it. 20 years is about right for the shape, length shoulders etc to come back around again and if not it's vintage :)

    I'm very jealous of your meals out. my starting a no cake November. I can't imagine why! :)

    1. Hi Anna, I have recently realised that the investment dressing horizon lessens - do I really want to start thinking now about clothing to wear when I'm 90?!
      Yes, what with tennerfest and office bake-offs, November is crying out for some clean eating, eh? :-(.
