Friday 16 September 2016

White Jeans On, Trois - Beaucette Marina

Welcome, dearest people of the Blogisphere.
Hope you are enjoying September, we're more than half way through already.  Can you believe that?  Maybe you've been enjoying a bit of an Indian Summer, as we have here in Europe.  So nice.
It's that time of the year when I hang on longingly to white jeans, trying to eke out yet another outing in them before they are packed away for the winter.  I am thrilled when they come out of the archive in spring and I mourn their parting when they return to their box in autumn.

I know that some wear white jeans way into winter and they look really nice.  I stop in autumn.  I find my white jeans take on an awfully cold and uncared for look in winter.  I look somehow, what's the word, neglected.  Maybe it's our winter sunlight, our climate's "colour" that does that. 
Are your white jeans just for summer or do you carry on through, oblivious to season changes?

Last night we met up with friends down at Beaucette Marina, firstly for drinks on board their boat and then a meal in the marina's super restaurant.

The day was very blustery which was a challenge on the golf course earlier that morning.  And although I would have loved to slip into another summer dress, possibly the last of the season, the wind kept the temperature down a bit and leg cover was called for.

So a good opportunity for white jeans then!  I wore a black Next crepe de chine shirt (last year's) over a black camisole, with white Peacock jeans and my Adesso taupe heels.  I wanted to feel sassy and those heels do that for me!
The Photographer observed that they were not boat-appropriate shoes.  As a compromise (to shut him up), I threw some flatties into my handbag.

I accessorised with my turquoise jewellery again.  It's old, a mix of Barbados airport and Accessorise, methinks.  But this summer I've been drawn to the mix a fair few times.

And it must be a sign that autumn is in the air because I slipped my Peacocks pleather waterfall biker over the ensemble.  First airing since Spring for this little baby.

My old Jones handbag completed the outfit.  Yes, the flatties fitted in this little thing.  It's a Tardis.
Now, I'm sorry that my black on black on black doesn't show up any detail in the photos, but I liked the outfit and one doesn't chose an outfit for its photographability, eh peeps? Besides, I did feel smart casual, which is my mission in life, so it's all good eh.

And off I went to ...

But first, drinks on board our friends' boat.

The taxi dropped us off at the top of the ramp down to the pontoon.  The ramp was steep.  I was wearing my highest heels.  I have a fear of falling.  So it took me about 200 6-inch long steps and holding on desperately to The Photographer's arm in order to get 3/4 of the way down the ramp.  I changed into my flatties and then continued comfortably down the last 1/4 of the ramp and on to the pontoon. 
Yes, OK, you were right - happy now!


Guess which glass is mine?  Yup, the Daddy of glasses, filled with Hendrick's gin and tonic with a couple of slices of cucumber.  So nice.  Our nibbles were delicate slices of cheese and a sugar snap pea crispy thing - delicious, must get some of those (possibly Tesco's).

View from the restaurant table.

On to the food.  Warning: those of you on diets should now scroll through to my sign-off! 
I get excited when a menu bursts with so many things I want to try from the starters section.  That is a menu struggle that I enjoy.  This was one such menu.  So I ordered two starters, with one served as a main course.  The Photographer did the same.  This allows us to try different dishes without feeling uncomfortably full at the end of the meal.  We can't eat the quantities we could in our youth.

My starter. Crab three ways - bisque, spring rolls and a beautiful spoonful of crab mayo-ish stuff.

The Photographer chose a crab and prawn remoulade, with a cold fruity coulis and a fruit sorbet topping it all.  Very different.
We swapped starters half way through so that we could leverage our taste experience.  We do this quite often when we are spoilt for choice and want to try it all!

My "main", prawns in tempura batter.

We shared a rocket and parmesan salad.  And a bowl of chips.  But we did also share that bowl with our friends, so I was quite light on the chippage!

The Photographer's "main" was a scallop and chorizo salad.

Our maitre d' and the lady front-of-house/owner were so attentive and knowledgeable about what they were serving.  The Photographer and I shared a Tourraine Sauvignon Blanc and our friends a Fleurie. The food was super and the menu had so much of what I like.  I really was spoilt for choice.  So I will have to return soon.  To work my way through the rest of the menu!

Not photographed was a little bowl of honeycombe icecream.  The charming, pretty and witty young dessert waitress called it V.I.I. - Very Important Icecream! 

We had a wonderful time with friends, enjoying fantastic food and drink.

How was your Friday night, dear reader?
You know, I really would love to hear from you.  This blogisphere thing isn't a one-way street.
Go on, make my day.  Tell me what you've been up to.  Tell me where you stand on white jeans.
I'd love to know.  Pretty please!

A la perchoine.


  1. What an absolutely delightful outing you took us one.
    I love your outfit too. Smarter than any look I adopt these days.
    I do wear my white jeans most of the year, but an insistent cat who gets my attention with his claws means that they are often blood stained. NOT a good look.

  2. Why thank you, it's great to from you. I am on a mission to smarten up in retirement, though I'm just at the end of a summer of shorts! Glad to hear that you eke out your white jeans usage. I get my cat's claws cut regularly now after having had one too many bloody 'cuddles' from him!

  3. White jeans are so lovely and elegant. Unfortunately, I haven't worn them for years. You have inspired me to seek some out.

    Friday nights are always full of ironing and listening to The Archers.

    Great post

    1. Hi Heather, nice to hear from you again. I hope you find some white jeans and can pop in to tell me they're doing great into winter.
      I'm just about to tune into The Archers now. I fear it's not yet over for poor Helen. The rest of my ironing will have to wait ...!

    2. Hi Heather, nice to hear from you again. I hope you find some white jeans and can pop in to tell me they're doing great into winter.
      I'm just about to tune into The Archers now. I fear it's not yet over for poor Helen. The rest of my ironing will have to wait ...!

  4. White jeans and a navy cashmere sweater carry me into late autumn. I've just looked out the sweaters to see if they need any tlc.

    1. Thanks for popping in, Marilyn. Nice combo with the navy and white. I picked out a grey cashmere today, about 3 years old, and it needs tlc, it's totally bobbled on the front. Hubby says ditch it. I'm reluctant. Do you have any tlc advice for me and my poor jumper?!

  5. I've just put mine away as I fear we've seen the end of summer this past weekend. That in fact was too hot but we've had a sudden drop by 10c today. I doubt it will go back up. White jeans look sad with English grey sky's and wet pavements.

  6. Oh thanks for confirming that, Anna, it must be something to do with our lighting that makes white jeans not work in winter. I'm glad I'm not alone on this view.

    1. And I really must train myself to use the 'reply' button. It looks so messy and un-matey when I don't!
