Monday 1 February 2016

Spring is Just Around the Corner

The weekend weather has been damp and dreary but there are signs that Spring is round the corner.  How do I know?

Spring tulips sitting in a black plastic bucket outside the garage shop!

Sunday was a day for doing nothing much in particular. A leisurely scrambled egg & parmesan brunch. Phone calls to catch up with the family.  A little trek to get the Sunday newspaper.

Our walk to pick up the paper from the garage shop is pleasant, no matter what the weather, as it's mostly ruette tranquille there and back.  Ruettes tranquille are pretty little rural lanes which are very narrow and thus not suitable for two-way traffic.  As a result, drivers avoid them, and we walkers love them!  Walks in the area around our house are peaceful as there is rarely a passing car when strolling through the lanes. Tranquille indeed.  This time of the year the robins are out in force, chirping out their sweet chatter as we journey along the ruettes.  And that's pretty much all we hear the entire walk.

Snuggled up in a AW14 Woolovers cashmere and merino long-line cowl neck jumper.  It's much longer than shown, could almost be a dress ... IF I had the legs for short dresses.  Which I definitely do not. I've tucked the jumper up a bit here.  Finishing off, grey jeggings and some cosy old Clarks chocolate suede walking shoes - walking in them is like walking on air, their weight is practically equal to air and, yup, they are old yet haven't been repaired, despite hearty treks around Dartmoor. 
Bit of a theme running with my footwear, eh?

Damp and cold weather calls for something like this, a  M&S brown wax jacket which is fur lined and oh so cosy.  Not much of a looker but serves a purpose.  Same goes for the coat!!!

After a lazy afternoon of phone calls, reading said paper and filling in every crosswords and sudoku that the Sunday Telegraph could throw our way, I certainly wasn't feeling like spending loads of time in the kitchen so for tea I rustled up something quick and easy and oh so tasty, which I'd picked up from here (I didn't take a photo of mine, silly me, what is there with me and camera amnesia?!):

It is so easy to make that I don't need to do a full translation (though you may already be fluent in Swedish!) and as it's not baking, precise weights aren't required.  I varied it a little and added the odd ingredient lurking around but I'm sure it's equally good as the lovely Helen cooked it.

Cook up some spaghetti, during which time fry a chopped red onion slowly in a little olive oil. When that is nicely transparent, add some crème fraiche, cook that down, then add cooked prawns, rocket, tarragon, a little grated parmesan and a sprinkle of cayenne to finish. Drain the pasta when cooked, reserving a little of the cooking liquid to thin down the sauce if required.  Toss the sauce mixture and drained spaghetti together, adding a little more grated parmesan, cayenne and chopped herbs to serve, if that is your wont. 
Enjoy with a glass of crisp white wine. 
Eat, then say "tak for mad" to the cook!
OK, that's Danish but I don't know what the Swedes say after food, I'm still learning the language and no Swede has invited me round for dinner yet :-(.

Thank you to the lovely Helen for a tasty quick fix on a cold, wet and very lazy Sunday afternoon
(I don't think the Small Faces had cold and wet in mind when writing their 60s hit!).
Isn't Helen lovely, BTW.

It's now Monday, it's still wet, grey and cold. 
But I have faith in the seasons and know that Spring is truly just round the corner. 
Outside the garage shop. 
In a black plastic bucket.

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