Tuesday 2 August 2016

Shorts Challenge

I have noticed in recent years that the wearing of shorts seems so much more widespread across the age groups.  I admire the look of a lady looking oh so cool and oh so casual in a nice pair of shorts.  I see them everywhere, especially on holiday.  And I so want to be in their Shorts Gang. 
But I am not a shorts person.  I have a shorts issue. Because I have leg issues. 
To paraphrase Groucho, I wouldn't want to be a member of any Shorts Gang that would have my legs as a member.
 But I just may have inadvertently set myself a personal challenge recently and I'm considering them.  Just considering ...
Here's what I am dealing with.

Greece, 20ish  This photo kicked off my shorts issue.
Short legs.  And big thighs even though I was about 8 stone.  OK, t'was many years ago.

I dared to try shorts again in the early 90s but soon gave up again.  But when I have been out and about surveying shorts recently, I have spotted that all shapes and sizes stroll around in shorts.  And I realise that I, like them, may have just got to the age where I don't care so much about how I look anymore.  I don't so much care that my body doesn't conform to the 20-somethings body image.

What is going to happen if I swan around feeling nicely cool (temperature, not attitude or look!) in a pair of just above the knee shorts?  Are people going to laugh at me?  No, because they won't spend enough time looking at me to see the humour of my shorts look.  They will look at me (if at all), blink, then turn to look at other nicer sights.  How I look in shorts is really my concern alone.  No one else gives a monkey's aunt

So, that's my self-help therapy over. And there are more important things in life to worry over.  So I need to get over it, move on.
Ok, now it's Research Time.  My criteria?

Length: Forget this 6inch optimum inner leg thing that seems to be doing the rounds.   I need some length to my shorts so that they hide most of the cellulite (read flab) and don't ride up on the inner leg (bad experiences with that), 
Fabric: Neutral colour.  Fabric must have elastane, the more the better, and fabric must be substantial enough to again avoid that inner leg action.
Here's my short list (pun definitely intended).

First port of call, Boden.  UK ladies love Boden.  I've never bought from them.

Chino Shorts

These are perhaps the Boden chinos, details here, that Anna of The Mutton Years likes.  Unfortunately, all that seems to be left is this Jaffa orange shade.  Hmmnn.  Not sure.  Might bring too much attention to awful legs.

So when in doubt, move to the Next site.

Chino Shorts (106397) | £16

These Next chinos come in a more wearable colour, here.

Denim Knee Shorts (121663) | £24

Again from Next, these denim shorts here would perhaps work. 

The Next denims and the chinos would go with anything.
But am I going to be brave enough to take up my own challenge? 
Please drop in for my next instalment, coming soon.

Now tell me ladies, do you wear shorts?  Do you have a particular style that works for you?

A la perchoine.


  1. yes i do! but it took awhile to get over myself. lol

    i had the exact opposite problem you had. my legs were so skinny, i was teased all the time. toothpick was a common one and it was v hurtful as a teen. recently a friend said i had toothpicks for legs and oh it still hurt!

    sooooo, i have 2 pair of 9 or 10" inseams and i like them. i also wear skirts that are actually more comfortable. but like you, i just don't care anymore what people think of me or my body type. but my God it has taken a long time. xo

    1. Hi Janet,

      It's great to hear from you.

      Oh dear, that friend's comment was not very nice, and coming from an adult too. And how untrue, you have beautiful legs! The photos do not lie!

      The inner leg detail is good to hear as that's the sort of leg I'm looking at with the shorts pic'ed above.

      Oh, I am so tempted now that I've heard from you . !

  2. Well you know I broke out of my comfort zone on this. On vacation they were great. I got the most use out of the beige ones. Denim is a good choice too. I think it's important to check how they hang. I've found the thicker material like denim or thick chino style better. My legs are fat 2 the knee so I can see that 6 inches is best on me. I do wear on the knee ones well too.

  3. Hi Anna,
    You looked like you'd always worn shorts, so comfortable you seemed on them. And your legs looked fine. Thanks for the tips on colours, length and fabrics that worked for you. I'll bear that on mind. Will you wear yours back home too?

    Thanks so much for popping in, I appreciate all the comments I get ... and the tips !

    1. I've kept one pair out in case I get tempted and the weather improves. All in all unlikely I think. I'm looking for your moto jacket post. See you when I find it :)

    2. Fingers crossed for some good weather, then.
      Now, I could let you go through my back issue catalogue but that would be mean! February, spring in my step and jacket with jeans. Enjoy.

    3. Fingers crossed for some good weather, then.
      Now, I could let you go through my back issue catalogue but that would be mean! February, spring in my step and jacket with jeans. Enjoy.

  4. I dislike wearing shorts but prefer wearing skorts...they are much more comfortable as they hide my upper thighs.
    We all have areas of our figures that we prefer to keep hidden...at my age my midriff region will never be on public display!

  5. I dislike wearing shorts but prefer wearing skorts...they are much more comfortable as they hide my upper thighs.
    We all have areas of our figures that we prefer to keep hidden...at my age my midriff region will never be on public display!

    1. Oh Leslie, from your lovely blog photos I think your midriff could stand up to the challenge of the accidental riding up of a tankini. Sight of my midriff could parlously affect people of a nervous disposition!
      I will give the skort concept some serious consideration, though. Thanks for your comments, much appreciated.
