
Saturday, 6 July 2019

Saturday Sundae - Guernsey 🇬🇬 Crab

Happy Sunny Saturday, my lovelies.

Yes, summer is well and truly here and I’m throwing myself into summer life, good and proper.  With simple hot day pleasures.
Cliff walks.  Sea swims.  Garden time.  Day trips to neighbouring islands.  And eating crab.

Just in case I haven’t mentioned it before (and that really would surprise me!), Guernsey 🇬🇬 crab is the best.  The. Best.  I’ve tasted crab around the world and nothing compares.  Seriously, our crab beats all on texture, flavour, a hint of sweetness ...  
And if you don’t believe me, pop over here and try it for yourself!!!

So it is no surprise that my summer meal of preference is crab.  We always take a crab sandwich lunch to our neighbouring island  paradise, Herm, which we visited a few days ago, it’s a little tradition we’ve had going for some years.  And we had some crab left in the fridge and the day was hot so I came up with this little bit of summer magic - Guernsey 🇬🇬 Crab Sundae!

So simple, yet so yummy.  Putting the salad in sundae glasses brings the spirit of summer to the table, IMHO.  

Quite simply, this is how I put it together, for that is all it us, assembly.

Mix a dollop of mayo with fresh crab (Guernsey 🇬🇬 Chancre is my crab of choice, obvs).
Add a squeeze of lime juice.  Season lightly.
Mix in delicate ribbons of lettuce, finely chopped red onion and tomato (again, I recommend Guernsey 🇬🇬 toms).
Layer the salad mix in sundae glasses with chopped avocado and finely sliced red chilli.

Take out into the summer garden.  Fill pretty glasses with sparkling water, ice cubes and slices of lemon and lime.

Simple pleasures.

Mega taste.


And here’s a taster of my day trip to paradise.  Setting off from Guernsey.
Pictures of paradise coming up soon on the blog. 

A la perchoine, 
Mary x.


  1. What a fun way to eat a salad! I have to confess I'm not a fan of seafood, but it does look yummy and it would be easy to swap the crab for something I'd eat like chicken, haha!

    Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend :) It's been a quiet one for us, with the rain!

    Away From Blue

    1. Now thank you Mica, you've inspired me to move into other sundaes, I'm thinking chicken, fresh coriander and mango next ...
      Sorry the rain kept you indoors but I guess you made up for it in cosiness!
      Hugs, x.

  2. Oh how yummy Mary! I adore crab but have only recently found my way back to it, after an incident about four years ago when I had food poisoning (the moral of the story being, do not eat seafood in a London restaurant on a Sunday). Your crab sundae looks divine, a feast for the eyes.

    1. Your experience is something discuss all to remember... no crab sundae Sunday's in London!
      Glad you like my Sunday's prettiness.
      Hugs, x.

  3. I do love when you write and include photos of your Island home. It fills me with nostalgia and happy memories. Please give us more of the island. Some day soon I hope I am able to return. Just love your Island - feels like home.
    Regards - Jill stylishatsixty

    1. I've told you, Jillw, Guernsey misses you! I will post more local pics but blog posts take up so much time and I'm determined to live in the moment this summer, so don't hold your breath!
      Hugs, x.

  4. Yummy. Love your photos.

  5. Looks almost as good as Manx crab 😉 I would probably have to use 0% fat, thick Greek yogurt instead of the mayo but I shall give it a try.

    1. Your version sounds beautifully tangy. I haven't tasted Manx crab when I've visited. One of my cousins over there is a big crabbie so she's got to have tried it.
      Hugs, x.

  6. Oh wow wow wow, that looks so delicious! We dicided an hour ago that we will be going to Rye again in the 26 th of August! Are you in the area then perhaps?

    1. Now what are YOU doing to ME, Nancy?! I'm on a European holiday at that time, we miss each other AGAIN 😥. I
      Hugs, x.

  7. That sounds absolutely delicious, Mary!

    1. Thank you Vronni, I'm salivating at the memory of it!!
      Hugs, x.

  8. Mmmmmmmm what a great idea - a crab sundae that tastes as good as it looks! So fancy!!

    1. I have to say that the meal tastes so much better served in something fancy and outside. It makes an occasion out of a simple meal.
      Hugs my lovely, x.
