Thursday 18 August 2016

Jour #2

Ahhh, sleeping in the middle of the French countryside.

Waking up sooo refreshed.

Having to split head and body pics because of selfie limitations!

Slipping on a Per Una cotton lawn blouse over Dotty P white knee-shorts and Birkies.

Walking through the woods to the nearby village.

Exploring said village.

So pretty.  So French.

Observing shorted French ladies strutting their stuff in the village.
All shapes.  All sizes.

Eating savoury galettes similar to this, recipes here.
I had the emmenthal, potato and onion filling.
Oh, and did I mention the two scoops of ice cream for pudd?!

Then, after a relaxed lunch and a walk back through the woods, swimming,

wearing this Bravissimo tankini set.  Tres chic, n'est pas?

Feeling pretty relaxed already.

Do you have a favourite holiday destination?
Where you instantly feel relaxed?   

A la perchoine.


  1. Hiya, great blog. Love the sound of the galettes? Are they filled pancakes? We had them whilst skiing in france and they were yummy, filled with all sorts of savoury delights. Nice to link up again. Jacqui

  2. Hi Jacqui, nice to hear from you!
    Yes, they do a huge range of these pancake, filled thinly with savoury yumminess. Thank goodness they are stuffed sparsely, as they are so filling. But not so filling that a gal can't manage a bowl of coconut and pistachio ice cream after :-).

  3. It all looks fab, PP. Are you at your final wedding celebration destination or is the lovely pool at A&N's gite? Looks fantastic. Enjoy the rest of the journey/holiday. Looking forward to the next blog. So jealous of your galette eating!! xx

  4. It all looks fab, PP. Are you at your final wedding celebration destination or is the lovely pool at A&N's gite? Looks fantastic. Enjoy the rest of the journey/holiday. Looking forward to the next blog. So jealous of your galette eating!! xx

  5. Are the French ladies strutting their stuff in shorts. Glad you're wearing yours. Great pics of the rural areas.

    1. Hi Anna, oh shorts are everywhere. O think I have a new obsession! I always imagined that all French ladies in shorts would look like my photo, like Miss Bardot, but no, they are just like us gals, all shapes, all sizes. Silly of me to have had that misconception really!
