Saturday 1 October 2016

Devon - A Creatively Accounted 12-piece Travel Capsule

Dear reader, having now been in tech-land for some days, I give you a pictorial record of how my 12-piece-er seen here really did work for me on the Devon leg of my trip away. 
When on holiday, I usually struggle with the limitations of a suitcase with a rigid number of items, so this time I have applied the science of Creative  Capsule Accounting (CCA) to my capsule suitcase.  More on that science in another post! 
But for now, let's see how my 12 piece travel capsule performed, with CCA tweaks.

Day 1

Traveling.  Staying with friends.  Meet up with family. 

Here at the airport at zombie-o'clock.

Black Marks jeans and jade cardi, Next grey black animal print blouse; Blouse worn for travelling, so not in 12 piece travel capsule count per CCA as was not in suitcase.  Black Gabor nubuck heeled booties (old, first airing this season). 
Black trench, as below;  Outerwear, not included in 12 piece travel capsule count.

Day 2

Dartmoor.  Sightseeing at Buckland Abbey.

Grey Peacock jeans, grey Next camisole, black Woolovers cashmere/merino v tunic, brown Clarks heeled booties, for sightseeing comfort as they are springey - panic packed footwear and crammed into travel mate's suitcase at last minute as mine had absolutely no spare room, so not counted in 12 piece travel capsule per CCA as it wasn't in my case.

Nickel necklace from?!

With Primark scarf.  Outerwear was suitcase-packed black Marks puffa.

Day 3

Lunch in Plymouth.  Walk.

Cardi, jeans and boots, as before. Next ivory blouse.  Marks jade and nickel necklace.

 With Marks scarf in complimentary colours.

Close-up of mix of standard-pack travel bracelets.  The middle two got entangled in my jewellery stash, liked the effect, kept it.

Day 4

 Train travel to Sussex over London.

Cardi, jeans, scarf and booties as before.  Next black modal top, Marks trench, both AW15.

Bit blustery, here on my bedroom terrace. I could quite get used to this luxury - a bedroom terrace!

Bit rainy, here at Exeter railway station.  
Rainhat (Marks), packed in pocket so not counted in my 12 piece travel capsule under my CCA..
The Tally - Items Worn for Devon Leg from 12 piece travel capsule
Innerwear worn - 7/12
Outerwear, footwear, accessories and random travel items not counted under CCA.

You will see here that I have effectively demonstrated that by taking the CCA approach, a 12-piece travel suitcase capsule can be stretched so that it really can work!  You're welcome.

Now, dear reader, have you any creatively accounted packing revelations that you can share?

Bonus Feature (A Blog First?)
Travel Brunch was in the station's Starbucks.
How very modern-day Brief Encounters, you're probably thinking!

And look who slinked herself into the seat next to me?  Why, BBC dj Sara Cox!  So super-pretty in the flesh, looking tall and lithe and oozing well-being in jeans, pink v-neck over white t shirt.


A la perchoine.


  1. I think the trick you've used of one colour and rest neutrals is a clever tip.

  2. Thank you, Anna, though I'm getting a little Jaded! A pink would go down well right now.
