Sunday 16 October 2016

I'm Old!

My dear reader, I have a revelation to share with you today.  I am old.   

And how do I know this?  Because the colour lavender is kind to me. 

You know, lavender.  The old lady colour.   

As in the film Ladies in Lavender.  A film about old ladies.  And I am one.

I'm scratching my head trying to work out when I actually became "old".

I think it must have been the day I rummaged around in the sales rack at M&S and spotted this top.  And thought "Oh that's a nice colour, that would suit me".

Lavender is kind to an aging skin colour.  It's kind to grey hair.  The colour softens the aging effect. 
I should give The Photographer lavender-tinted glasses through which he can look at me!

My mum used to look gorgeous in lavender as she got older.  I used to compliment her when she wore it.  OK I used to compliment her a lot when she didn't wear it too.
 She had beautiful skin and with that and her kind and fun spirit, she appeared younger than some women 20-30 years her junior.  
I must have stored that image.  Because when I see this lavender top,  I think "Hmnn, must look out for more in this colour now". 

It has been recently announced that the new "old" is from the age of 75 years onwards, according to the health experts.  That makes me "middle-aged".   But throw metabolic age and a leaning towards lavender into the equation and you have one very confused Pout. 

But no matter where you are in life's cycle, I suggest you go out and discover lavender and it's flattering effect.  And then let me know how it worked for you, please, via your blog or in the comments box below.  Enjoy!

A la perchoine.


  1. I will be looking for this colour when I hit the shops now. I have a blush pink skirt and was thinking about grey or charcoal. You have just helped me make my mind up! I think this colour looks great on you. You are not old !X

    1. Hi Laurie, it's nice to hear from you. I hope you're lucky, it's not an easy colour to find. Perhaps you could pop back to tell me how the colour worked for you or post it on your blog. I'm intrigued to find out if you love it as soon as you out it on!

  2. I love my lavender top. It's a caftan style, with embroidered front and the odd sequin, definitely not an old lady top. I wear it with white pants. It suits my blue eyes and white hair (worn very short, a la Judy Dench).
    I live in far North Queensland, Australia, in the wet tropics.

    1. Hi Janey, it's lovely to hear from you. Your tunic top sounds a perfect style and super-cool for the tropics. Yes, lavender works wonders in enhancing our own colouring. There's something a bit magical going on with lavender!
      Your hairstyle sounds super-cool too.
      Please drop in again soon.
